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Posts posted by Vhozite

  1. 3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

    Depends on what we're talking about. I went into MK11 preferring X, but I found I prefer the combat design of 11 over X. X has better presentation and a better variation system though imo

    This is where I’m at. MK11 combat with X’s variation system is the good spot for me. I’ll admit 11 could use like 20% more bullshit but I’m not interested in the game going full X 2.0.

  2. IMG_1421.jpg

    Replaced all 20 lug nuts, including the problem ones from a couple posts ago. Only two of them were completely fucked (both on the same wheel), but there was at least one lug nut on each wheel showing early signs of the same degradation. Bought some good quality aftermarket lug nuts and just replaced them all to save myself the future headache.


    For the couple that were really bad, I ended up having to go hammer/chisel to get the cap off, then I had to use a special bastard size socket (19.5mm) that I ordered to get the rest of the lug off. Even with the special sockets (worked great btw, would 100% recommend) I had to He-Man the fuck out of them to get them off. 

    Hoping I can do my brakes today 👍🏽 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Sonero said:

    Variations feel too much like "we really don't know how to make one cohesive moveset so here's all this bloat that we came up with divided up".


    I wish NRS would stop making FGs and do action games. Beat'em ups where you have a bunch of move to style on mooks are such an underrated genre of gaming. Seems like its what they want to do but they just force things to be FGs.


    Like if NRS did Dynasty Warriors style games with the MK cast... God that would be so sick.

    Something like Assasins Creed or God of War but with a big cast you could choose from? Does sound like a dope game. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, Jocelot said:

    I hope MK12 carries on with the MK11 mindset, but just finds a better balance.

    Yeah I hope it’s closer to 11 than X, my gripes are more with the variation system and later the custom variation system. It was so lazily done I’d need much more effort put into it for 12 or they just need to ditch it.

    So many examples of one variation being clearly better than another, banned moves, unallowed combinations, moves that are completely worthless trash, moves than are just objectively worse versions of base kit tools, etc. Like the idea of the system is great but the execution is SO bad.


    Edit: I don’t want another lifecycle of decisions like:


    * Jade’s best move not being in any preset variation


    * Kitana’s Edenian Fade being one of the worst special moves in FG history


    * 95% of Mileena and Kotal players running the same load out because everything else is terrible


    * Skarket’s best move being banned


    * Like 1/3rd of Frost’s custom moves sucking because setup moves aren’t allowed to be good. 

  5. Anybody here watch battle rap? I watch/listen to it a lot at work and I find it pretty entertaining. No music or beats just guys (and sometimes girls) just saying crazy out of pocket shit for a few mins then hugging after lol.

    Pro tip: Always fast forward through the long ass intros, especially on URL battles.

    White on white crime

    Sparring match between teammates 


    Character assassination (3rd round)


  6. 1 hour ago, Sonero said:

    Long combos can suck my nuts still. Nobody got time for half of them.

    I like long-ish combos, but only if there is something somewhat unique going on.


    A combo being long because it’s a jump in corner starter dumping full resources is ok. Urien doing headbutt loops into a half a dozen mirror juggles is corny.

    One thing I love about fem-Seth in SFV is that his V-Skill one gives him unique combos against every character, so even if his combos are long you’re at least possibly seeing something different. 

  7. 51 minutes ago, Maravilla said:

    Capcom really thought making Luke the main protagonist for sf6 was a good idea? Fudge man no wonder mk outsells sf every time. As a casual which game would you rather buy, a game with a badass mythical character on the cover or a game with Luke, a bland ass, non appealing cringe ass character? Case closed. 

    That definitely isn’t the reason MK outsells SF, but I half agree with what I think is the spirit of your comment. Scorpion is the face of Mortal Kombat and you don’t see NRS shying away from that. Meanwhile Capcom has been trying to shovel us new protags in 3 of the last 4 mainline titles?


    Compared to Ryu nobody gives a fuck about Alex, Luke, or Rashid and it’s pretty easy to confirm as much. Look at a character usage chart, references in pop culture, fan art, etc and it’s super obvious who the bread and butter characters are. When I hear a SF character mentioned in a rap song it’s definitely not any of those 3 bums being mentioned. Yet Capcom seems determined to fight this battle lol.


