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Posts posted by Serpent

  1. It's not exactly a secret that there's a world wide aristocracy. And yeah of course Musk was born into it, his family owns those slave diamond mines. The way it works now is essentially all debt is owned amongst each other, which kind of stopped most wars since it was rich people squabbling pretty much every time. Now they have simply decided they will leave each other alone and focus completely on fucking the rest of us up, which they've proven when they're united they're unstoppable. Good for them. I don't have any children and don't plan on any, I resent not being born into that class. It's an exclusive membership, they don't take new applicants or anything.


    It's wild that anyone would argue this but people do. Just take a job in finance and if you get high up enough you'll be exposed to it soon enough.


    And if you can't do that, just google Andrew Lahde I guess. I always wondered whatever happened to that guy. I bet he's dead personally.

  2. SF4 was widely criticized by my local scene and pretty much killed it. But when SFV came out people talked up how important SF4 was and insisted it was peak SF and the highest skill ever possible, while shitting all over the previous games.

    So now I'm really interested in 6 coming out which would be two gens removed, I suspect people will talk up SFV and shit on SF4, while a lot of the newer players will argue with the SFV players (who will shit on 6 too). That's really the only thing I'm looking forward to about SF6, I dabbled in V for a little but realized I didn't care and it had just been too long. Even if another pandemic happens with new lockdowns, I don't think I'd try playing fighters again, I've moved on completely at this point and really don't respect the new scene at all. It's just older sellouts that should know better and mostly clueless newbies that usually don't even play, but love running their mouths.

  3. Whenever I see a body getting buried or a service on a movie or anime or whatever, it's either night time or raining. At the least it's really cloudy and it starts raining right at the end, but there's like always rain.

    But in real life, I don't think I've ever seen a burial or service when it's raining or at night. They schedule those around nicer days because otherwise the grave gets washed out or whatever.


    They need to make this more realistic. I need to start seeing sunny, great days at these funerals. The only time it didn't rain was probably that one time they thought Joseph Joestar was dead and he showed up at his own funeral.

  4. 2 hours ago, zatalcon3 said:

    You have good advice on how to survive the suburbs but none of that is going to work in da hood. Especially against hood rats who are really fat and if you are successful at defending yourself with BJJ moves you will likely be labeled as a racist afterwards. 

    lol in the hood the second you're on the ground 5 dudes will start stomping and kicking you, and at least one guy is trying to put a shard of glass in your eye.


    And that's only if nobody has a knife or gun to begin with, because those can come out too. Or the worst one, that little guy gangs always send to pick fights, that light matches and try to burn people's clothes. If said person reacts the entire gang jumps on them.


    No, the only way you will get by is to run with your own crew/be known that you're protected. You're not going to get by trying to fight "honorable" fights or rolling on the ground. That's shit people talk about on the internet, not real life, tbh suburb or not. Only difference with the suburb is the cops will actually show up, beat down any minority they find, and throw them in jail. And then lawsuits and other stuff that discourage anyone from fighting to begin with (anyone that will actually stick around, and the people that don't live there the cops take care of).


    Even though it is actually often a liability in fighting, the best thing you can do if you're not carrying a gun is to work on your upper body, chest and arms especially. For whatever reason this will for the most part deter any bullshit sent your way. Probably because the dudes that can actually fight tend to avoid it, and the ones that can't think WWE is real fighting and equate bodybuilder physique to fight skill.

  5. 8 hours ago, Sonero said:


    Shiiiet calm down with your "women are property" ass. Not all tribes roll that way. The one tribe that is kinda known for it has both partners dipping outside of marriage at random. Doesn't dissolve marriage, they just sort of call it fair game and move on with their day.


    Infidelity and how its perceived is a different bag of bricks. In Germany it wasn't cheating if you did it on vacation. Like if you went to Evo and fucked a broad, that wasn't cheating. That whole situation is a wash.

    That wasn't my point but okay. Figured you were an anthropology guy so it would be more an inside joke/reference. But you do you.

  6. 1 hour ago, Sonero said:

    The league knew that Rodgers wasn't vaccinated. So that in itself wasn't the issue. Cam isn't vaccinated either (cam got dragged for it by pundits and all that too).  Brown committed fraud by submitting the fake vaccine record. That turns the situation into a different beast altogether.


    Also would you fuckers stop using the word "triablism"? Most of the motherfuckers who use it have never read up on many of the world's people who still live in small bands of hunter gatherers? You know what that lifestyle is like 99% of the time?




    You wake up whenever, say hi to the wife, play with the kids, shoot the shit with the homies. Then y'all go "Shit, I'm hungry, lets go kill some shit so this broad can cook it and we can get high". Then you and your homies go hunting for a few hours, catch some animals and throw them at your wife. Then she starts prepping the meal. Then you play with your kids some more. A little bit after you get high on some weird local plant and have a good time with some friends. Then after a bit you continue being relaxed, enjoying nature, happy to raise your kids, loving your wife and life is pretty good.


    Unlike us cucks with jobs and all this shitty modern stuff made to destroy the human will. If we did anything remotely like "tribes" did, we would take waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better care of each other.

    You forgot to mention that your wife is fucking all the other dudes in the tribe, and the brothers raise their sister's offspring because that has guaranteed ancestry whereas your own children do not. Sounds like you just have cuck fantasies buddy.

  7. 18 minutes ago, Sonero said:


    All your generation knows is dancing on videos, order door dash, be bisexual and not get jobs.



