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Posts posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. On 10/19/2020 at 11:27 PM, Zero said:

    MP-28 Hot Rod, Ollie (Wheelie), and Andras (Scourge/Cartoon Version)

    What are your thoughts on Andras? I actually want that figure, but I could easily see Takara Tomy releasing Scourge in the very near future. 


    MP-28 is the only figure in my MP collection that I truly want a redo for. All they gotta do is remake the chest. 

  2. Going through Venture Bros and made my way through Season 4. I stopped watching at the beginning of that season. The finale is pure gold. My understanding is that it was done that way in case the show wasn't renewed. It could easily have been the series closer and I'd have been fine with it.


    11 hours ago, Chadouken said:

    Is ice cream considered terrible food?

    Is it awesome yes . . . . is it good for you . . . . that's another story. I do admit that I'll take out a pint of cookie dough ice cream once in a month. 


    10 hours ago, IcyBlackDeep said:

    And no weight loss program will have permanent effects without permanent change to what you're doing.

    Agreed. People gotta realize it's a lifestyle change in order to maintain the results. Just like gaining the weight, that inner tube around the waist didn't materialize overnight. It was a string of choices that placed it there. 


    8 hours ago, Maxx said:

    This messed my drunk ass up

    This is a project that I have on the list

    7 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

    What kind of xenos heresy is this?


    A tensegrity structure.  You have isolated components held up by tension across the structure. It's more cool than practical. 



  4. 14 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

    But yeah cutting down on processed snacks is my next goal. All that sugar and crap in them is no good. I also mainly just drink water, but I need a juice thats healthy to drink. I need some flavor sometimes

    Believe me, this is honestly the key to better health. Granted it's more expensive, I buy one of those fruit trays from Lowes Foods once a week to give me that sweetness spike to avoid candy. 

  5. 1 hour ago, BB_Hoody said:

    Decided to go on a meat cleanse by eating vegetarian for a week. Started Monday. After 5 days I noticed these changes


    .Stomach aches and cramps went away

    .It's a lot easier to shit, and it smells less

    Don't feel bloated and tired after a meal

    By the Friday I noticed a boost in energy. I got up at 3:30am to commute to work. Arrived by 5:30am. Was asked to work OT so worked from 6am to 5:30pm. And still had the energy to drive home from Birmingham to Atlanta without needing to rest before hand. Getting home by 9:15pm. 


    Now is meat the only thing you gave up or were processed carbs also in the mix? I ask because usually the tired part comes about when you load up on carbs and starches.  Eliminating those may have helped as well.  


    On the flip side, I got a friend of mine who is talking about going all carnivore for a bit to drop body fat quickly (ketosis). These crazy fad diets only work short term. Told him that you are better off just eating in moderation and stop eating terrible food. 

  6. I bought Ace Combat 7 a while ago but stopped playing it since I didn't have a flight stick. It was a rare find at the time and sellers were charging almost double for it. It appears that Best Buy has the Thrustmaster HOTAS for PS4 in stock. 



    I just happened to check last week and almost everyone was sold out or third party sellers with a late tax. If considering using this for Squadrons on PC, wait a bit. There is an issue with the stick's dead zone that needs to be patched.



  7. 2 minutes ago, misterBee said:

    Normal model kits sold everywhere, with some special variants being sold exclusively at their official Gundam Base stores. 


    Really limited stuff like limited run kits/special color schemes/parts kits/other low quantity items are sold directly from them through their P-Bandai (Premium Bandai) direct store.


    Exactly. That's how it should be done. Even if it's a retailer exclusive, Hasbro should always make some of that stock available on that end. The most recent accessory kit they released was mediocre in execution, idea behind it was good. 

  8. Apparently PrimevsPrime and TonTon are buying stolen good. I'm not shocked by that. I am just shocked less people have called them out for it. This happened back around 09 and Hasbro wrecked shop. Give it a year and we'll stop getting these early reviews. 




    @iStu X Here's a more comprehensive view of Rattrap 




    I remember you asked that if Primal had a peg for Rattrap. We can now confirm that he doesn't. 




    Honestly, the more I see of Primal, the less regret I have over cancelling the preorder. It's not bad by any means, but it's a simplified version of the MP. 





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