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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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29 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

The game is 2000’s edgelord hack and slash at its best. Absolute steal for $5


Edited by iStu X
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Castlevania Nocturne took a minute but once things were firing on all cylinders I was fully enjoying it!  I don't know fully the games that these are adapatations of but it looks like they're mixing 2 games together based on some of the stuff I'm reading up on.  Spoliers on some events that I want to talk about.



I knew the moment that Orlox appeared in front of Richter that he was going to have a major case of PTSD but I did NOT expect that man to nope the fuck all the way out of the town and I couldn't help but laugh.  Most people in media when they have a panic attack they usually get a good enough distance away from what's causing it and then stop to get themselves together so I expecting him to be waiting at the exit catching his breath and waiting for everyone...but no.  My man KEPT RUNNING.  He was NOWHERE to be found.


Juste showing up was great.


Richter tapping into his magic powers and deleting the fuck out of that vampire was *chef's kiss*.


That is a hell of an entrance for Alucard's comeback.  I can not wait for Season 2!  I don't even know if Alucard is going to make a difference cause Erzebet was no selling everything that was being thrown at her.  Blessed whips on fie, full blown fire blasts to the face, conjured birds...none of that shit mattered.  Gonna need Richter to learn Hydro Storm or something cause he was getting his ass tossed.  It was almost as bad as Trevor getting his insides rearranged when he 'fought' Dracula in the first series.


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31 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Castlevania Nocturne took a minute but once things were firing on all cylinders I was fully enjoying it!  I don't know fully the games that these are adapatations of but it looks like they're mixing 2 games together based on some of the stuff I'm reading up on.  Spoliers on some events that I want to talk about.


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I knew the moment that Orlox appeared in front of Richter that he was going to have a major case of PTSD but I did NOT expect that man to nope the fuck all the way out of the town and I couldn't help but laugh.  Most people in media when they have a panic attack they usually get a good enough distance away from what's causing it and then stop to get themselves together so I expecting him to be waiting at the exit catching his breath and waiting for everyone...but no.  My man KEPT RUNNING.  He was NOWHERE to be found.


Juste showing up was great.


Richter tapping into his magic powers and deleting the fuck out of that vampire was *chef's kiss*.


That is a hell of an entrance for Alucard's comeback.  I can not wait for Season 2!  I don't even know if Alucard is going to make a difference cause Erzebet was no selling everything that was being thrown at her.  Blessed whips on fie, full blown fire blasts to the face, conjured birds...none of that shit mattered.  Gonna need Richter to learn Hydro Storm or something cause he was getting his ass tossed.  It was almost as bad as Trevor getting his insides rearranged when he 'fought' Dracula in the first series.


I think this series is gonna cover 2 games, Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night. 

Edited by RSG3
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11 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Castlevania Nocturne took a minute but once things were firing on all cylinders I was fully enjoying it!  I don't know fully the games that these are adapatations of but it looks like they're mixing 2 games together based on some of the stuff I'm reading up on.  Spoliers on some events that I want to talk about.


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I knew the moment that Orlox appeared in front of Richter that he was going to have a major case of PTSD but I did NOT expect that man to nope the fuck all the way out of the town and I couldn't help but laugh.  Most people in media when they have a panic attack they usually get a good enough distance away from what's causing it and then stop to get themselves together so I expecting him to be waiting at the exit catching his breath and waiting for everyone...but no.  My man KEPT RUNNING.  He was NOWHERE to be found.


Juste showing up was great.


Richter tapping into his magic powers and deleting the fuck out of that vampire was *chef's kiss*.


That is a hell of an entrance for Alucard's comeback.  I can not wait for Season 2!  I don't even know if Alucard is going to make a difference cause Erzebet was no selling everything that was being thrown at her.  Blessed whips on fie, full blown fire blasts to the face, conjured birds...none of that shit mattered.  Gonna need Richter to learn Hydro Storm or something cause he was getting his ass tossed.  It was almost as bad as Trevor getting his insides rearranged when he 'fought' Dracula in the first series.





