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Posts posted by Vhozite

  1. I know the real reason is that Capcom throws darts at a board to establish character weights. However, my head-canon for cammy’s weight in this case is that maybe she is lightly augmented from her time as a Doll. Not like full cyborg but maybe genetically modified to have denser bones and muscles or something.


    Capcom I’ll take my check in the mail please.

  2. 8 hours ago, RSG3 said:


    I agree that people aren’t “used products” past a certain age, but at the same time I definitely have my deal breakers. Like in 99.9% of cases I wouldn’t date a single mom. Generally speaking I don’t like other peoples kids, I don’t want to deal with the drama that comes with essentially a 3rd parent, and I’m not about the start a relationship where I’m already a 2nd or even 3rd place priority. 

    I feel you on being a recluse tho it’s a major hurdle for dating. I like working out, working on my cars,  playing games with the bros, and occasionally just doing not-a-damn-thing-that stuff makes me happy. But I tell people about my days/weekends and they talk like they feel bad for me because I didn’t go to a bar on Friday night.


    Last girl I dated was so fucking needy when it came to activities. Literally every day we had to be doing something, visiting family, or going to some event. She would get so irritated when I would take a nap on Saturday afternoon even tho I worked like 50%+ more hours than her on the average week.

  3. 3 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

    It seems that if you are not white, you have even less chance than an average white guy of getting matches.

    Disclaimer: I live in America

    This is an unfortunate reality but also one of those things that is HIGHLY dependent on your location. 

    Im black (light skin) and i grew up and live in a suburban area with a diverse population roughly an hour outside Philly. Lots of white people, lots of Hispanic people, lots of black people closer to/in town, lots of asians near the state college, etc you get it. Lots of gay people too if that’s your thing. You can find basically any flavor of person you’re looking for here, and because the area is so diverse you see every kind of couple imaginable so people are pretty opened minded. Here irl ive never felt held back by my skin tone at all. Black women like you, Spanish women like you, and there are plenty of those white girls that like colored dudes too lol. 

    I work in rural south jersey in small a town with literally one stop light and the script is completely flipped. 90% of the people I see there are white, all my coworkers are white, all the couples I see are white. I swear there is like maybe 5 black people in the whole town. There, the dating preference for white people is palpable. The people are nice enough but I would never move out there because the stark lack of diversity is demoralizing for dating and just uncomfortable in general. Some of these people I’m 100% sure I’m the only colored person they talk to with any kind of regularity. 

    The one thing that I think is consistent between both areas is online dating. In both places online dating is overwhelmingly white in terms of use base and user base preference. 

    Controversial edit:


    A lot of dating “preferences” are just thinly veiled white supremacy. Not in a malicious way but in “white beauty standards” are what most people aspire to way.


  4. 1 hour ago, TWINBLADES said:

    But with all the crazy sexual misconduct shit that's happened in the FGC over the years it's probably better to just treat the women that attend those events like you would so nobody from around the way. 

    I made the title as such bc I’m sure events are a major cock fest, but this I feel is especially valid. Knowing how a lot of women are treated in online games if I was a woman I’d already be hesitant to go to one of these events but knowing the FGC has a diddling problem on top of that?? 

    Personally I think if you’re an FGC bro your chances would be higher probably ANYWHERE else lol. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Sonero said:

    When I was in those discord with young people I was very...careful and honest on giving advice. We don't know people's stories so if we're in a position to give proper advice (explain which things are mistakes, why and how to avoid them), then you should.


    I’m not saying you shouldn’t give advice I’m saying he shouldn’t need to ask you bc someone he knows irl should be hooking him up. Even if your intentions are good you can’t really know his life situation the way someone he knows irl would, so you might not be able to give him the advice he needs. 

    At the bare minimum he needed to be in public school developing real social skills. School isn’t just about knowledge it’s an environment where they are forced to interact with others and learn to function within a group. I knew a few homeschooled kids growing up and I see some now they always end up weird.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Pair of Rooks said:

    Yeah I've read how fucked the dating app scene is and it's hard not to feel sympathy for a lot of young males out there. (I mean like holy fuck I'm glad I'm married.)

    I’m not about to derail this thread with a whole diatribe on this but if a young man has to watch a YouTuber or ask strangers online on how to get romantic interest society (his family, his friends, his “village”, etc) has all failed him. 

    Talking as someone who’s been there, son needed a proper father figure or  other good male role models in his life cause someone dropped the ball.

  7. 2 hours ago, Maravilla said:

    I mean.. won't projectiles,traps,etc. make all characters more fun to play? IMO mk type characters are just fun as hell, we don't need soul caliber 1  gameplay of only poking until someone wins, ya feel me? 

