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Posts posted by Phantom_Miria

  1. 32 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

    E2411C14-C092-4B46-9153-8F7C959AA492.thumb.jpeg.d6ec12130272e0883e87cde16de5c24b.jpegLol what kind of logic is this 

    "Our intent for the math class in our elementary school is to show the children that they can enjoy math without having to study. We intentionally left out explanations of how basic calculations work and what they're supposed to be used for."

    - A teacher from a class that will reach adulthood without knowing how additions work


    "Our intent for the introductory course in our workplace is to show the employees that they can enjoy work without having to know what their job is. We intentionally left out explanations of their assignments, requirements and the schedules for their completion."

    - Someone about to get a lot of people fired


    "Our intent for the elections in our great nation is to show the voters that they can enjoy democracy without having to know how to vote. We have intentionally left out explanations of where, when and how people are supposed to vote and what they need in order to cast valid ballots."

    - Republican legislators

  2. 2 hours ago, Hecatom said:


    And with this stupid move, Sony just handed over this gent to MS.

    MAn, moving their HQ to stupidfornia surely is leading to one idiotic move to another.

    I got a mail with this info and, if I got it correctly, one should still be able to download everything you bought digitally before the store closed. So, I'm assuming that digital games, DLCs and patches are still going to be available with or without the store, and since all that stuff is tied to your Playstation account even if your old PS3 ends up breaking you should still be able to redownload everything on a new one once you log in.


    Unfortunately sooner or later these stores had to close, but as long as they make sure that you keep complete access to everything you bought and need to play old games (such as patches) it should be fine. It would be even better if they finally started investing heavily in extending the PS5 retrocompatibility to PS3, PS2 and PS1 games (and considering that mobile phones can run PS1 and PS2 games at this point the only real problem is making PS3 stuff and its weird original infrastructure work on newer consoles), there are a lot of digital-only PS3 exclusives that would be a shame to become unavailable and it's kinda ridiculous that big Sony exclusives like the Resistance series, the Killzone series and a bunch of Ratchet and Clank games aren't supported on new hardware.


    In any case I think that in the long run emulation and piracy will make sure everything will remain available in one way or another. I make searches from time to time and apparently PS3 ISOs aren't hard at all to find, with DLCs and all, but I could never try to use them because I have a shitty PC.

    Time to buy Darkstalkers Resurrection and the DLCs for SFxT I guess.

  3. 7 hours ago, Pair of Rooks said:

    @EvilCanadiani feel personally attacked.

    And so should @Skortand  @AriesWarlock


    Nah, keep the waifus hard to play.

    A man, or woman, needs to earn his, or her, right to properly use large-breasted badass samurais and bare-footed bikers and deserves to be punished for not putting in more work into the perverted stuff they're into.


    It also adds an important element of realism, since women are indeed supposed to be hard to handle, and will surely help them in real life relationships too. 🙂


  4. 43 minutes ago, Reticently said:


    "After a long and excruciating legal battle the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that Sony Corporation is the only legal owner of LIJoeTM physical likeness and has exclusive rights on its usage and financial gains related to it. Joe CiaramelliTM was then sentenced to pay Sony a monthly rent in order to keep using his name and facial structure, which are now legally owned by Sony, and should he be unable to pay for it then the Justices have ruled that a new name will be assigned to him though an internet-based Random-Name-Generator and his face will be surgically removed to be returned to Sony Corporation.


    The Justices cited the movie starring Nicolas Cage and John Travolta, Face/Off, as inspiration for their ruling."

  5. 2 hours ago, Mattatsu said:

    My awesome wife just gave me a PS5 for an early b-day present. This is awesome, but now I have no idea what to play on it... Anyone know of any good PS5 games?


    also, Tubb, I think this should still run SOR4 alright tomorrow. If not, I’ll hook the PS4 up. I downloaded it last night.

    Demon's Souls Remake.

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