Juste and Richter are going to perform the fusion dance and Super Belmont Jushter will take care of Erzsebet.


Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Well, ultimately that show as a letdown... not on par with the previous Castlevania I am wondering if the quality will slide further down with the next season, sadly...and it will become another one of those things where people look back on it like "...remember when that show was good?  The early stuff was awesome but then..."

Edited by MillionX
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Just now, Darc_Requiem said:

The craziest part for is that she's a real person. Well I guess it's not that crazy. Since the same could be said of Dracula.

Yeah I was watching it with my wife and when they revealed who the Messiah was she was like "....yyyyeah I figured".  She's then told me about real Erzabet and yeah...sounds a bout right.

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Well Bloodlines is definitely a part of it since Erzabet is the main antagonist at least for right now.

I guess. That's like saying Cirlce of the Moon is part of the first series because Carmilla is in I guess so but I personally wouldn't really agree with that. 

Edited by RSG3
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25 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

I saved the Tiefings though- they all celebrated in my camp. And Halsin is all cool with me too. I killed all the goblins as well. I'm gonna stab her!

How did you do that? I love this game. The multiple way things can play out. I shouldn't surprised anymore.  I found out something karmic occurs if Arabella dies.


Kagha will be at your celebration by herself drinking wine. Arabella's parents will confront her. All of sudden Kagha gets woozy and falls to the ground. Arabella's mom spiked her win. She'll be on her back paralyzed and Arabella's mom stabs her repeatedly until she dies.

I've played act one quite a few times now. I thought I'd found or seen all the outcomes at this point. I'm sure they'll patch this one out, but someone found a way to kill the druids and Tieflings yet still keep Karlach and Wyll in the party. It was really ingenious. They got Karlach and Wyll down to 1hp. Then they got them to jump from a high distance so that the fall damage kills them. With both of them "dead", they sided with Minthara, wiped out the grove, and then ressurected Karlach and Wyll 😂

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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5 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

How did you do that?

I saved the kid who Kagha was gonna kill with the snake by talking her out of it. Then Zevlar told me to kill Kagha because she was evil. So I went down and killed her. Then when I came out of her cave the druids and Tieflings were fighting. Wyll was already in my camp at this point. After the Tieflings won the Grove and the druids were dead, I went to the Blighted Village and killed all the goblins. Then I went to the Goblin Camp and killed every single Goblin there, including all their leaders. At that point I went back to the Grove and Zevlar and the remaining Tieflings were all happy I freed them from the goblins. Halsin was there too, and he took responsibility for all the Druids dying because he left Kagha in charge.

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7 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

I saved the kid who Kagha was gonna kill with the snake by talking her out of it. Then Zevlar told me to kill Kagha because she was evil. So I went down and killed her. Then when I came out of her cave the druids and Tieflings were fighting. Wyll was already in my camp at this point. After the Tieflings won the Grove and the druids were dead, I went to the Blighted Village and killed all the goblins. Then I went to the Goblin Camp and killed every single Goblin there, including all their leaders. At that point I went back to the Grove and Zevlar and the remaining Tieflings were all happy I freed them from the goblins. Halsin was there too, and he took responsibility for all the Druids dying because he left Kagha in charge.

There are so many ways to deal with Kagha alone. I've killed her, spared her, found out who was pulling strings, etc. I've lucked up though. I never managed to have Arabella die.  Didn't even have to save scum or anything. However there are other times I've rolled a "1"..... and "accidentally" reloaded 😏

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19 minutes ago, iStu X said:




The problem here is that even if he was very likely pro the moves the company were taken, him resigning is just him being a scapegoat.

After all, executives are the most easy target to put the blame on since they are usually the faces of the companies; yet they are as the name implies, the people in charge to execute the plan and direction that the board of directors decide to take the company on.


He certainly was in favor of the moves the company was taking if we go by his past jobs and past comments, but he at the end was not the only one taking the company to said direction, most of the people who took those decisions are still in place and nothing tells us that they will not try this kind of shit again.


