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Posts posted by Vhozite

  1. 24 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

    Are you seriously trying to argue if 6 had more than acouple SF3 characters at launch it would fail? 

    No, I’m saying the game perfectly fine without SF3 characters. I jumped into this discussion because of Volt saying SF6 had a bad roster because it didn’t have anyone from SF3, and I vehemently disagree. 


    If SF6 needed reps from that game to sell copies at launch it would have them. If having a roster full of SF3 characters was the path to success then it would be that. But it’s full of SF2 characters because that’s what people actually want. Also as I pointed out SF3 isn’t even particularly underrepresented compared to the other games…literally the only well represented legacy game is SF2. 

    To be clear, I don’t actually dislike SF3 characters. Ibuki was literally the first character I tried when I got into the series, and i also like Gill and the Twins. But I’m tired of ppl dick eating SF3 that game like it’s god gift to earth when nobody bought it and nobody plays it today when it’s 10x more accessible. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

    Why would they sell you a 60$ with 3s characters 



    I am explicitly saying Capcom wouldn’t do this…because that game would flop.


    Using your logic Ryu and Ken should be DLC because they can milk you for years dropping SF2 characters. Unless you are actually trying to argue Alex and Makoto are more popular than someone like Chun-Li.


    I swear if everyone who dick eats SF3 actually bought it that hand would be the best selling FG of all time. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Daemos said:

    I think next season will get more SF2 and SFA, maybe 1 SF3.

    Agreed, which is why I’m not worried about the roster at all. Last two games ended at over 40+ characters with a good variety from every game and 7 years of support. We have a whopping 18 here someone was gonna get the short end of the stick. 

    Year one DLC has a big focus on SFV (2 characters from that game and a 3rd clearly related to a SFV character) so I wouldn’t be surprised to see a similar trend in the following years for the different series. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Volt said:

    Either that or Kolin might come back soon.


    The only reason Gill's absence isn't even more noticeable is that the whole fucking SF3 cast is missing.


    This might actually be one of the worst launch rosters of all time.

    SF3 has the worst roster of any game in the series which is a big reason it flopped lol. SF6 roster is way better just by virtue of having vets ppl actually like. 

    Edit: Now that I’m actually looking at the launch roster every series that isn’t SF2 is underrepresented so it’s not like they’re singling out SF3. 

    SFV and SF4 both only have 1 rep, and Alpha series also appears to have 0 reps while being way more popular than SF3. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Jocelot said:

    Something I've noticed about all the CPU Marisa footage is that the CPU never uses her thrusting kick special move (Quadriga). I wonder why that is. I actually wonder if its easier to use Gladius

    It’s a totally different game but the AIs in Mortal Kombat 11 are like this too. You can equip certain moves and they will just straight up not use them. Sometimes they ended up performing better with worse moves bc they would at least use them. 

  6. The quiz has some kind of branching format i answering the first question differently just for kicks and got a totally different set of questions 

    Choosing B for the first question gives me questions much more up my alley even tho naturally I would pick A, which leads me to getting Dhalsim or JP, neither of whom I’d ever play lol.


    Picking B for the first one but still answering honestly Deejay or Kimberly (blackfist.jpg)

  7. 23 minutes ago, Flackaveli said:

    So when y'all think this whole crack beta narrative is gonna stop? 


    At a certain point we all gotta look passed this cuz its getting kinda embarrassing at this point. 


    The ironic thing is that you can learn a lot of stuff just by watching pros (or anyone ig) who played the crack  or played the previous beta lol. You don’t even have to be a criminal yourself. Even I knew you could juggle after his non-cinematic level 3 i learned that from like a 2 min YT video lol. In fact I did it several times lol. 

    I think the crack jokes are funny but I really don’t think it’s an issue. We already know there are changes not in this build and half the roster isn’t even in the game yet anyway. Even IF crack players get a huge head start the placement system in ranked means they’ll likely be put above you anyway. This shit only matters if you’re playing for money. 

  8. 56 minutes ago, Shahenzan said:

    My least favorite thing at this point is parry, especially perfect parry. I get the feeling that it's going to limit offense in an unpleasant way, and drive impact already does that so I worry about what two mechanics that work like this are going to do. Nothing to do but wait and see how it develops though.

    For me it’s the omni-directional nature of parry that really turns me off, and is probably the one thing I dislike more than Drive Impact. Not needing to guess left/right or high/low is peak “wtf are you doing Capcom?” for me.

  9. 43 minutes ago, Volt said:

    The game itself is really nice, I pretty much hate most of the Drive mechanics, especially Drive Impact because it's so damn unintuitive to counter now that I haven't played SF4 for over a damn decade now. No armor break specials suuuuuuuuuck.

    Marisa has at least one move that armor breaks I forget which one it is. Gotta watch Evil Canadians Marisa breakdown vid. Pretty sure all supers armor break as well. 

    On Ken while he does seem like a regression at first functionally he’s still doing a lot of the same stuff he was doing in SFV. He’s still cornering you from half stage, he still has a light>medium link, he’s still one-hit confirming certain attacks, he’s still using run for conversions, still counter-poking pretty well, etc. Inwill say that I’m not a fan of Jinrai. Move is boring and outside of combos it seemed pretty whack. 

  10. 5 hours ago, Pair of Rooks said:

    I really appreciate your thoughts @Vhozite. I can't play anything while my wife is out of the country so I'm living vicariously through you guys. 


    Is the netcode at least Strive good?

    Net code thank you I knew I forgot something.


    In a word it’s great! For reference I live in the US in the mid-Atlantic region of the east coast. I think the farthest person I fought was @Voltand while it wasn’t perfect it was mostly playable. Besides that I think I had only 1 fight with a sus connection. I played easily over 100 sets and I’d say 95 were flawless lol. 

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