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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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I was going to add this to my previous post but it's a completely different subject.


@SonichumanIIRC The founders of Rocksteady along with a lot of their best talent formed a new studio. Honestly I wish they'd have put Rocksteady on Gotham Knights and WB Montreal on Suicide Squad. A) Given Rocksteady's pedigree GK would have been a likely hit. They've already implemented unique gameplay for members of the Bat Family previously B) I give near zero fucks about the C and D tier characters in the Suicide Squad. C) The characters in Gotham Knights are more known than the Suicide Squad overall. The only notable character, from a "normie" standpoint in the Suicide Squad is Harley Quinn.


Edit: I haven't played it, but from what I've heard Gotham Knights is an okay game. So an okay WB Montreal game would probably be, at bare minimum, a good Rocksteady game.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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32 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I should have known I could count on you to post more Stellar Booty....Blade footage Hecatom 🙃

Is it just me or does this game It's realistic art style mixed with Abime Waifus all pver the place it looks really...Goofy and dumb. 

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6 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Is it just me or does this game It's realistic art style mixed with Abime Waifus all pver the place it looks really...Goofy and dumb. 

Depends on the combat for me. Combat can look cool but be absolutely terrible. I hope their is a demo. It seems like a game with a Nier type setting and Bayonetta style combat but won't know until I can get my hands on it. Graphically the game seems okay. Although, maybe it's just me, but it seems to be slight downgrade from the initial trailers.

Honestly, I'd like a reason to turn on my PS5 besides Final Fantasy Rebirth this year. I've played maybe an hour of MK1 in the past two months. I ran through the FFXVI DLC in a few hours. My PS5 is going the way of my Xbox One X. NRS excluded, the PC versions of fighting games are rock solid. Except for exclusives, I'm getting the game on PC instead of PS5 and with Sony slowly going the MS route. Outside of whatever Nintendo is doing, I'm on my way to being a purely PC gamer.

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3 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Damn...rank ooze.  The hips and legs of Kim Tae Hyung not enough for you?

The model is amazing, but it sure clashes with the environment, world design, companion desing, enemy design.....


Like it's not her specifically, it's the entire visual look, it just feels very Korean to me. Suoer realistic gritty world design and enemy design, like a skinny waif running through rusted out ruins and shit clashes and looks odd. 


The girl being beautiful isn't the issue, it that she looks like she and many of the other girls, are from different games lol. 


I once bought a PS2 RPG called Magna Carta purely based on Kim Tae Hyungs art.....was a big mistake unfortunately. 

Edited by RSG3
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38 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Damn...rank ooze.  The hips and legs of Kim Tae Hyung not enough for you?

Was that on purpose? Hyung Tae Kim is the CEO of Shift Up the developer of Stellar Blade. Shin Jae Un is the model that Eve is based on. 🤣


Hyung Tae Kim



Shin Jae Eun



Edit: I actually liked Magna Carta.....

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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11 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I actually liked Magna Carta.....

I wasn't really trying to make a value statement beyond it was a mistake for me to do that. I bounced off Magna Cartas elements system really hard. It just ruined the whole flow and enjoyment of the game, for me. I made the mistake of seeing character art I really loved and buying it based on that alone. 


If yoy can get past, or better yet if you like that games weirder systems then it's probably a great time over all. 


It's like I won't ever say Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced is a bad game because I don't thi k it is, but I will tell yoy I fucking hate it and the law system can die in a fire as far as I am concerned I hated it and it ruined the game for me. Same general thing happened with Magna Carta. 


Edit: That photo really doesn't help the "Hips and Ass" comment to land either lol. If that was Brie Larson yall would be talking mad shit lmao. 

Edited by RSG3
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51 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Was that on purpose? Hyung Tae Kim is the CEO of Shift Up the developer of Stellar Blade. Shin Jae Un is the model that Eve is based on. 🤣


Hyung Tae Kim



Shin Jae Eun



Edit: I actually liked Magna Carta.....

Yes it was on purpose because its his character design that's influencing the game look.

40 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

 Edit: That photo really doesn't help the "Hips and Ass" comment to land either lol. If that was Brie Larson yall would be talking mad shit lmao. 

"Hips and Legs" .  This game's protagonists cheeks aren't actually that great (imo) despite the earlier trailers seemingly putting a bull's eye on it.  Pretty sure this is one of those illusion situations where you look at her from the back and you're like GATDAMN but then she turns to the side and its like oh....

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32 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

"Hips and Legs" .  This game's protagonists cheeks aren't actually that great (imo) despite the earlier trailers seemingly putting a bull's eye on it.  Pretty sure this is one of those illusion situations where you look at her from the back and you're like GATDAMN but then she turns to the side and its like oh....

Yeah she's not double caked up by any means. She's got long legs and nice hips for her build. She's not pulling off Hank Hill cosplay like Brie. I still remember the Tom Holland memes about Brie 😂 I think the situation with Eve's character model blew up because of the stupid comments from Alex Battaglia at DF. The way he was talking about her, you'd think she was built like the Amazon from Dragon's Crown.

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8 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Yeah she's not double caked up by any means. She's got long legs and nice hips for her build. She's not pulling off Hank Hill cosplay like Brie. I still remember the Tom Holland memes about Brie 😂 I think the situation with Eve's character model blew up because of the stupid comments from Alex Battaglia at DF. The way he was talking about her, you'd think she was built like the Amazon from Dragon's Crown.

