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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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28 minutes ago, iStu X said:

House of Mouse might be buying EA



Purchase with what money? They are on the hook for buying out Comcast/NBC Universal's stake in Hulu. Their park revenue is down. They lose money on Disney+ and their movie division has dropped massive bomb after bomb. They lost their ass on Indy 5 and Elemental. Little Mermaid didn't make money either.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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37 minutes ago, iStu X said:

House of Mouse might be buying EA



Not sure exactly how I feel about this but currently leaning to nagative.  Pros for them as a company is that they'd a consistent company to put forth IPs in their portfolio.  Cons would include the likely loss of any other company being able to touch an IP in that folder meaning Insomniac's Spiderman and Wolverine's future woukd be ?????.  Chances of another Marvel vs. by Capcom at some point in the future would diminish further.  EA as whole doesn't exactly exude confidence on touching anything aside from Star Wars and thats mostly due to one division in the company (Respawn).   I da know...I know things would probably work out for disney net positive for some of the things they'd get out of it but I'm feeling it'd be negative for the industry overall at this point.

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16 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Not sure exactly how I feel about this but currently leaning to nagative.  Pros for them as a company is that they'd a consistent company to put forth IPs in their portfolio.  Cons would include the likely loss of any other company being able to touch an IP in that folder meaning Insomniac's Spiderman and Wolverine's future woukd be ?????.  Chances of another Marvel vs. by Capcom at some point in the future would diminish further.  EA as whole doesn't exactly exude confidence on touching anything aside from Star Wars and thats mostly due to one division in the company (Respawn).   I da know...I know things would probably work out for disney net positive for some of the things they'd get out of it but I'm feeling it'd be negative for the industry overall at this point.

Disney had their own game studio. Lucas Arts which they dissolved the year after buying Lucasfilm. Would have been a lot easier, and cheaper to build them up over the past decade than buying a massive studio with money you don't have. I'm not joking about their financials. They are obligated to buyout Comcast/Universal's stake in Hulu. Disney own's 2/3rd of Hulu and Comcast owns the rest. They are fighting over the amount but it's minimum 10 billion dollars  and IIRC Comcast wants double that. Deadline for that is January 2024 last I heard.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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9 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Disney had their own game studio. Lucas Arts which they dissolved the year after buying Lucasfilm......

I'm aware.  That's also something else to consider since they put themselves in this position in the first place because their output through their dedicated games division was not making them money.  I did think about another potential psoitive though it would be unlikely,  the possible try again on Split/Second by the NFS devs.

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1 hour ago, iStu X said:

House of Mouse might be buying EA




Is almost impossible to happen considering they are 2 to 3 months away of being forced to buy Hulu from Comcast, plus they have been basically losing money since last year.

Just the closing of the SW Hotel costed them like 4 billion dollars

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Sony owns the movie rights for Spider-man and thats about it.  Yeah Insomniac is making the Spiderman games and Wolverine and because of that the games are exclusive to Sony platforms but if The Mouse told them they can't make those games any more them thats it. 

Ah, word. Just the films. Yeah, I knew there were negotiations about putting Spidey in the Avengers and shit, so when the games are PS exclusive I figured the rights extended to any use of the character. But that's because I'm a stupid fucking idiot ☹️

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4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Purchase with what money?

Hahaha Darc thinks they use money to buy companies hahahahaha. 


They will use projected assets and other unrealized gains to make the buy should they go through with it. They don't use money, who do yoy think they are Elon Musk?


I joke but that's how they do it, it's even how Musk did it, he leveraged Tesla Stock (unrealized gains) to purchase Twitter he didn't use money. 

Edited by RSG3
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25 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Hahaha Darc thinks they use money to buy companies hahahahaha. 


They will use projected assets and other unrealized gains to make the buy should they go through with it. They don't use money, who do yoy think they are Elon Musk?


I joke but that's how they do it, it's even how Musk did it, he leveraged Tesla Stock (unrealized gains) to purchase Twitter he didn't use money. 

