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Posts posted by Vhozite

  1. 16 hours ago, Volta said:

    Some troll might've started it before Shakunetsu and then deleted the original post, all the while laughing while everyone is wishing you a happy birthday. I wonder who would be capable of such a dastardly deed? 

    What’s crazy is that because I don’t keep up with the thread and skip dozens of posts at a time I’m always paranoid this is happening because I don’t bother to check. Well played (whoever you are). 

  2. Lol at mfs thinking the Giants had any chance to beat us. Daniel Jones is an ok QB but he has 0 weapons and going against a top 3 passing D and front 4 with a near record breaking amount of sacks. Meanwhile Hurts is an MVP candidate surrounded by 5 pro-bowlers, at least one future HOF’er, and one of the best receivers in franchise history. 

    Not shit talking NY but the talent differential was big enough to be seen from space. Vikings were a bit of a trap game for them. 

  3. I’m still hovering with 2lbs of 150. Push exercises are definitely progressing, but the rest of my gains are definitely starting to plateau. It feels like I need to give everything for 5% gains but and if I slack even a little I’ll lose 20%. 

    We are having a weight lose challenge at work so me and my coworker are aiming for gains instead. 

  4. On 1/18/2023 at 8:46 PM, Genghis_Dong said:

    Took my girls rogue in for maintenance and the dealership had a new Z in. They asking for 90 grand lol. 40k markup. No thanks. Can buy a used gtr for cheaper. 

    The same new Z that had a stop sale because both the auto and manual transmissions had factory defects within the first month of sales? The same new Z that’s $40k and doesn’t have a standard LSD? The new Z that’s basically objectively inferior to the 3.0 Supra?


    I like the new Z but Nissan dealers are high. Probably why I’ve still never seen one on the road. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

    Or batshit broken Bison in S3 (making his dash a teleports is still probably the worst change they've made throughout the game's lifespan) 

    Bison has had lots of bullshit over SFV but his dash is not on that list. It’s one of the slowest in the game and has the most noticeable animation and sound effect to boot. It’s a throw or jab punishable if over used.

  6. 3 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

    He's a Nash main. He would enjoy S1 Nash.

    I didn’t play him in Season 1, and besides current Nash is 100% better than he was back then. If the game stayed S1 forever I’ve would’ve stuck to Vega.


    3 hours ago, -PVL93- said:

    You'd really prefer S1 Chun, Necalli, Mika, Nash fiesta over what happened in the later seasons? Granted S2 overbuffed characters like Urien and Guile but still 

    Remember the roster was a lot smaller back then. In addition to who you mentioned, Ryu, Ken, Cammy, Rashid, and Karin were also good. That right there is half the launch roster at a competent level. Vega had good buttons, Ibuki was underrated iirc, and Guile was ok I think.

    52 minutes ago, HeavensCloud said:

    Nah, I didn't like season 1 at all.  Mika flailing with her Irish whip that was impossible to whiff punish so she'd just do it again and hit you leading into a mid screen wallbounce, Nash all over the screen with his impossible to see dashes, Chun with her plus on block air lightning legs?  All this in 8 frames of input lag, fun stuff.   


    Season 3 was where it was at.  The game should have launched with Arcade Edition.  

    Nah 3 added G and Ed it was just less trash than S2 it was still ass. By S4 the roster was too bloated.


    Ill give you 8 frames tho. Shit was terrible to play in.

  7. 2 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

    ...for whole Season 1


    Watch Gief being strong AF at launch, get nerfed at first big patch and never recover for rest of SF6 life 🥲

    Yeah that patch was by far the absolute worst and killed a lot of my hype for the game. Like 1/3rd of the roster got absolutely destroyed and then Capcom turned around and went full stupid on a handful of characters. Season 2 was the lowest point of the game.

    Season 1 was imo the best version of the game don’t @ me.

  8. Just now, Edmund said:

    With regards to KOF as a mainly street fighter and tekken player, I find it really really hard to do hops/hyper hops and I can't seem to adjust to the KOF style of gameplay.


    Anyone else like me having the same struggle? Any advice on how to transition from street fighter to Kof? I really wanna get decent at kof. 

    Not necessarily KoF but I don’t have weird mental barriers when approaching certain games. Like coming from SF or MK it always takes me a while to get used to movement in airdashers. In fact it’s so bad that I typically end up playing characters that don’t have real airdashes (Nago, Cerebella). 

  9. 3 hours ago, TWINBLADES said:

    Okay so now that we know that everyone here doesn't fuck with SFV because they lack loyalty what makes you guys wanna play SF6? Are you gonna stick with it longer than V or is it gonna be flavor of the month and then back to Apex Legends?

    I can’t determine this until I play it. 

