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Posts posted by Vhozite

  1. 2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    I didn't like Ultras. It was a flawed system that got exposed with Elena. Well that combined with whatever idiot thought making Healing an Ultra instead of Super was a good idea. When Elena got announced everyone, myself included, didn't even consider that Healing would be made an Ultra. It would be obviously broken. 

    Outside of Elena I’m taking Ultras over VTs all day. Big damage dumps were obnoxious, but it wasn’t like SFV where you were beating the other guy and suddenly he’s playing Marvel while you’re still play Street Fighter.

  2. 21 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

    If the celebrity status is anything to go by sf6 about to be leaps and bounds better than sf5. 😂


    Papa capcom out here throwing money around left and right. 

    lil Wayne don’t care or know anything about street fighter but oh well get ya money lil duffel bag boy

    Obviously he’s doing it for the bag but Street Fighter and FGs in general are really popular in hip hop.

    Anecdotally Street Fighter is a top 5 most referenced game I hear in rap after Mortal Kombat, 2K, and maybe GTA. Chun-Li is easily the most common character I hear named dropped from SF…she’s up there with Kano and Sub-Zero for specific mentions.

  3. Just now, Skort said:

    So people really care if " big names" host these events ? 


    For me it's kinda whatever,though if I had a choice I would much prefer the actual devs to showcase the game ( not the people who got invited a while ago and just mashed every button they could ).

    I don’t care normally but I love Lil Wayne so this is GOAT crossover shit for me. 

  4. 1 hour ago, -PVL93- said:

    Coming from someone who had extensive experience with all the 3D Era games 


    Frost - literally female sub-zero, trash 

    Chill Frost is my favorite character in MK11 😅

    She is an ice character like Sub and has absolutely zero personality outside of hating him and being cocky. But in gameplay she has some of the most unique attacks in that game in both function and form. Turning her into a machine breathed a lot of like into the character. 

    With that in mind I don’t think characters that were previously trash should be overlooked. NRS is good at diversifying their clones into cool, unique fighters. 

  5. 58 minutes ago, Skort said:

    It's weird to describe but  no matter what character i tried it feels like they walk like they are in a low gravity room. Distance covered does not match animation frames and pretty much "everyone" has some sort of yolo teleport or forward moving special to make up for it ( i believe it was mentioned by someone here before and i agree with it ). 

    Yeah NRS games definitely feel “delayed” coming from games made by pretty much any other dev, and it’s extremely frustrating at first. 

    The couple things I’ll say is that:

    1. You get used to it

    2. From my sample size, MK11 (in my opinion) feels way less bad with this than X and Injustice 2. It’s still definitely an NRS game, but to me it feels a bit more snappy. 

    All that being said, I’m more open to NRS designs than others here because I appreciate it for being different even if I don’t think it’s better so, take my opinions with a grain of salt. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, elliephil said:

    I really think most players, competitive and casual, would continue playing most of these games even if they never got balance patches.

    I think this is highly dependent on the age of the gamers in question. For anyone who’s been gaming a long time (like 20+ years) and remembers what it was like before patches/updates became common, I’d say you’re correct. But for a lot of the younger gen who has only known the DLC/live service era, I’m not so sure. 

    New gamers are pretty quick to drop games labeled “dead” regardless of the actual content already in the game. I’ve seen people not even give games they’ve never played  a chance because they’re dead even tho the entire game would be fresh content to them. Or people claiming they would drop a game if support ended bc if it isn’t getting anything new in the future what’s the point? 

  7. 1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

    Your water metaphor applies a bit more to the women's situation. She's surrounded by an ocean of undrinkable water. Just because water is everywhere doesn't mean any of it is drinkable. 

    That’s what the meaning of the metaphor is from the women’s POV yes. Women dying of thirst in the ocean is saying that they get lots of matches but none of them are good/drinkable. Men are thirsting in the desert because they do not get matches. Both need fresh water/a suitable partner. 

    What I’m saying is that the metaphor does not make sense within the confines to online dating.

