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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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23 minutes ago, Maravilla said:

Tokido dropped Akuma already, same reasons as I stated before, no f-hp command normal, no real red fireball,etc. I'm ranked gold and he's ranked legend so you don't have to be good at a fighting game to see a characters glaring weaknesses. 

That’s the first I’ve heard of akuma having a glaring weakness. 

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Holy shit man ranked has no fucking variety right now.  All I am running into is Akuma and then if I don't get Akuma, it's Ryu most of the time.  I am having a lot of trouble against the Akuma's in ranked right now and losing the most of those matches, then I'll make it up against other characters, then face another Akuma and lose, etc.  I'm like 200 points from master lol and only made like 100 points progress tonight.


In casual and battle hub though I hold my own against Akuma it's only in ranked that I'm running into the ones that are owning me.  My punishes against Akuma definitely suck right now as I just don't know the matchup too well yet and he can get away with a lot of gimmicks against me for the time being.


I am also feeling the Dee Jay nerfs more now especially the distance reduction on his upkicks.  I whiff the AA often on a neutral jump AA because it JUST stops going far enough to hit them.  

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3 hours ago, Maravilla said:

With how everyone can deal big damage using the drive system akumas glaring weakness would be his health. 

I took you at your word but I just ran a ft20 witha master rank akuma player he needs the low health lmao. Matter of fact make it lower. He’s a menace

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51 minutes ago, elliephil said:

If only we had access to AI powers like this back in the day...


The world was already to crazy just with Flash. Flash and Current AI would've turned the internet into a true madhouse. Newgrounds, YTMND...bro when 4chan got a flash board shit was craaaaay.


Good times.

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So as I've gotten better at this game and I am starting to face better players, I feel like one of my main issues that I am running into in this game is that I feel like I ALWAYS push the button like a split second late and get counter hit and then eat a huge combo.  At the higher level it only takes a couple of those to lose the round.  


I am wondering how I can improve on this.  I mean the obvious answer is to not push buttons, but there has to be a reason that I consistently am pressing it later than my opponent.  Like how do I work on this?


I do feel like it is also tied a bit into spacing and that my spacing could be better in these instances, but it's not ALWAYS the case.  I'd say the majority of the cases I do this it isn't a whiffed normal that is being punished or anything it is just that either of our buttons would hit the other, but mine just comes out a little later than theirs and I eat it.


What is the best way to work on this?

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2 hours ago, purbeast said:

So as I've gotten better at this game and I am starting to face better players, I feel like one of my main issues that I am running into in this game is that I feel like I ALWAYS push the button like a split second late and get counter hit and then eat a huge combo.  At the higher level it only takes a couple of those to lose the round.  


I am wondering how I can improve on this.  I mean the obvious answer is to not push buttons, but there has to be a reason that I consistently am pressing it later than my opponent.  Like how do I work on this?


I do feel like it is also tied a bit into spacing and that my spacing could be better in these instances, but it's not ALWAYS the case.  I'd say the majority of the cases I do this it isn't a whiffed normal that is being punished or anything it is just that either of our buttons would hit the other, but mine just comes out a little later than theirs and I eat it.


What is the best way to work on this?

I would say check out the move that you're getting counterhit by and familiarize yourself with the framedata on that particular normal and the one you're pressing.  I kept getting counterhit by Kimberly's and I was like, "huh, I swear I'm hitting my medium kick before my opponent" but I checked out the frame data and as it turns out her comes out 2 frames faster than Jamie's.  So, the range I normally play at and hit, Kim's was always winning because of the faster start-up.  It's just good to know these things and then you can go into training mode to practice whiff punishing or hitting a faster light button.  

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3 hours ago, purbeast said:

I am wondering how I can improve on this.  I mean the obvious answer is to not push buttons, but there has to be a reason that I consistently am pressing it later than my opponent.  Like how do I work on this?


This website is a great resource to see how the hitboxes and hurtboxes work. It's helped me so much with knowing when to use a certain button in certain ranges.


If you see a button with a hitbox you think could make work, you can go to training mode and try it out against other characters and their buttons you aren't exactly sure how to deal with yet. I usually set the dummy to neutral jump and then hit whatever button I want to lab against once they land.


This website is also great at showing that most buttons are crazy lol


Edited by elliephil
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Can't believe ryu is more fun to play than Akuma lol. Actually so is Ken, not Luke though, they should have sent Luke to the new fatal fury and left him out of sf. 

*edit- at least in my opinion. 

Edited by Maravilla
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8 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

Gotta prep some popcorn if it turns out to be like a Luke/Jamie/Kimberly team for kof15 

Don't care much if KoF get the young trash prospects, but would love new Garou to get SF6 Ryu, would be huge for the game 🤯


But guess Garou is dead to me till at least Season1 DLC, no Joe no buy
Btw new design looks lame, feels so generic lol



for comparision current design vs KoF mod based on that art




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Capcom got finessed in that scenario though 


kof15 is dying and will be replaced by Garou 2, while snk gets to promote their two most iconic characters in a what is till technically fresh fighting game that will be supported for years to come 

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SF6 probably already sold more than the last 3 SNK releases combined. There is no scenario in which Capcom got finessed. From interview stuff, the producers were big Fatal Fury fans and got to fulfill a childhood dream; on top of throwing SNK a bone and promoting their stuff.


I don't like guest characters, but its very much a win win situation.

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8 hours ago, Sonero said:

SF6 probably already sold more than the last 3 SNK releases combined. There is no scenario in which Capcom got finessed. From interview stuff, the producers were big Fatal Fury fans and got to fulfill a childhood dream; on top of throwing SNK a bone and promoting their stuff.


I don't like guest characters, but its very much a win win situation.

I just noticed the thread title and laughed out loud.  

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Famitsu went on to ask about the connections between Terry and Ken, where in past games they had special interactions, and whether or not we might see this revisited in Street Fighter 6. Nakayama couldn't spill the beans just yet, but he explains that the team is well aware of this facet while developing the upcoming content.

"You'll have to see that once you play him," said Nakayama. "During development, we've been very aware of previous interactions and connections between the two."



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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Damn you PVL, now I'm thinking about a Tekken Vs Street Fighter Tag game with Azucena and Lucia as team. I don't even like Tekken. Harada's cool as hell though.

It's a bizarre timeline because after Akuma in T7, Terry/Mai in SF6 and possibly an SF guest for KOF15, we're somehow simultaneously this close and so far away from Tekken X Street Fighter, Capcom vs SNK 3, and SVC Chaos 2


Maybe Sega can save us with a Project X Zone 3 or something, or a Namco vs Capcom remaster 

Edited by -PVL93-
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