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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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I do not like Ed, but credit where it’s due…his look in 6 is WAY better than SFV. Pale and a bit washed out color wise really suits him, and his new outfit is perfect imo. Street clothes with no shirt >>> Shadaloo reject rags.

Also I might be reaching, but I feel like the trailer implied a greater reliance on boxing vs Psycho Power for his fight style. Would be an interesting development.


Ngl I watched this trailer ready to make “when’s Akuma” jokes but I’m genuinely impressed. Reserving final judgement for gameplay footage but trailer to trailer I’d say he’s the best looking DLC character so far.

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7 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Also I might be reaching, but I feel like the trailer implied a greater reliance on boxing vs Psycho Power for his fight style. Would be an interesting development.

One thing i noticed is that teaser put lot spotlight on Ed's ability to dodge (normal boxing dodges without  need of psycho power) wonder if may mean SF6 Ed will get bit more Steve Fox style with dodges integrated in his moveset, would be appreciated


One cool detail is of the vid has been put great emphasis on Ed's footwork and balance, showing how he's totally unaffected by train movements while his opponents lose balance at every bump and Ed take advantage of these openings


Wonder if what does to the big guy is just cutscene or may hint us what one of his supers looks like, coreography/camera wise remind me lot Lv3s


About the Psycho Power being less used is possible (will like it) and teaser seems to show that, but we should consider these box-heads are absolute bums and Ed may find overkill use PP for them, while he uses it as soon he face somebody like big guy that can offer bit more challenge

Guess gameplay wise since many got install type shit as Lv2, would not be much surprised if he may have Psycho Power boost as Lv2

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1 hour ago, biachunli said:

The Ed's Psycho Power looks like different... It's not pure purple. Soul Power? Ed finally found Menat or he met Rose? Or is he developing his own Soul Power?



Bit soon to tell, is possible teaser palette is affected by the location having kinda blueish lights/shadows


But just watched the trailer again, got to admit each move seem bit different case


First powered punch is bit a mix, seem to have azure but also purple PP flame

The mid-air catch is full purple

The last strike seems mostly azure with just bit of purple


Again may be ambient lights but still curious to see if you have a point, interesting detail


We may find out when they release gameplay trailer in a normal stage

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9 hours ago, biachunli said:

The Ed's Psycho Power looks like different... It's not pure purple. Soul Power? Ed finally found Menat or he met Rose? Or is he developing his own Soul Power?



I think it's one of two things. One is good for Ed and one is bad. It could be Soul Power as has been mentioned. However it also could be because Ed is dying. Didn't Bison's Psycho Power turn blue when Ryu killed him? I'd rather it be the former. I also think Falke will be an NPC like F.A.N.G. and Azam in World Tour Mode.

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12 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

One thing I noticed is that teaser put lot spotlight on Ed's ability to dodge (normal boxing dodges without  need of psycho power) wonder if may mean SF6 Ed will get bit more Steve Fox style with dodges integrated in his move set, would be appreciated


One cool detail is of the vid has been put great emphasis on Ed's footwork and balance, showing how he's totally unaffected by train movements while his opponents lose balance at every bump and Ed take advantage of these openings


Wonder if what does to the big guy is just cutscene or may hint us what one of his supers looks like, coreography/camera wise remind me lot Lv3s


About the Psycho Power being less used is possible (will like it) and teaser seems to show that, but we should consider these box-heads are absolute bums and Ed may find overkill use PP for them, while he uses it as soon he face somebody like big guy that can offer bit more challenge

Guess gameplay wise since many got install type shit as Lv2, would not be much surprised if he may have Psycho Power boost as Lv2

Ed already had a dodge in SFV it was his V-Skill 2. And thinking about Ed's kit I don't really see how they'd tone down his Psycho Power. Most of his attacks has a Psycho Power flourish. His up kicks had PP. His projectile which was proto sand blast had PP. He had power dunk before Marisa. I think his over all style will carry over from 5 but with more target combos and cool juggles off his level 1/2.

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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I think it's one of two things. One is good for Ed and one is bad. It could be Soul Power as has been mentioned. However it also could be because Ed is dying. Didn't Bison's Psycho Power turn blue when Ryu killed him? I'd rather it be the former.