    Boring and lengthy explanation


    The analogy is bad because it implies that it’s not easier to find a suitable partner when you have matches vs when you don’t have them. 

    Let’s assume 90% of people are not dating material. Person A has 500 matches, person B has 10. 

    A still has 50 people to choose from

    while B has 1 person. 

    Now let’s assume that of the dating material ppl, 90% of those aren’t worth committing to long term. 

    Person A has 5 people worth committing to in their pool, and Person B has nobody because they’re stuck with fraction and you can’t have a fraction of a person. 

    I pulled those numbers out of my ass, but look into the disparity of experience between men and women on apps and you’ll see they’re reflective of reality

    As everyone likes to repeat, dating is a numbers game. In a word, the metaphor doesn’t account for the fact that you still need a certain baseline number of matches to mathematically end up with a suitable person.  


    In fact I would even go as far as to say that by assuming that volume of matches has no value, the metaphor becomes sexist and assumes that women at a baseline better than men or that men themselves don’t have any standards and will settle for anyone.

  8. 23 minutes ago, Sonero said:

    One thing I will say about the FGC as a player base, is that you get people who enjoy certain niches without wanting to accept that their niche is basically shitty. M:TG players are more self aware that some of the things that they think are the hypest is inherently unfun for others. In the FGC these types of design are held up as good by a lot of people; up to the point where they essentially want new players to forcibly like it so it can be in newer games.

    Any examples?

  9. 5 minutes ago, axeman61 said:


    When T-Rex was battling Charlie Clips, he turned in a trash first round. At the end of it, he said "easy".

    lol this right here is exactly how I feel about every Tay Roc battle. He will scream “THATS LIGHT” after the crowd gasses every generic gun bar I genuinely cannot watch his rounds anymore.


    My 2 favorites would be Twork and Surf (#FreetheWave), but those dudes choke rounds so much it takes away from my enjoyment when they are actually cooking. Cal, Geechi, and Nitty I can enjoy more because their performances are much more consistent. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, Sonero said:


    1. The second part of that statement isn’t an opinion it’s a fact


    2. The first part of that statement is just wrong. Devs are the ones overly focused on balance not players. 

    All the most popular FGs are the most unbalanced. MK9, SF2, any version of Marvel, etc. 


    In fact I’d argue the actual unpopular opinion here is the assumption that balanced games can’t also be fun. 

  11. 33 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

    Some of y'all being genetically engineered to be against any and all guest characters is very funny  

    For me it’s real dependent on things like what game it is, who the guest is, what they play like, who’s on the current roster, how many characters are in the game, etc. 


    Like I’ll give some examples.


    Sub-Zero in Injustice 2: OK. His moveset fits in well enough in the game and his ice powers feel right at home in a cast full of super heroes while still being somewhat unique. Being a character from another game the devs produce and that has similar gameplay Sub fit right in imo, especially since DC vs MK was a thing. 

    Terminator in MK11: Trash tier. Very generic moveset that feels like a typical NRS gun character instead of enthusiastically conveying his nature as a killer robot from the future. Added in at a point in the game where there were still cool legacy characters missing. Poorly animated to the point of being a meme. Feels like that character was put in the game strictly as a moving ad to generate buzz instead of an actually cool addition to the roster.


    I’m not vehemently against guest characters, I just find it jarring when it’s done poorly. 

  12. 7 hours ago, Pair of Rooks said:

    Yeah I've read dating isn't a cake walk for women either, but their struggles are very very different from ours. 


    Stay strong out there bros💪

    In a general sense this is true, but within the context of online dating it is 100% easier for women simply due to supply/demand.  

    A common metaphor used for this situation is “women are dying of thirst in the ocean, men are dying of thirst in the desert”. The error in this line of thinking is that there is an underlying assumption that any “water” a man finds will automatically be drinkable.

    What that metaphor is trying to say is that even though women gets tremendously more matches, the struggle of both men and women is equal bc neither are getting a partner. However, basic logic would tell you that it’s easier to find someone suitable when you have 100 matches vs 10. 

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