It was a simplication of the situation. Disney doesn't have the assets or capital to purchase EA. They are already looking to sell of assets to keep things afloat. Their linear TV networks (ABC, Freeform, etc). Looking to partner with Amazon on sports broadcast rights or to just flat out sell them ESPN. They are reducing the number of projects in production for Disney plus and cutting the budgets on what they do keep. They are licensing out previously Disney+ only content to other streaming services, like Netflxi for extra capital. Trying to sell off their streaming service in India which is the source roughly 40% of their Disney+ subscriber numbers. Which is more to prop up their stock than bring in actually revenue what they pay for streaming about 1/10 of what the North American audience pays. They are literally scrambling to scrap up the 10 to 20 billion dollar they have to pay NBC Universal/Comcast for Hulu. Disney's stock price is 40% of what it was 2 years ago. They are up shits creek without a paddle and their canoe has sprung a like. So no, they don't have the ability to buy EA. MS had to drop 70 billion for Acti/Blizz. Disney needs at least half that get EA. Disney despite having their hands in multiple industries is still primary reliant on their parks for revenue/profit and those number are down. So they can't cover or hide their failures in all their other pillars of business. :tldr:

TLDR: Disney doesn't have the funds. Instead typing out a Dime paragraph like I did above. I said "with what money" because it was simpler than going into explicit detail.


Side note: I'm not saying Disney is going under or anything. That said their are going to need to do some serious blood letting along with new leadership to get them out of this. Iger's put them in this mess and his ego wouldn't let him walk away when everyone was ready to set the blame at Chapek's feet.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

Ah, word. Just the films. Yeah, I knew there were negotiations about putting Spidey in the Avengers and shit, so when the games are PS exclusive I figured the rights extended to any use of the character. But that's because I'm a stupid fucking idiot ☹️

You aren't an idiot cause to be honest how the right work when it comes to IP's between different entertainment medium can be confusing as fuck and be quite annoying to deal with if the company happens to be careless enough to just give full blown rights for an IP in one sector to studio or company but then give the rights for the same IP in another sector that doesn't encroach on whatever the other company is doing....which is actually what Marvel did back in the day and why they had nearly buy all of Fox outright to get the movie rights to their IP's back.  On top of Spider-man they still don't have the full movie rights to Universal.  I don't even know what deal they had to make to get the Incredible Hulk movie from Phase 1 streaming on D+.


Anime IP also have similar issue with rights when it comes overseas over here.  It's one of the reasons for the longest time it was thought to be impossible that the Jump and crossover games would never be able to come over here because of the legal loops and different things that had to be considered between the different right holders for anime over in Japan and whoever hold the publishing/translating rights for the IP in the country.  I don't know how Namco Bandai has made it happen in recent years but they seem to have managed to some how found out some way to make it feasible.  I can only guess that maybe they somehow found a loophole that doesn't involve dealing with all the publishing rights holders over here since the Jump games don't feature English VA.

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arcade fighting game













Dynamite Bomb!! Launching To Arcades Exclusively In 2023







Forgot to mention. Played 3S at a local arcade about a week ago. Chose Twelve. On the baskeball parry level 2 the game froze after the 2nd parry prior to the 3rd ball being thrown. While the 3rd ball was being thrown I was on the far right of the screen wiggling the joystick back and forth. I was the 2nd player as well. Has this freeze happened to anyone else?

Edited by Jion_Wansu
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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

Not sure Embracer has any IPs Disney would care about. Saints Row and Darksiders don't really fit Disney, and Deus Ex has a fuck load of baggage. 


Maybe talent hunting? I dunno. 

They should have just bought Square Enix's western studios. Embracer paid 300 million for them with the IPs included. Given that Embracer licensed Tomb Raider to Amazon for 600 million, I doubt they'd part with those studios with IPs for such a pittance.

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Hideki Kamiya launches YouTube channel; cannot work in games industry for one year



“You can BLEEP OUT, right?” Kamiya asked when the prompt about why he left PlatinumGames came up. “How should I put it… hmm… How can I put it… Umm… THERE’S NO WAY I CAN PUT IT. You guys understand, right? But… I’d say, I left the company because I wanted to follow my beliefs as a game creator. And to choose the path I think is right and move on. Yeah, so I’m not going to retire yet. I want to keep creating games.”


As for where he will go next, Kamiya said that he is not allowed to work in the games industry for a one year period—likely due to a non-compete clause.


“Am I even allowed to say this out loud?” Kamiya said. “I can’t work for (the same industry for) a year. Due to reasons. So, it’ll be a while until I bring good news to you all. It’ll take time. but I’ll make it happen.”




Edited by AriesWarlock
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I would be surprised if those two are not working together somewhere down the line. 


I do wonder if Platinum is going to get bought out. They founded it to have freedom but a potential purchase seems like a recent end goal for the company the last few years ahead of gaming to stabilize itself. Their biggest non Bayonetta hits have just been Astral Chain, which I heard they sold the IP full to Nintendo, and Nier Automata, which was basically them doing work for hire. 

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