    My guy with respect if you want characters like they have in MK so bad go play that lol. You sound like the guy trying to order a Whopper at Taco Bell.

  8. 50 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

     I already have a disdain for C.Viper's whole "I need a power suit to fight at high level" aesthetic. 

    I’m ok with it as a one-of thing for C. Viper, but otherwise I agree. I like that SF characters mostly do things themselves. Even the few characters who do use weapons/tools have other moves to show off their supernatural fighting abilities. 

    Edit: I actually think it would be cool if they brought her back but gave her a couple small moves not using her weapons. Show her picking up some skills from hanging around all these real fighters.

  9. Cammy looks like she has lots of carryover from SFV, which is fine with me because I really like her in that game. Her level 3 super is probably my favorite so far.


    Manon is a cool idea I want to love but right now for me she has the Chun-Li problem where some of her poses and animations look a bit awkward. It’s jarring because her good animations (like her parry) are top notch so it jumps out at me when something looks off. She’s still one of my favorite newcomers tho!



    Any suggestions about how to fix this? I’ve taken wheels off cars plenty of times and never ran into this issue.

    The lug nut was stripped so I had to buy one of those special sockets to grip and take it off and this was the result. 3 of the lug nuts on the wheel are fine but this one is fucked, and I suspect the one next to it is similarly done…I cracked my 21mm socket trying to get it off.


    Before anyone asks I’ve never taken this wheel off or over tightened the lug nuts they were already tight as shit.

  11. 7 hours ago, TWINBLADES said:

    I hate evil clone characters. It's like that retarded multiverse comic shit and it makes me eyeroll. I get they fill the edgelord function but maybe it's because I didn't grow up on metal and visual kei but I just can't relate lol


    That being said I'm also a coomer so my opinion means nothing here. Bring on Evil Laura 

    I actually like “evil” characters and even I think that shit is played the fuck out. At this point I’d really like the SnH stuff to be relegated to only Akuma. If we absolutely need to tread that path I’d like it to be a 100% new character. But please god no more Oni or Evil Ryu.

  12. 1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:

    Strong big boys are what Street Fighter needs. 

    There is a Grand Canyon sized rift between grapplers being strong and purposefully designing them in an obtuse manner like Abigail was.


    In SFV Mika, Zangief, Laura, etc all have their strong points and are annoying to fight without feeling like the game isn’t actually working. If we want strong big boys, rest of the game be damned, why not just drop Potemkin into SF6 with absolutely zero changes? 


  13. 2 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:


    Your post was reasonable except for this. 

    Everything gameplay related about that character was 100% terrible, and release Abi was legitimately the worst version of the game.

    This character should never see the light of day again unless Capcom invests time to make it so fighting him doesn’t feel like complete cancer. 

    Edit: I’m genuinely surprised anyone could think getting whiff punished from half screen because the opponents car sized arm has no hurtbox from the shoulder down is healthy gameplay.

    Real shit I actually think less of you as a person for wanting Abigail back lol.

  14. 15 hours ago, HeavensCloud said:

    What do you guys think about SF5 newcomers getting into 6?  Personally I'd like to see Menat, G, and Lucia make it in at some point.  I know the odds aren't great on Lucia but the other two have a decent shot I think.  

    I’d say the more popular ones have a good shot. Capcom has showed willingness to dive into 5 for the roster since we have Rashid and Ed already confirmed. 

    I’d say Laura, Menat, and G have the best odds. 

    Edit: The ones I actually want back are Laura and Kolin. Don’t care for the rest.

  15. 3 hours ago, OPTIMUS124 said:


    jesus GIF

    My coworker was just telling me about the 170 this morning shit is bonkers! I thought he was making up the numbers or it was some one-of modded car some YouTuber owns.

    I drive a Ford but stuff like this is why Dodge is my favorite manufacturer. Yeah you can meme about the 20 trims their cars have or old bones but at the end of the day they have fun doing cool things nobody else does! 

    Also Dodge has gotta have the best marketing team of the big 3 by a country mile. I knew absolutely nothing about this coming and I still heard about it on Monday from 3 different sources. Meanwhile Camaro sales are in free fall  and I couldn’t tell you anything about what GM has done with the model in the last 5 years besides give it a visual refresh. Maybe it’s my imagination but it feels like I hear hellcat mentions in pop culture, social media, and regular conversation 100x more than anything about the GT500 or the ZL1. 

    Edit: Now I just need them to drop details on their new I6 in a Charger or Challenger!

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