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Posts posted by Vhozite

  1. 32 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    @VhoziteOutside of wanting to go Alanis Morrisette on Godell or Lurie for new DC. You're handling this pretty well man. Respect for that. 

    I mean it was a pretty good game it’s not like we got blown out. Hurts balled out on the biggest stage.


    I don’t sweat the NFL playoffs since each game is one and done and only one team can win the Super Bowl. It’d be like if Street Fighter tournaments were FT1 like yeah the better team will win typically but a lot of things can happen that make it not the ultimate test of skill. Oh yeah and our season was fucking amazing. We found a franchise QB and a full season of exciting talent on offense. You wouldn’t know it last night but even our D was typically fun to watch. Frankly I’m more upset about football season being over, and even then I’m happy I don’t have to hear anymore hype and pre-game analysis of the SB anymore.

  2. 6 hours ago, Chadouken said:

    I didn't watch, just saw Twitter reactions. So the refs did ok tonight? 

    Outside of that one call towards the end the reffing was pretty clean. Much better than the NFC championship for sure. In fact outside of the false start/delay of game/offsides style penalties they were pretty much letting them play.

  3. I would give Roger godell or Jeffrey Lurie the best blowjob of all time if it meant I never had to watch Gannon coach our defense again. Jesus Christ our D was embarrassing tonight. 

    So many Birds fans crying about one iffy flag when our D did literally nothing the entire game. 

    0 sacks 

    0 picks

    0 forced fumbles

    0 tackles for a loss

    1 forced punt

    24 points allowed in the 2nd half


    …with a 10 point lead at the half against an injured QB. 

    But please tell me more about how the officials are fixing the game 😂

  4. Did my first solo oil change yesterday 😎 getting under a jacked car still gives me the heebie jeebies though. Even when I use the stands and the jack and quadruple check that the car is secure it still makes me uneasy. 

    It was fun being able to “work on” my car though. I almost wish there was something wrong so I could have more reason to mess with it lol.


    Also I hit some windy back roads after getting lost trying to go a different way home and lol Mustang is NOT a corner carver 😂 first time ever driving her that the car felt unwieldy. 

    Unrelated, but I swear Corvette drivers are all carbon copies of each other. They even dress the same lol.

  5. Yeah officiating in the Philly/SF game was suspect too. This year feels the worst in recent memory for shit reffing. Bad roughing the kicker call in the Philly game and the broadcast had Mike Perrera stumbling over his words trying to explain why it was the correct call when the defender was clearly pushed lol.

    I cannot watch sports with terrible reffing. Biggest reason I can’t watch NBA basketball is terrible officiating (see Lakers/Celtics the other day). 

  6. Yeah the main thing is how much attention I have to pay to the throttle. Driving AWD has made me impatient as I’m used to being able to get on the gas much earlier coming out of a turn. Learning where the limit is has been fun but like you said gotta be careful on public roads. I was talking to a guy about my car and when I left I almost became the stereotypical Mustang driver cause I tried sending into too early leaving the parking lot LOL. 

    However RWD is definitely forcing me to become a better driver. When I’m not being a tool I pay much closer attention to how I drive now. 

  7. 44 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:


    Yeah I really hate this comparison because Kotal Khan is one of my favorite MK characters. Yes he jobs but he also has meaningful interactions with other characters in his setting and has an actual personality. He just suffers the same fate as characters like The Hulk and Worf where he’s strong but ends up being a measuring stick for more plot relevant characters. 


    Necalli is barely even a character. He has almost no background and no meaningful effect on the setting other than being a boss fight for 1 person. He’s basically an animal. 

  8. Nobody cares what I think the top 10 FGs are, and I definitely don’t care what some streamer says are the best games lol

    32 minutes ago, Sonero said:


    Personal top 10 and "These are legitimately sound games that you should play" are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay different things. Think there is definitely a list of 10 FGs you should play that'll help you figure out what kind of FGs you like. Think that would be a more interesting list for newcomers.



    Yeah I think these lists would be a lot more interesting if there was some kind of quantifiable goal besides dick eating/hating on certain games.


    If you’re gonna list your favorite games that’s all in good fun, but trying to list the games you think are best is just pointless imo.

  9. Do y’all wash your car yourselves or take it to the car wash? I’ve only ever driven beaters and let the rain do it but now I actually kinda care how my car looks lol.


    Also, for my next car I think I’m going back to AWD if I can find something I actually like. Having driven all 3 now, my hierarchy is




    I know guys like burnouts and drifting and stuff but I don’t care about that shit at all and I like the extra grip of 4 driven wheels. Problem is there is so few AWD cars that I like more than my Mustang. Most comparable I’ve seen are the 5.7L AWD Chargers, but the 13-14 models are rare and the 15+ would cost nearly double to insure.


    The Germans have nice options but I don’t want something from the until I can properly wrench myself. 

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