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Posts posted by Vhozite

  1. @OPTIMUS124i watched this vid a couple days ago. The spec sheet on the demon is impressive and it sounds like pure bliss, but then it loses the drag race because it can’t get traction and it makes the car seem silly. The roll race was the money shot though…very tense race. I actually appreciate the Challenger more as a somewhat practical fun car. Big engine options and still enough room to haul people and some cargo. 

    C8 is amazinggg. I’ll never own one but every video I see about the car makes me love it more. I hated the way they looked when it first debuted but I really can’t hate on it now.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:


    Man coming home there wasn’t even any opportunity for hooliganism. It was literally snowing when we got to the dealer, so between the road conditions, having my mom in the car, and being over 100 miles from familiar roads I drove super safe.

    I did notice right away that I had to pay attention to the speedo and couldn’t rely on feel. My old car wasn’t slow but you definitely knew when you going 60 and above. I’ve only had the 5.0 up to about 80mph so far and you can’t even tell because of how effortlessly it pulls.


    Im definitely disposed to asshole behavior but I’ve been taking it real easy to far. In my mind this car is what I slave away all day for, so I really don’t want to crash it being a dickhead. 

  3. @Darc_Requiem


    Bad news: My old car started shitting itself and I needed a new car quickly. I have to cancel my BRZ order since it’s 2 months overdue and Subaru still couldn’t tell me when it was arriving 😕


    Good news: Got my childhood (attainable) dream car instead



    Coming from beaters and economy cars holy shit it’s fast. Passing 99.9% of cars on the highway is child’s play. 

    I giggled like a toddler the first time I heard the cold start. Drove it home over 100 miles.

  4. 51 minutes ago, Sonero said:

    Congrats to the homies who got in the beta.


    In return, Gio got no relevant buffs to her neutral and went "Sorry about completely ripping away the sauce from your combos, here's two packs of taco bell mild to see you through".


    Hopefully they work out...


    Oh well, continue saving for a gaming PC so I can escape console and go into the Arturo Wonderland.

    Man I’m moving soon and I’m excited for a couple things, but a big one is actually having room for a proper desk and PC setup.  Right now I sit on the floor and game on a laptop that’s propped up by an iPhone box 😂 my “setup” is  sitting on a coffee table that’s half into a doorway. 

  5. 59 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

    I'll pre-order the game once I get my money up. I destroyed my wallet this holiday.

    I hate to give off Scrooge vibes but I’m not a fan of the holidays for this very reason. I like spending time with ppl I care about, but I hate the expectation that I’m supposed to buy gifts for a couple dozen mfs. I’m spending more money on other ppl this one month than I splurge on myself in 4-5 months.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    I haven't pre-ordered SF6 as of yet. Although I most likely will. The BETA was more "complete" that a lot of final releases and that was 8 months before launch. I certainly don't begrudge anyone that doesn't pre-order though. With releases like Callisto Protocol adn Cyberpunk before it, I can see why anyone would hesitant to do so. 

    I pre-ordered because it’s Street Fighter. It’s the only game I’m 99.99% going to play no matter what. I’ve only pre-ordered one non-SF game and I regretted it (Anthem).

  7. 23 minutes ago, Skort said:

    If he will throw dirt at you and "zone" you 24/7 he better be absolute dog water up close to be honest, like absolute trash. A very big issue in SFV with zoners like Sim, Poison and Menat is that they could pressure you for days since they got pretty abusable repressure tools all while still being able to zone you with ease. Let's hope that mistake won't be happening  in SF6 because it's just really bad design.

    Those characters are like that because for 75% (100%?) of SFV’s lifespan zoning was not strong enough on its own to win games. Other than character specific issues like low damage buttons, death by 1000 cuts in SFV is a terrible strategy because you’re just guaranteeing the other guy gets his VT. So unless you want those characters to be dumpster tier the choices are:


    A - Give those characters the usual offensive tools or


    B - make their zoning oppressive (everyone hates this)

    Rant aside, because SF6 is not fundamentally flawed (from what we can tell), zoners having oppressive offense shouldn’t be necessary. 

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