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Posts posted by OPTIMUS124

  1. 6 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

    As I said before, they turn a blind eye to DIY projects. Moment you start selling premade replicas is when they start to look hard. 
    Setting someone else up to do the same DIY is all gravy to them. 

    Very true. That is what makes the Time Machine such an interesting case. They allow these "prop builders" to make something directly out of the film and as long as it's not directly referencing any licensed product (e.g., screen grabs and logos), they don't care. 


    Nintendo and Disney are ruthless for silhouettes 🤣


    2 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

    Remember, this is not an issue of if you are on the wrong or not, but an issue of opening the door for any bad press and legal costs.


  2. 6 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

    Not really. You are free to modify your DeLorean Automobile, moment you start selling replicas you better have licensing from Universal and the holder to the DeLorean name.
    Usually Universal will set you up with the other license in the same single agreement as they want people to make replicas so they can make royalties. 
    In this case Universal acting as a Front Man for the DeLorean Trademark. 

    Donut Media did an entire video about this:



    The Time Machine may be one of the few times where IP infringment got a blind eye at the corporate level. 


    Here is one of the shop builders who make replicas making clarifications:




    The cars are not "licensed" per Universal's instructions. They aren't in that business. Even though they reference a piece of work in a movie, they are in no way affiliated with Universal. 



    The companies out here are trying to protect their neck. 


  3. 6 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

    But those shops still get the rights to make those Replicas, for the Delorean its both the Movie and Automobile Rights.
    And the Batmobile, WB and DC is about as jealous as Nintendo when it comes to IP.  Any Batman iconography is heavily protected by WB/DC.

    The "Time Machine" is a completely different animal. Since Universal allows people to recreate the car, they are basically waiving that right. Warner/DC will rain fire if you try to do that. Those shops don't have a licensing agreement with Universal or DMC to make the car.


    Once you let one person do it, it creates a precedent. Universal doesn't care about the "Time Machine" because it's free advertising. 




  4. Nothing forces you to throw out Thanksgiving leftovers than your refrigerator saying "Fuck it".


    I've pretty much done everything that I could within reason to troubleshoot so now it's just a matter of waiting for the property manager to respond on Monday. It's not completely "dead" as the freezer side still runs and is around 32 degrees. Some things at the bottom of the freezer did thaw out (e.g., frozen fruits) but most everything above that section is still solid. The refrigerator side is around 48 degrees (most food starts to become unsafe at that temperature). It'll likely be a week before things get resolved. 


    Good news is that in NC, the renters insurance covers food spoilage up to $500 with no deductible. 


  5. Since I'll be grabbing DMC5SE later this week, figured I'd get a little practice in. I remapped the controls to place the guns and lock-on on the shoulder buttons with the style buttons on the face to help facilitate the charge movements.




    My muscle memory keeps wanting to go back to the default, but I certainly see it's potential. 

  6. Watched the ep:


    OK, this is what I need the show to be through and through. I need the story to start weaving together and they did that. The characters that have been brought over have had their justice done. 


    Hopefully this remains the way. 


    Now I have a question. If Favreau and Filoni became the Star Wars story team  leads and Rian Johnson was the director of a film, would you give it a chance?


    Personally, I think my man made a good movie, but I can see where expectations were shattered coming from TFA. All of RJs projects outside of Star Wars and the episodes of Breaking Bad he directed are top tier. I believe that with a solid course laid out, we could have something truly special. 



  7. Hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving. My plans changed on Wednesday night. Found out that my inlaws were sick so decided not to visit. Their test came back negative for CoVID on Thanksgiving but I told my wife, it just made the decision to travel go from "HELL NO" to NO. 


    Then decided to try my hands as making dinner. Made a turkey, baked macaroni, and a salad. First time spatchcocking a turkey (you rip the entire spine out of the turkey and crack its ribs to lay it flat. Me upon completion.




    It came out pretty good. Learned a lot and respect to people putting on a massive spread. Cooking on this scale is a very humbling experience. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Bruh, they are pig intestines. They have to be cleaned because well you know what travels through intestines. Brothers and sisters need to stop eating that shit. It's not 1820 we don't have to eat the parts of the pig that "massa" don't want anymore. 

    There's so many foods that my family eat that I just ponder why. You have access to the entire animal, and you gonna eat where shit gets real. Neck bones and pig feet? I'm good. 



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