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Posts posted by DangerousJ

  1. Today is a very special version of...


    Transformer's Greatest Moments:


    A lifelong dream for me on the 40th anniversary of the franchise!


    Freedom is the right of all sentient beings, as well as a picture with the man, the legend-Peter Cullen.

    I got a picture with him this afternoon in Orlando. It was very brief. I told him I've been watching him since I Was 2 years old.






    There was a panel with him and Frank Welker after the photo session. They answered a few questions and ended with a brief skit with all the classic lines (Peace through Tyranny. etc).

  2. The new Haslab crowdfunding item will be 

    Omega Prime from RID 2001.

    It includes RID 2001 Optimus/Fire Convoy, God Magnus ,and a deluxe figure that transforms into Magnus' gun


    $250 US

    If it reaches the goal, it will release in Fall 2025.




  3. Transformer's Greatest Moments:


    An alien robot with 6  times the destructive capability...

    Behold...  DEVASTATOR!


    The first TF combiner released in 1985, Devastator was the first and arguably most well known of the combiners.

    He has several significant differences from the "Scramble City"  successors though.


    1) He cannot mix and match his limbs. 

    2) He is only 1/3 combiners with SIX members in US G1 toyline (Piranacon and Monstructor are the others)


    Devastator holds the distinct honor of appearing in all 4 seasons of the G1 show , 1986 movie,AND the subsequent anime series/ova exclusive to Japan.

    (He also appears in the 2009 live action film Revenge of the Fallen but with a significantly worse design imo.)


    First Animation appearance:  G1 Season 1 

    "Heavy Metal War"  (12/1984)  (2:00 minute mark is the combination)



    Marvel US #10  (!985)




    Transformers Devastation Video Game (2015)



    For a good overview, watch this



  4. MegaBee Productions and Namco present...






    Stu Hayden as Jin Kazama
    RSG3 as Kazuya Mishima
    DoctaMario as Heihachi Mishima
    Michelle Yeoh as Jun Kazama



    Charlize Theron as Nina Williams
    Chadouken as Paul Phoenix
    Missing Person as Marshall Law
    WTF Akuma Hax as Yoshimitsu
    Lantis as King
    @Hawkingbird as Armor King
    Dangerous J as Kuma
    Fishjie as Lee Chaolan
    Optimus124 as Bruce Irvin
    Jackie Chan as Lei Wulong
    Mechwarrior as Ganryu
    Amber Midthunder as Julia Chang
    Darksakul as Jack 8
    BBHoody as Hwoarang
    Maxx as Eddy Gordo
    Neesa as Christie Monteiro
    Scorp as Bryan Fury

    Jurassic as Alex


    Angelpalm as Craig Marduk
    Infernoman as Raven
    Zatalcon as Bob
    Weneedhim as Claudio Serafino
    SonicAbid as Shaheen
    Hecatom as Miguel Rojo
    HD-Man as Leroy Smith
    PV93R as Sergei Dragunov

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