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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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16 minutes ago, HeavensCloud said:

It's just a benchmark tool which tests if your PC can run SF6 smoothly.  You download it and run the program and it'll give you a rating out of /100.  


2 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Benchmarks test how well a game will run on your PC.


Ahh I see, thanks. It's weird when I try to open it up after downloading it doesn't open at all. But I downloaded the free demo and it seems to run comparable to the beta, just with a lot of screentearing even when I turn V-sync off. Any other cures for that?

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8 minutes ago, Jocelot said:

Ahh I see, thanks. It's weird when I try to open it up after downloading it doesn't open at all. But I downloaded the free demo and it seems to run comparable to the beta, just with a lot of screentearing even when I turn V-sync off. Any other cures for that?

What's the refresh rate on your display? You will have to increase the Hz. I recommend doing this through your graphic driver. 

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Yeah I thought about going like Hightotalsagatfireball but it doesnt really roll off the tongue. 


Im pretty behind (only played the last Beta and Demo, no crack for me!) but ready for action! I figure I'll 100% play characters that have not been released to get that little edge plus it will just be more fun. 


Looking at my Girl Lilly and Mr Fake out Dee Jay to get things started 💥

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I actually played the World Tour Mode in the demo today. 

Holy moly it’s AMAZING. Frankly I normally skip FG story modes (I have not finished SFV, MK11, or Strive)  but this mode is hype. I must’ve spent at least and hour in the character creator alone, and I really like the vibe of Metro City. It has the same feel as some of my favorite JRPG’s and it made me feel weirdly nostalgic despite being a brand new game. Playing the demo even made me like Luke haha.


My only complaint is that the character seem real limited on skin colors. Yeah they have the realistic skin tones but it seems impossible to get something RGB. Best I could manage was red skin kinda like Hakan.


Ngl this game makes me feel like a kid again, which is a feeling I been chasing a very long time. Friday can’t come soon enough.


Edit: I will say that with my new perspective it does feel really strange not to have Cody in the game. Fighting the mayor of Metro City seems like a mission that writes itself. Maybe he’s in a big DLC expansion or something.

Edited by Vhozite
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