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Posts posted by Volt

  1. 37 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

    This is 100% true, too bad Ive already done two of them lol. 

    Yeah, but I'm pretty sure you can re-do them.


    Or at least I'm told the Champions have some different lines after a set number of wins against them.


    13 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

    I’m curious if any of you guys have replayed it and what you did differently.

    I did. Only 5 food slots. No stacking food on the same slot or eating anything raw. (Especially bass).


    It makes the game considerably harder.

  2. Just now, JustBrowsing said:

    I got the (2nd) DLC, and immediately got pissed off with a shrine with a thousand blades and swinging spikeballs, felt like some bollocks Mario Maker challenge. Did I give up on it too soon? I didn't read more (I know what the final reward is) for fear of spoilers, but I didn't want to plough through a tonne of that.

    I remember that one. Some Kaizo shit alright. 🤣


    But yeah, it's definitely worth the trouble.

  3. 1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

    At least in GD, no one has seen hide nor hair of d3v since he posted in the Lounge and banned you. Dude ghoted after that when everyone in GD started alling him a peice of shit for banning you. Then Preppy came in to justify his horse shit and everyone clowned on him for his hore shit to. Havent seen him since. 

    To the surprise of absolutely nobody.


    I'm pretty sure that I've never even seen Preppy in the SFV Lounge and iirc d3v only showed up when Frost and Pertho were having some mod on mod violence.

  4. 1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Tekken has enough characters to have separate Tag franchise. When you can split your franchise roster in half and still have over 30 characters, guest shouldn't even be on the radar.  Hell you probably could cut MKs roster in 3 and have over 30 characters. 

    Nothing wrong with wanting to add some sprinkles on top of a good cake.


    Comparing Tekken's guest situation with NRS's games guest situations is straight up dishonest. The pick quality ain't even comparable either.


    I believe that when a roster is good and you already added a ton of fan favs, there's no harm in adding a guest. It's not like everyone's gonna make it anyway.

    Sure, you gotta weigh things properly, ain't no point in cutting out a fan favorite for a bad guest. (RIP Hawkgirl.)

  5. 22 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    People give me shit for my stance on guest characters. But NRS games and Tekken are prime example of games with a shit ton of their own characters wasting multiple slots on guests. It was cool when I was younger but the novelty has worn off .

    Tekken at least got some good guests for the most part.


    Noctis not being in SC6 instead is WTF-tier, but Akuma and Geese are excellent guest picks.


    Meanwhile, NRS brought us... MK chars in Injustice, which also had Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and MK11 has a ton of guests that make absolutely no fucking sense like Rambo and Robocop.



    Real talk, I wouldn't be mad at all if Capcom put Kazuya in SF6 as a guest.

  6. 1 minute ago, Dayaan said:

    Tangible to chase, sure, but to what end? They'll just hit a wall where netcode holds them back. It'll always do that. That's why I recommend just playing people who you can learn from in lounges.


    While the bulk of your good matches will inevitably come from lounges, there's stuff to be learned in shorter sets with randoms, especially if you play in tournaments.


    You inevitably wind up learning the patterns of your usual training partners, so there's a bit less adaptation and learning on the fly than when compared to randoms.

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