Bison turning blue was the effect of his body being invaded/filled by Ryu's ki, wich had the ability to suppress negative ki and turn it in his azure hado energy

Is basically same thing he did on himself right before fight Necalli, suppressing his own negative ki/satsui no hado and turning it from red to azure


here timestamped


It's like if previously Ryu had some sort of power limit that when reached he could not avoid Satsui no Hado to get triggered, but SFV version of Ryu could reach that point and then use Mu no Ken/Nothingness to convert all that power into normal non negative azure ki


Throwing that hadoken filled of this energy at Bison did same thing

Guess made sense that Bison's body crumbled because we know Bison's body was'nt even his real self but just an empty shell made in labs to be powered by Psycho Power and got suddently filled with an opposite energy

Kinda like put the wrong fuel in a car and fuck up the engine


We should  remember Bison whole immortality is based entirely on Psycho Power


I'm not sure on Ed effect would be the same because Ed is still a living being and "positive ki" in theory should not harm him

He's not even powered by negative emotions, simply Bison added artificially Psycho Power to Ed's special body (as we know Bison gave to the 4 Neo Shadaloo chars 1 "gift" each)

If i understood correctly nature of Ed's body is simply that its special trait is that could host Psycho Power without be affected by faster aging or corrupted (wich happen to normal Bison shell bodies) but does'nt need it


Though i admit Ed "dying" could be an interesting trait to the char considering how pale and less healthy he looks in SF6, would kinda remind SFV Nash vibes, these doomed/cursed destiny characters are cool

But offering different perspective, maybe Ed special body is'nt 100% immune to Psycho Power but just less affected, so in long run (considering SF6 timeskip) maybe it's body is still being poisoned like a cancer by Psycho Power and he learned Soul Power as some sort of cure, to heal or at least slow it down... would be interesting twist


2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I also think Falke will be an NPC like F.A.N.G. and Azam in World Tour Mode.

Yeah i think Falke can be really easy for them because they can give her JP style (would be cool if he was revealed to be her La Canne master back to SFV days) and then add just couple of unique specials


My hope is we will be able to fight also Knife teleport guy and the genius Gorilla, they will have to get more creative there lol


2 hours ago, TWINBLADES said:

Ed already had a dodge in SFV it was his V-Skill 2.

Yeah i remember he had some sort of Psycho Powered forward dash/dodge, but i was thinking about something different and closer to the teaser, like him getting the ability to slip punches on various directions (like dodge on the spot, slip forward, lean backward etc) without use PP... for that reason i made Steve Fox name, was thinking something more like his dodges


2 hours ago, TWINBLADES said:

And thinking about Ed's kit I don't really see how they'd tone down his Psycho Power. Most of his attacks has a Psycho Power flourish. His up kicks had PP. His projectile which was proto sand blast had PP. He had power dunk before Marisa. I think his over all style will carry over from 5 but with more target combos and cool juggles off his level 1/2.

Yeah i was saying indeed that while teaser seem to hint less PP, it can be misleading because he's essentially fucking up minions that don't require it, and that he used ki attacks as soon he had to face a stronger (still mediocre) opponent


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52 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

We should  remember Bison whole immortality is based entirely on Psycho Power


I'm not sure on Ed effect would be the same because Ed is still a living being and "positive ki" in theory should not harm him

He's not even powered by negative emotions, simply Bison added artificially Psycho Power to Ed's special body (as we know Bison gave to the 4 Neo Shadaloo chars 1 "gift" each)

If i understood correctly nature of Ed's body is simply that its special trait is that could host Psycho Power without be affected by faster aging or corrupted (wich happen to normal Bison shell bodies) but does'nt need it


Though i admit Ed "dying" could be an interesting trait to the char considering how pale and less healthy he looks in SF6, would kinda remind SFV Nash vibes, these doomed/cursed destiny characters are cool

But offering different perspective, maybe Ed special body is'nt 100% immune to Psycho Power but just less affected, so in long run (considering SF6 timeskip) maybe it's body is still being poisoned like a cancer by Psycho Power and he learned Soul Power as some sort of cure, to heal or at least slow it down... would be interesting twist

I think that "dark vibe" is the fact of Bison is trying posses him in his dreams. The game makes it clear that Bison may have users of Psycho Power (and even Soul Power, as is implied at the end of Menat in SF V). So much so that JP HATES sleep.





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1 hour ago, HeavensCloud said:

Logged onto SF6 and noticed a Blanka Chan on my title.  Thinking my account was hacked I checked my replays only to notice a Honda called Drinking Games.  Yep, definitely hacked.  


Turns out I wasn't hacked just finally accepted into the MegaShock club.  