    That being said, I still have more hours and money spent in Street Fighter than any other franchise. The only games I have even close to Street Fighter hours are Skyrim and Pokémon Platinum. So no matter what I’ll likely end up playing it more than anything else. If people here play it bare minimum I’ll give it time just to hang. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Pair of Rooks said:

    When I hear "player expression" I hear "lots of suboptimal stuff to do".  And movement.




    Expression just leading to suboptimal results is literally what actually happens in games where it’s weak. In games where player expression is strong you can get different results **that are actually worth going for**  when you do something other than the typical path. 

    For example you might do a traditional combo path that leads to 300 damage, but there might be a path where you build much more stun, a path for more meter, more oki, etc. Another example, you have character X and player 1 might play them in a heavy zoning style while player 2 plays them as a rush down character.


    SFV has dog shit player expression because situations like the examples above generally don’t exist, and in some cases where they do they are literally removed from the game. You have your easy optimal combo path and maybe 1 other where you give up a couple jabs damage to get better oki, and that’s it. If you have characters that are piloted in unintended ways Capcom would literally hit them in the patch notes.

    I don’t know how you can play Strive, a game where Roman Cancels alone allow loads of player freedom, and then turn around and say player expression is only about suboptimal options. 


  11. 23 hours ago, TWINBLADES said:

    Can everyone give their reason for why they stopped playing V? I used to have all you guys and other people in my list of favorites but almost no of them were ever online. Made it seem like the game was dead. 

    Same thing that happened with SF4: I had my fun with the game and now I’m 100% done with it. Respect to everyone’s opinions, but I haven’t liked SFV since 2017/Season 2.  I appreciate the game for what it is but there is stuff in the game I hate so much that I probably will never play it again. The only reasons I played it as long as I did is because I enjoy hanging with people here. 


    Speaking of, @Darc_RequiemI can’t help Twin. Me and him don’t have a great connection (I’m east coast) and UGM is way above my level lol. I haven’t played SFV in at least a year and I’m pretty sure I’ve had it uninstalled since before Luke dropped. 

    Edit: Also realistically I don’t game as much period. Where I was in 2016 vs today I have way less free time. If I’m gaming at all it’s probably on Warzone with my friends. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Genghis_Dong said:

    Give us the details

    There is a road where is mostly straight for a few miles but eventually goes from two lanes to one. SUV was camping the left lane so I went to pass…expected a soccer mom not paying attention and ended up in an impromptu race when the SUV sped up after I got over. Into triple digits wondering how I haven’t passed this guy yet and right as I start to pull away the lights came on. 

    Thanks all the gods he didn’t pull me over…was doing ~110 in a 55…wouldve been ugly. He just put the lights on for a few seconds to spook me back to legal speeds and passed 😂


    Whew lawd my heart never dropped so fast in my life. 

    TLDR: I’m stupid but got lucky 

  13. Actually I want to rant about this for a second…road quality here is absolutely ridiculous. 

    Delaware: Del Memorial bridge has had work being done for the entire ~20 months I’ve been commuting over it and not once have they even pretended to address the super shit road surface. All it’s a bit sad how you can tell areas of the have’s and the have-not’s based on the road quality. The state will waste money repaving near perfect roads where I live every two years while ignoring the roads in town that feel like fucking rock crawling trails or the sections of uneven highway that have gone unaddressed for the entire 20+ years I’ve lived here.


    Rural South Jersey: Either great or complete dog shit. Within the span of 1 minute you will go from the smoothest roads you’ve ever driven on to roads that feel like they haven’t been repaved since the 1950’s.

  14. Jfc brake kits are expensive. Most are in the $1k-2k range but some of them are over $3000?! For that I’ll just stick to upgrading the rotors/pads/lines.


    After a couple weeks of ownership I still love my car. I’m much more used to the speed and driving it feels much less dangerous. In fact I’m getting so normalized to the speed that the car is starting to feel “slow”. Cold start is loud but after the first 20 seconds the volume is much more reasonable. I can’t imagine going back to something more pedestrian sounding. It’s also soooo nice having a car with even semi-modern options. Backup camera, remote start, Bluetooth from the factory, etc.


    All that said it’s definitely not perfect. After driving it for a bit I’m definitely not a fan of the solid rear axle. It’s fine on well maintained roads but on shitty roads the car really don’t feel good to drive. Pot holes feel super rough to hit and sometimes hitting bumps around turns you will feel the rear step out a bit. I don’t really blame the car for this as much as the government (because wtf are they doing with my tax money) but still. Gas wise I would like if the car was maybe 10% more efficient or at least had a bigger gas tank. Cost isn’t really an issue so much as its frequency of needing to fill up.

    In terms of things actually wrong with the car, one of the HVAC motors is going bad, and im pretty sure the rear defroster doesn’t work. But it’s ran perfect otherwise. 

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