This has happened before plenty of times, the board of directors and chairmen decide to do some stupid shit, the executives, regardless of how they feel about it start implementing said stupid shit, there is some fallout, the executives are booted because of it, the people who actually are to blame for the stupid shit are still in place to do it again at a later date.





Edited by Hecatom
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18 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Hinako is ready for her comeback


I really hope that is Minako.

Unrelated, I wouldn't mind if Momoko and/or Zarina would also comeback, to have a capoeira character (But I will prefer if both come back, to have both my KOFXI and KOFXIV on the game)

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BG3--- that's still where I left off... the Tieflings have been wiped out, so now I have to take care of the druids as well for my honey Minthara.  


I'm still laughing about the dirty looks I got for loot/searching the body of that tiefling kid that was killed earlier.  I just instinctively went to search the body and *then* thought about it like..."oh....yeah this probably looks bad..."  I love that they have other characters look at you with disgust.


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3 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I guess. That's like saying Cirlce of the Moon is part of the first series because Carmilla is in I guess so but I personally wouldn't really agree with that. 

Only reason I'm saying that is because Erzabet's only game is Bloodlines.  Same for Drolta Tzuentes unless I'm missing something from what I'm looking up. 



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12 hours ago, iStu X said:



The funny thing is that the reason of why they introduced Hinako back in the day, was because at the time, there was a heavy push to legitimize the onna-sumo leagues into professional events, but due the stances of the organizations in japan and the ban of being practiced at professional events (since 1926 iirc) has made it difficult.


Still, there has been a lot media still pushing for it, like the manga Rikijo, some tv series and movies, etc.


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Here is an overview of the game, via CI Games:





Lords of the Fallen introduces an all-new, epic RPG adventure in a vast, interconnected world more than five times larger than the original game.

After an age of the cruellest tyranny, the demon God, Adyr, was finally defeated. But Gods… do not fall forever. Now, aeons later, Adyr’s resurrection draws nigh. As one of the fabled Dark Crusaders, journey through both the realms of the living and the dead in this expansive RPG experience, featuring colossal boss battles, fast challenging combat, thrilling character encounters, and deep, immersive storytelling. Will your legend be one of light… or one of darkness?

Dare to Hope.

Key Features

  • Explore Vast, Interconnected Worlds – Journey across two expansive, parallel worlds in your epic quest to overthrow Adyr. While the living realm presents its own brutal challenges, untold terrors lurk in the nightmarish realm of the dead.
  • Define Your Own Legend – Fully customize your character’s appearance from a wide array of visual options, before selecting one of nine character classes. Whichever starting path you take, develop your character to your own playstyle by upgrading stats, weapons, armour and spells.
  • Master Fast, Challenging Fluid Tactical Combat – Only those that master the deep, tactical combat can hope to survive. Choose from 100s of uniquely brutal weapons, or forgo metal for magic with devastating attacks of the arcane.
  • Unite or Fight in Online MultiplayerExperience the expansive, single player campaign alone, or invite a second player to join your adventure in uninterrupted, online co-op. But be warned – Heroes from other realms can, and will invade.
  • Wield a Device of Ungodly Power – Your lantern possesses the ungodly power to cross between worlds. Use this dark art to reach forgotten places, unearth fabled treasures, and even manipulate the very soul of your foe.
  • Rise from Death – Fall in the world of the living, and rise again… in the world of the dead. You now have one final chance to return to your living state, as all manner of hellish creature descends upon you.

Key Features

  • Embark upon two vast, parallel world—that of the living… and the dead.
  • Master a fast, fluid and challenging combat system.
  • Wield devastating magic attacks and character buffs.
  • Invite a second player to join your campaign in uninterrupted, online multiplayer.
  • Encounter a wide array of characters, eager to offer a dubious hand…
  • Fully customize your own unique character.
  • Choose from nine starting character classes, including Knight, Rogue, and Fire Apprentice.





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