My bad. I hadn't checked entry requests in a while.

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One of the things that’s so pathetic about SF6 is the amount of RQ’s I get. I’ll get one and doned by some bitch ass nigga like 4 times in a row then the moment I take a game the screen freezes. Then why I try to look their bitch asses up on PSN it just so happens their whole account is private. My oh my I wonder why your bitch ass is private?! BoxerKid89 lick my ass nigga my AKI adapts your Ryu isn’t worth cheap poison from the Quicki Mart!

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9 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

Is it worth it to jump back into SF6 now or should I just wait for the balance patch? Thinking about giving Chun-Li a spin.

The Balance Patch is probably a month or so away. It's probably dropping shortly after Capcom Cup. Chun Li seems to be one of the deeper characters in the game thanks to her stance. If you are planning on maining her, you may want to put time into the training mode at least. See if you are vibing with her as a character before wading into online play.

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20 minutes ago, Shakunetsu said:



Wow hopefully someone would do that to MVC3 too

Not into MvC3 but people still play it unlike SF4. They've basically modded it the point where is more or less MVC4. I constantly see uploads for UMVC3 tournaments standard and modded. I check out the modded tournaments some times just to see what the new characters are capable of. 


Edit: For Reference


Edited by Darc_Requiem
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1 minute ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Not into MvC3 but people still play it unlike SF4. They've basically modded it the point where is more or less MVC4. I constantly see uploads for UMVC3 tournaments standard and modded. I check out the modded tournaments some times just to see what the new characters are capable of.

Yup I see the mods time to time but m surprise  learning now that they had modded tournaments WOW!


MVC3 go to that extent other modded games doesnt qualify for tournaments

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17 minutes ago, Shakunetsu said:

Yup I see the mods time to time but m surprise  learning now that they had modded tournaments WOW!


MVC3 go to that extent other modded games doesnt qualify for tournaments

Max put up 5k to who ever could solve the additional character slot issue. The provided a push for someone to solve the issue. Previously new characters took the slot of the old characters, so you couldn't play Chun Li vs Shadow Lady for example. Once that was resolved it made it easier to run tournaments.  Then they animation import break through a few months ago. So that, has temporarily, slowed things down because modders are going back and replacing their Frankenstein'd animations with imported ones. Shortly before animation import issue was resolved, the modders had gotten together to drop trailer for an update to the game. They were working together to ensure that their mods didn't conflict with one another. It's testament to the community.



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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Max put up 5k to who ever could solve the additional character slot issue. The provided a push for someone to solve the issue.

I have heard this one and from what i know for a last visit like 2 months ago on their discord nobody has solve it yet.


Interesting new trailer I only seen few updates on previously done models.

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If I was a more charitable person I could steelman Chris’s logic. However fuck him he mains Ken. I don’t wanna see the top 5 characters gutted to such a degree that they become unworkable but you can’t in good faith get annoyed that people want Kim to be top tier in a game where JP can just do whatever he wants and the people will say he’s balanced because you can throw him 8 times. Capcom Cup looks like a fucking snooze fest because it’s literally all fucking Lukes AGAIN!!!! I get why people main Luke and with 1 billion Bison bucks on the the line why settle for dog shit like Lily. But holy hell Luke/Ken getting a little tap on the shoulder shouldn’t spell the doom of ground based footsies just because Manon or AKI might get brought up. That being said if Jamie becomes top tier next season I’m uninstalling for Tekaiichi 4.

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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

@TWINBLADESI always lose to Jamie because I never see him. I think I've run into more Dhalsim's than I have Jamie's.

I'll never buy the Jamie downplay. He is in no way the worst or one of the worst. He's mid tier at best. I put him in the same bracket as AKI. Se unlike those filthy Ken ghouls I uplay my character.

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3 hours ago, TWINBLADES said:

If I was a more charitable person I could steelman Chris’s logic. However fuck him he mains Ken. I don’t wanna see the top 5 characters gutted to such a degree that they become unworkable but you can’t in good faith get annoyed that people want Kim to be top tier in a game where JP can just do whatever he wants and the people will say he’s balanced because you can throw him 8 times. Capcom Cup looks like a fucking snooze fest because it’s literally all fucking Lukes AGAIN!!!! I get why people main Luke and with 1 billion Bison bucks on the the line why settle for dog shit like Lily. But holy hell Luke/Ken getting a little tap on the shoulder shouldn’t spell the doom of ground based footsies just because Manon or AKI might get brought up. That being said if Jamie becomes top tier next season I’m uninstalling for Tekaiichi 4.

