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Posts posted by Vhozite

  1. 3 hours ago, Illwill88 said:

    And what’s everybody’s final thoughts on sfv? 
    I’m seeing some posts from people who skipped sfv and thinking sf6 is a “real”  sf title lol. 

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    Please ignore my grammar I’m about 5 beers deep 😂


    SFV is gonna be in the same folder as SF4: a good game with huge flaws im immediately reminded of every time nostalgia fools me into playing it for 10 minutes. It’s been at least a year since I’ve played it probably longer…been uninstalled since before Luke came out. I stopped playing ranked in like 2018 lol. I’ll miss playing Nash but other then fooling with him I wholly dislike that game and have 0 intention of ever playing it with others again.


    Speaking of Nash, I’m not sure who I’m gonna play in SF6 either. After gunning the demo definitely not Luke or Ryu lol. I’m actually hoping I click with one of the new characters like Marisa or AKI. The legacy characters are familiar, but that also makes them feel kinda boring to me I want to try something new. Absolute worst case I’ll just fool around until Akuma drops and go with him.


    4 hours ago, Volt said:

    I really don't like battle damage. Can't stand to see women bruised up. Good thing we can turn it off.


    It's nice they added it though.

    For me battle damage is one of those things where I think it’s a neat idea but I also find it super immersion breaking when done poorly. SF6 keeping it light with a few bruises and some cuts is ok imo.


    What I hate when the battle damage is super hardcore and it becomes silly and distracting. Like in Soul Calibur when you can destroy someone’s entire armor set down to their draws which are suddenly made of vibranium. Or in Mortal Kombat where characters are losing enough blood to fill a community pool or get right back up after showing a slo-mo of their skull getting caved in.

  3. 2 hours ago, delete_me said:

    It's sweet how I'd have to pick the option that tells me I "excel" at fighting games and then get put in the pool with all the killers.

    Because to the overwhelming majority (like 90%+ of the playerbase going by SFV numbers) you are one of the killers. Y’all are so caught up comparing yourself to the pros you forget what actual bad players look like.

  4. Heard a hellcat in traffic today and holy shit that supercharger whine is erotic

    Ordered new rotors for all 4 corners and one of the ones from the front set was clearly the wrong size. If it was maybe similarly sized I wouldn’t be mad because mistakes happen, but these were obviously mismatched and someone shipping the package noticed and still sent it out. They stacked the smaller box on top of the bigger one and put one of those air bags next to it to take up the extra space like??? If you know you’re shipping me a matched set of rotors and you see you have two different sized boxes why wouldn’t you stop to make sure the order was right lol.

  5. 3 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

    Why must Capcom make me suffer bruh 


    No Akuma until next spring. No fei long in V or 6. Sagat was mid in V until like two seasons later

    Not trying to be rude but maybe try a new character? Even if the characters you like are in the game there is no guarantee you’ll like them in 6. 

    If it makes you feel any better my 3 favorites are also absent.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


    I know we have this convo all the time someone mentions this, but I am 100% sure that is a none issue.


    The reasons may differ, but at casual, enthusiast and high level play the player base will always sets on a smaller subset of chars, regardless if the game is extremely well balanced or not.

    A char maybe doesn't have mass appeal in terms of character design, or it seems as redundant in terms of gameplan, etc, etc.


    SF4 maybe had 44 chars, but by how it was played at different levels it may had only 20 at most for all purposes.


    And if we go by the memes, maybe 6





    (I know this is a SF4 char select screen)

    Which is all the more reason a roster that large is unnecessary outside of vs games

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