    Its like Nintendo trying to push fucking Greninja over Charizard or Pikachu lol.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

    Yeah I wouldn’t say gt7 is good yet, and more than likely by the time it is it’ll be too late. The past couple gt games have pretty much been shit on by the community.  At this point it’s a tech demo for Sony and a billboard for the car manufacturers. Kaz lost the plot a long time ago.

    As someone who wasn’t familiar with the series, I hated how after playing 2 hours I had like 10+ cars, including one of the ones I actually wanted. It wasn’t satisfying having the game bombard me with cars I like to work up to those and organically grow my collection in games like this. As for the cars themselves, the game needed more shit boxes lol. Yeah it had plenty of super cars but I’m much less interested in those than seeing how far I can bring a clapped out Civic. Also the fact that it had loot boxes was also a big turnoff. 

    The actual driving was pretty great, but a lot of the shit surrounding it was a buzzkill. 

  9. 1 hour ago, delete_me said:

    The GT movie is a biopic though. It's about a guy who discovered his love and talent for racing through GT and became a professional driver. So basically just a very "standard" biographical movie that just happens to feature the racing sim called Gran Turismo. Pretty much the only reasonable way you could make a movie about that IP to be honest.

    Oh that makes sense. Honestly I was wondering where a GT movie would go so that makes sense.

  10. 6 hours ago, Illwill88 said:

    Ffs they just announced a Gran turismo movie as someone who’s played every gt game except the psp version I can tell you we don’t want that. We’d love polyphony digital to make a proper gt but anyways. 

    These video game movies for the most part aren’t for us. They are for the casual viewer who played these games a like 20+ years ago and are curious enough to see a movie  more scratch their childhood nostalgia. 

    My mom wants to see the Mario movie on Saturday but I have 0 faith that movie will be any good. I’ll report back with how it goes lol. 

    Also it GT7 any good yet? I bought it on a whim as car guy but I never played GT and I was underwhelmed.

  11. I been using dating apps for the past month or so and it’s depressing how similar and nondescript every profile is. Literally 90% of the profiles are some combination of






    Wine/The bar


    If I see any more than two of these in one profile I have to fight the instinctive urge to immediately swipe left. My personal feelings on any of those things aside, (with the exception of hiking) stuff like this doesn’t tell me anything about you as a person other than you’re basic as fuck and that I can swipe on 10 more versions if you in the next two minutes.

    I’ve always thought apps were a waste of time but one of my female coworkers convinced me to try it. It’s always hilarious trying to talk to her about my experience because you can see in her eyes that she just doesn’t understand the struggle.

  12. 33 minutes ago, Skort said:

    Vega. This is my personal favorite shadaloo character. He is by far the most unique visually and gameplay as well.

    As someone who played this character in both SF4 and SFV, I wouldn’t be surprised if Vega skips this game. If he does make it in I think it’ll be way down the like ala Honda in SFV, and that’s only bc he’s an OG.


    He spent basically all of SF4 and most of SFV as garbage tier. In SFV they went to a lot of trouble to completely overhauling him into a motion stance character. But after wrecking him in the first balance patch they spent the rest of the game re-adding legacy tools from his traditional kit and homogenizing the buttons/frame data between his stances. That’s on top of the multiple instances where Capcom would buff him/change him only to roll back the change one or two versions later and his VT2 being a shameless copy/paste from another character (Karin iirc). 

    Towards the end he wasn’t even bad but his design still felt all over the place in a strange way. 


  13. It gets on my damn nerves how now years later people are hating on TFA for being unoriginal but when that movie first came out I was saying that and got shouted down while the fan base kept dick eating Disney. This same shit happened with BoBF and Obi-Wan obviously trash tier material but mfs lap it up all the way until the show ends the suddenly start hating. 

    The overwhelming majority of stuff they’ve put out has been hot gahbage. The Mandalorian is also wayyy overrated. 

  14. I’m with Darc I never expected anything else from this game. They need this game to have as broad an appeal as possible and that means those DPs Johnny doesn’t want to learn have to go.


    On its face I actually don’t have a problem with simplified controls. What I don’t like is the affects of how strong or weak you can make certain moves. Using SF as an example how do you make a move as strong as Guile’s sonic boom not op on a motion? 

    If the Project L devs can somehow maintain move diversity that way and add simpler controls I’d be at least curious to see how it turns out.

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