I don't remember that...must have been in an earlier DF video and I just glossed over the the comments somehow.

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3 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I don't remember that...must have been in an earlier DF video and I just glossed over the the comments somehow.

He said and I'm paraphrasing. "The game looks good except for the lead character. It looks like a design from 2002. It's has a hyper unrealistic character model especially from the neck down. As opposed to something like Forspoken." Now his take is asinine because Eve's body scanned from a real woman. What makes it more ridiculous is Frey in Forspoken is based on Ella Balinska. She's the face, voice, body of Frey. For those unfamiliar, the tall hot girl on the right is Ella.




Now if anyone is going to tell me, with a straight face, that 5'5" Shin Jae Eun is hyper unrealistic and 5'11 Ella Balinska is realistic. They are to be blunt. A brain dead idiot. IIRC less than 0.5% of women are 5'11" or taller. Edit: Looked it up. In the US, a woman that is 5'11" is taller than 99.6% of women. That's just height percentages. Who knows how low the percentage gets when factoring in fitness and physical attractiveness. Source:


TLDR: Alex Battaglia is a clown. There are more women that are built like Shin Jae Eun than are as tall as Ella Balinska. Let alone as tall and attractive.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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4 minutes ago, Camacho said:

Dragon punch roman cancel?

That's my assumption, which you've been able to do since X, the second've been able to red cancel DPs for like...25 years long as the Roman Cancel system has existed. 

Edited by RSG3
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I'm still confused by what the hell that has to do with slavery. But I guess it's inevitable that slavery will be brought up in any discussion these days.  Also inevitable that someone will be called a Nazi. 



....goddamn, I hate internet nerddom.

Edited by Camacho
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11 minutes ago, Camacho said:

I'm still confused by what the hell that has to do with slavery. But I guess it's inevitable that slavery will be brought up in any discussion these days.  Also inevitable that someone will be called a Nazi. 



....goddamn, I hate internet nerddom.

The guy is saying that people are finding out and getting mad about something that's been in the game since the very beginning.  People who have been in their own little bubble having to be reminded that slavery is a thing that happened in much the same way people are apparently getting upset about a mechanic/ability that has been able to be done since the first GG.



1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

Yea the American Slavery comment is super weird lol. 

It is also this.

Edited by Sonichuman
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54 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

The guy is saying that people are finding out and getting mad about something that's been in the game since the very beginning.  People who have been in their own little bubble having to be reminded that slavery is a thing that happened in much the same way people are apparently getting upset about a mechanic/ability that has been able to be done since the first GG.



It is also this.

Idiots also seem to think that slavery was unique to America rather than the norm around the world for 99% of human history.

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Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous is on sale on Steam now for 12 bucks... also Hexen for super-cheap at 1.49.


ha, Senran Kagura is even more degenerate than I previously thought... I'm realizing now there's a "grope" option to feel up the characters 🤣 maybe they designed this with future VR functionality in mind.  I played more of this cheeky greatness on my lunchbreak at work today.



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So, Luke Stephens' review of Suicide Squad.... and nah, he doesn't hold back either on it:

Season 1 (when they add that "Joker") is in March apparently?  haha I wonder how low the player count will be by that time.


...another small nitpick I can't help but notice--- this game features the most visually unappealing Wonder Woman I've ever looks like a bootleg WW that some half-talented person tried making using some other game's "custom character" mode that has very limited customization options.

Edited by MillionX
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7 hours ago, MillionX said:

So, Luke Stephens' review of Suicide Squad.... and nah, he doesn't hold back either on it:

Season 1 (when they add that "Joker") is in March apparently?  haha I wonder how low the player count will be by that time.


...another small nitpick I can't help but notice--- this game features the most visually unappealing Wonder Woman I've ever looks like a bootleg WW that some half-talented person tried making using some other game's "custom character" mode that has very limited customization options.

Have you seen Wonder Woman's bio that is supposedly be written by Lex Luthor? It's beyond cringe inducing. There is no way a character that is supposed to be Lex Luthor would write that. He wouldn't speak about Amazon society as perfection.  Nor would he use term "toxic masculinity" or even be concerned with it. Did anyone tell the writers they are supposed be writing the bio from Lex Luthor's perspective? Did Anita Sarkeesian write that pompous nonsense?

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Have you seen Wonder Woman's bio that is supposedly be written by Lex Luthor? It's beyond cringe inducing. There is no way a character that is supposed to be Lex Luthor would write that. He wouldn't speak about Amazon society as perfection.  Nor would he use term "toxic masculinity" or even be concerned with it. Did anyone tell the writers they are supposed be writing the bio from Lex Luthor's perspective? Did Anita Sarkeesian write that pompous nonsense?

Oh it wouldn't surprise me if there was some meddling from Anita S. or people like her.... apparently that's how that group "Sweet Baby" (ha, funny name) rolls and they've become known for being the stereotypical "activist" types that have sadly infiltrated this industry over the past few years.


...but man, that sounds as obvious as those moments on CW shows where they write Superman to say things like  [to Supergirl]"Wow,'re just SO much better than me!" 🤣 (keep in mind, in that show's own lore, Clark has already been Superman for quite some time when Kara decides to do the superhero thing; she's the newb here.) So totally subtle there.....we're supposed to pretend it's not a thing and totally not noticeable at all (like Harley's non-existent ass and tits in this new game, since I guess titties and ass are "unrealistic" and "dated" things), of course.

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