The main hype I feel for Capcom Cup is just trailers and reveals at this point.  Way too many Luke's and 0 Jamie's.  Plus, the actual quality of the tournament will be lower because of region lock.   They really need to go back to a global points system so we have the best of the best at the end.  

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1 hour ago, TWINBLADES said:

I'll never buy the Jamie downplay. He is in no way the worst or one of the worst. He's mid tier at best. I put him in the same bracket as AKI. Se unlike those filthy Ken ghouls I uplay my character.

Nah Jamie is pretty bad. He starts off with a 10% damage penalty and his move set is weakened or locked away in general. He has to get 2 drinks just to get to his base damage level. Kim has similar nerf but if she pops her level 3, whether it lands or not, she gets full damage and a speed increase for the duration of the fight. Jamie's drink reset after each round. 4 drink Jamie is really good character but so are Luke, Ken, and JP without having a drink mechanic.


Jamie's one of the worse archetype's to have in a Capcom fighter. Any time they have fighter that has their true power locked behind a mechanic, they are too worried about making them OP, so they end up lacking. Hakan in SF4 and F.A.N.G. for most of SFV was that way. Typically these characters have to rely on a lack of match up knowledge for success but the higher level the player, the more likely they'll know the matchup. Then the character's deficiencies really drag them down. Ironically, I think Jamie would have better of in SFV's engine. His level 4 Drink state would have been a V-Trigger.

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5 hours ago, TWINBLADES said:


Funny thing is that I don’t really see asking for those characters to be top tier, just for their glaring flaws to be fixed. The meta isn’t gonna be broken by Gief getting a functional level 1 super lol. 

Answering the original question, I think Jamie or Kimberly are the biggest contenders for “most likely to be over buffed”.


Edit: I agree with twin lol. I don’t think he’s secret top tier or anything but I definitely do not think he’s as bad as ppl are trying to say he is. Just having a DP, cancelable low, and usable drive rush puts him above the actually bad characters

Edited by Vhozite
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Honestly I'm just happy Cammy, Rashid and Guile aren't S tier in this game. I'm happy they're good but not *that* good since we saw so much of them in SFV. In fact Cammy is one of my favorite characters to watch in SF6 and that absolutely wasn't the case in V.


With that said jeah we got waaaaaaaay too much Luke this time around. At least Ken can do a bunch of cool things but Luke (especially in SF6) is so dry imo 

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22 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Edit: I agree with twin lol. I don’t think he’s secret top tier or anything but I definitely do not think he’s as bad as ppl are trying to say he is. Just having a DP, cancelable low, and usable drive rush puts him above the actually bad characters

He has those things but unfortunately they're just worse versions of what the top tier have.  His DP is easily the worst in the game; has dead zones and can be neutral jumped on wakeup for a full punish.  It also will randomly activate SA1 if the opponent uses a move that crosses ups Jamie and/or changes air trajectory like Ken's air tatsu.  This basically spells the end of the round for him.  


His is stubby compared to the other cancelable lows.  Cammy, Ken, Ryu, Chun, Juri all have way better cancelable lows than Jamie.  And the characters that don't have cancelable lows like DJ, Guile and JP are just way better in other areas.  None of these characters have to give up oki to drink either.  


At the end of the day I don't think he's terrible and he's really fun to play.  But there's a reason he's at the bottom of every tier list you see and also listed as a 'good matchup' in every matchup chart. 

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17 hours ago, HeavensCloud said:


His is stubby compared to the other cancelable lows.  Cammy, Ken, Ryu, Chun, Juri all have way better cancelable lows than Jamie.  And the characters that don't have cancelable lows like DJ, Guile and JP are just way better in other areas.  None of these characters have to give up oki to drink either.  

lol this paragraph is exactly the issue I have with SF6’s balancing. You have characters like Jamie who need to make meaningful choices during their gameplay loop with actual weaknesses in mind. Then you have other characters where it seems like the design ethos was “lol give em everything”. It feels like there is two different philosophies at work here. 

Also actually looking at the roster it bugs me how with the exception of JP pretty much all the SF6 newcomers are mediocre. 

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After the latest changes to Strive...


Holy shit should devs take more time to shit up a game with wack mechanics because it gives them belly laughs. It honestly makes me think less of devs when they put insanely questionable stuff in their games.

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