Stage Select


MEGA Elite
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Posts posted by Vhozite

  1. Shout out to @EvilCanadianfor reigniting my interest in Marisa with his preview video. Actual information on what she can do vs 10 minutes of raw gladius and jump-ins.



    Manon + Marisa is looking like the combo for me, but I’m still keeping an eye on Lily and Cammy at launch. Kinda looking to branch out from my usual style of play. 

  2. Looking at Ford Maverick as my “responsible adult” next vehicle and apparently I’m surrounded by scum Ford dealers. 

    MSRP of the Mav starts at just under 23k, yet there isn’t a single one within 50 miles of me going for less than $30k. Some of them are all the way up to the low 40’s ffs.

  3. 10 minutes ago, HeavensCloud said:

    Open beta niiicce.  And I'm finally available to play this one.  Didn't get into the first one and the second one I got in but then had to travel and missed it (and I was pissed lol).  

    Dude I’m in the middle of moving right now idek if I’ll have an internet connection at release lol. I booked my days off like 4-5 months ago.


    Im hype but this could not be happening at a more inconvenient time 🤦🏽‍♂️ 

  4. 12 minutes ago, EvilCanadian said:

    I have seen the light of Honda, Manon, Lily, and Marisa


    how can I go back to these 8 losers

    lol on god I had the REDACTED on my rig for a minute and I never bothered with it bc the characters don’t interest me at all. Literally every character I’m interested in isn’t in it lol


    Im still gonna play it I guess I’ll try Ken or Chun

  5. 43 minutes ago, HeavensCloud said:

    Now that I think about it, I just like stages with not a lot going on in the background.  Something simple and scenic without distractions is the best imo.

    I’m the same way and part of the reason I mostly stuck to The Grid early on in SFV was hating most of the stages. They really stepped it up with the non “Ring of”  DLC stages tho so credit where it’s due.

  6. 29 minutes ago, Daemos said:

    Alright here's a tough one for ya'll... You know how there's always classic stages that we want remade for the new game...

    Which stages that are unique to SF5 would you like to be remade again?


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    New Zealand please! Especially at night

    Bonus question - which costumes unique to SF5 would you like to see return on characters currently in the game?


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    Ken's SF5 outfit with his hair and face fixed!


    I don’t really care about costumes so I’ll pick 2 stages


    [s]King’s Court and Temple Hideout are by far my favorite stages. Beautiful backdrops for a fight without being too busy.[/s]


    Those aren’t unique to SFV lol ig I’ll say union station 



  7. I might have to ween myself off hip hop fr im real tired of the money/drugs/hoes raps, and the conscious stuff just not hit at all lol. 

    It all sounds great and other genres don’t have the struggle or word play angles, which  is why I still listen. But deep down I feel like it all perpetuates negative stereotypes of black people. 

  8. Man I really like Cammy’s SF6 look her outfit is very close to how I’ve imagined her to look in civilian clothes. Gameplay wise idk if she’s my bag but since we have the character specific ranks maybe she can be a sub.


    Trying not to commit to too many characters on day -26 lol. I want to play at least one DLC character to keep things fresh but I also don’t want to stunt my growth by switching too much like I did in SFV.

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