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Posts posted by Vhozite

  1. 26f is on the slower side of reactable attacks, especially for something with a very distinct animation/VFX like DI. At that speed it requires setup to hit raw, and even then it’ll get blown up if the opponent expects it. 

    Of course the real test is gameplay against a good character/opponent. 26f is very reactable in the lab but just fast enough that you might eat it if you also need to look out for 10 other options. 

    Edit: @EvilCanadian lol I was literally thinking about Sub overhead when I typed this I fucking hated that move. That move is fast and has a pretty subtle startup animation. 

  2. I started off playing charge characters because I found them easier than motion as a beginner in SF4. I couldn’t do DPs or super motions for a long time but I could manage down up for flash kick. You also didn’t have the issue of accidental specials as much. Their buttons also tended to be pretty good, so if I really couldn’t do something I had good normals to fall back on. 

    These days I don’t really have a preference but I will say charge characters can be an issue for me depending on ergonomics. The Dpad on my current controller can be pretty uncomfortable to hold down so playing charge characters hurts my hand after a while. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Sonero said:


    Lemme help you with that real quick:





    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    I like when it’s a character specific tool like Kolin’s counters but otherwise I agree. But there is a significant portion of the SF fan base that wanks to SF3 and moment 37 as the pinnacle of the genre so I’ve just accepted that it’s never gonna go away. 

  4. 3 hours ago, delete_me said:

    And very ambiguous cross-ups, too, as it requires no directional input.

    I’m gonna be honest I’m actually not a fan of this aspect. I think it’s weird that this is one of the reasons ppl shit on MK for having a block button (valid take) but it’s ok when SF does it with these omni-directional parries. Intuitively it doesn’t make since that you cannot know which way to block but you can know which way to deflect an attack. 

  5. 13 hours ago, HeavensCloud said:

    I'm still kind of surprised by this and I don't know how it's going to work with Akuma, Cammy, or any of the fast rushdown characters with a lot of tools.

    Differing health pools has always been a terrible way to adjust unbalanced characters, as it does not actually address what tools are causing the issue. It always leads to gameplay where someone like Akuma ends up just being objectively better than Ryu for 90% of the match because all he has to do to overcome his “disadvantage” is land a couple normals. 

    Nobody enjoys having to land 20 extra hits on Gief for the kill, and nobody enjoys fighting paper-mache health Seth running around with every tool in the game.

  6. Was looking into different sport sedans and came across the TLX Type S. I always thought Honda’s were small and light but the TLX is over 4200 lbs??? That’s within 100lbs of a Widebody challenger, a car on a 15yo (?) chassis and a way bigger engine.


    Where is that weight coming from?

  7. According to the dealer shop my car needs ~$12k I’m repairs 😬

    Good news: I have to the project car I’ve been wanting lol. I have the Mustang as a daily so I’m ready to get my hands dirty with the Subaru. 

    Told the shop to just put some cheap all seasons on there to get it in rolling condition and I’m gonna get it towed to my house. 

  8. 36 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    SFIV Cammy had a flat ass. Don't get me started on the SFIV character models. The later ones got better but a lot of the initial ones were bad.

    Yeah going from 4 to 5 to 6 the model improvement is gigantic. Playing it when it was the latest game I thought 4 was pretty good but now some of the characters look goofy. 

  9. 10 hours ago, EvilCanadian said:

    also imagine playing the crack with all those fuckin LOSER CHARACTERS when all the actually neat members of the cast aren't in there.

    This is unironically why I don’t play it. After this trailer very high probability I end up a Cammy or Lily player. 



    I’d pay to grind my face on her abs. Goddess


  10. 2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    This man Tabs is out of control in the best way. @Vhozite, you'll appreciate this one

    Reported for posting porn


    I like how putting Nash into an air dasher makes him more free to utilize his teleportation and special movement abilities. Obviously for gameplay reasons you have to limit that stuff in Street Fighter but watching this Marvel mod and it looks much more representative of how I imagine lore Nash would actually fight. 

  11. I was supposed to donate my old Subaru to Goodwill tomorrow. I went to go grab the documents out of the glove box and after sitting back in drivers seat for a minute I broke down.

    I can’t get rid of it…it’s my first car and I’m just not ready. Too many memories. Everything worth a damn I’ve ever done in my life was in this car or happened while I owned it. 

    I’ve been driving the Mustang for months now and it still does not feel like my car…it’s just a cool car I drive. The Forestor feels like MY CAR. Apart of my family. I don’t make a shitton of money but I’m gonna get him fixed up and keep it. If I can’t afford to keep both I’ll just sell the Stang. It’s cool and fun as hell to drive, but everyday I feel like the guy stepping on his sickly but loving wife to chase some supermodel.

  12. 5 hours ago, Sonero said:


    The most offensive part about it is how little they seem to care about improving. The way they do replays is terrible. You watch professional level rugby, and they just have on referee whose sole job is to review replays as part of the crew. Here they just cuck around for 20 mins on things needing a replay and then shrug it off.


    It kinda drives me crazy that stuff is a catch or isnt' based on how the wind is farting. Its such an interesting sport that's also almost at time equally as garbage.

    This comparison may elicit eye rolls but NFL refs the last few years have reminded me of cops/police unions in how hard they oppose changes that would limit their ability to negatively impact a game. It comes across like they’re a big club that thinks they’re above criticism because they do a dirty job. Any attempt to rein them in is fought tooth and nail, even when the suggested improvement is common sense or not invasive.

    Even when the broadcast has Mike Perrera on to discuss the call 90% of the time he sides with the officials regardless of the validity of the call. 

    Shit is embarrassing. Refs do an important job that nobody likes, but the way refs fight change makes it seem like the role lacks integrity.

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