    You tell him Perth. Lazy bastards. Back in our day we had to actually go to school. Now these fuckers sit at home and remote learn.


    Zoomers are so damn inept they can't even play video games now. They have to watch other people play.

  8. 1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Apparently there is Russian model that looks like Scarlett Johansson. Weird considering she's most well known for playing a Russian character. @MillionXfigured you'd want to see this.


    Is that really that rare? She's a generic white chick caked in makeup. There are a billion of those.

  9. Wound up returning my monitor, back to my TN panel. People talk up IPS and VA, but a good TN panel is faster, doesn't have glow or blurring issues, and the uniformity is so good. Sure you can't sit diagonally opposite of it or spaz your head around while viewing it but....I don't know why you'd do that in front of a PC monitor in the first place.


    I think I'll hold out until OLED becomes viable on PC. Not like I can get a new GPU anyway, which I'd want to be able to run stuff at higher resolutions. I'm not a fan of higher resolutions in general since most of the stuff I play had to be upressed and uptextured to even get 1080p to look good, the last thing I want is to see how terrible CvS2 looks on 4k.

  10. So I've been on PC since my XB360 red ringed back at the end of 2010. But GPUs are tough to get and I don't really have any faith in PC gaming going forward, I still like indies but the major studios just don't seem to do a great job on PC.


    So I'm thinking of getting the new Xbox and I have questions for you guys. X Series or S? I don't care about the disc drive and would be using the online store anyway. I don't actually have a new HDTV, but I can buy one, should I just get a 4k OLED? Or would it make more sense to get 1440P or whatever on the S?


    I don't remember consoles ever having frametime spikes, but PC gaming does have a lot of that. Are consoles still rock solid on that? And if so, should I just aim for 60fps in that case?


    What games should I be looking for? I still love JRPGs and I also like WRPGs. I don't mind some action games in there if they're good and maybe some other changes of pace. But I'd predominantly get RPGs. I'm interested in the MS console precisely because of Starfield, TES6, and whatever Obsidian and maybe Larian would come out with. How is console modding these days as well? I loved the FO3, NV, Skyrim era because of mods on PC, and I still play them now but the performance on modern hardware has often been a bit uneven. Last major studio release game I played was Witcher 3, I'd consider grabbing CP2077 on a console though. Otherwise I'm in an indie guy, but I'm sure I can still get indies on my PC with dated hardware so I'm not too concerned of that.

  11. Korra would lose at the start of the season then just randomly power up and win at the end.

    LBJ went full dirty, with this and his supporting Chinese human rights violations, we know what LeBron is all about. Jordan had gambling issues and was an ass to teammates sometimes, but LeBron is straight up a complete puke. Also fuck anyone that thinks LBJ is the second greatest, let alone greatest, KAJ is clearly better than him and arguable the GOAT anyway.

  12. 3 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:


    I read this so now all of you must suffer with me

    lol rescuing birds and full transitions. I never heard of deadname before but I can guess what it is. Anyway the real solution is to punch the person who posted this in the first place. Almost all of society's issues can be solved with a good punch to the face, one that preferably breaks a jaw. It's a shame we decided that is illegal. In literature it was common to beat up shit stirrers through most of history. They usually called it a "thrashing" and would go around threatening to thrash someone acting stupid. Since the vast majority of these truly stupid people are extremely physically weak and very cowardly, it was extremely effective in deterring them. Alas now we give them platforms and let them mislead younger generations until they make up most of the vocal population. Oh well.


    Elect me and I will work on bringing thrashings back, as well as develop some way to punch a person through the internet.

  13. Punk is almost single-handedly trying to keep interest in SFV going. I guess he wants to make sure he can ride it out until SF6, and then probably transition out after that. The only way to really bring in new players and especially appeal to the younger gens is to play the heel. It's not a new concept though, Ali quite famously proved that was the best method, and was of course followed by RJJ, PBF and McGregor among others.

  14. So the flycast CvS2 is pretty much dead now. It was plagued with input delay and dropped inputs, but CvS2 is CvS2 and I was having a blast. I hope they fix it and people come back but fighting games...most people do quit them within a few months. Most of the reason it was so easy to get matches was because of a lot of beginners trying the game out. They weren't good but who cares, games are for fun. I was just triple randoming most of the time. But knowing my fellow players, I assume most other vets were just using their best teams and just trying to beat down the new players relentlessly, and of course most people don't have fun with that, and I can't help but wonder if that drove a lot of the new players away. I'll cross my fingers and blame the emulator for now and check back in a few months from now.


    I know this gets brought up a lot, but I wonder if there's any way to make FGs more fun for people, not just new players but all players. They really need to figure out a way to get more coop and non-competitive things to do in there, to get a more casual experience. Maybe they should have a "random select only" queue, and maybe a team party queue. Back in the day we used to have a kof6p mode where everyone gets to control a char and you just play as a team. I really got into kof98 from that, obviously it wasn't the best from a competitive standpoint but it was fun as hell. You'd try to balance the teams out and pick different chars too, and win or lose it didn't matter, you'd also get to see how other people deal with things and play. FG devs really need to incorporate stuff like this, like how DOTA was an offshoot of a mod, this stuff has already been done by emu/online devs but didn't get picked up by the companies themselves. There were also 2v2 options for xvsf and mvc. Fightcade doesn't have any of these things and the original dev that put this stuff in has moved on (although I still talk to him sometimes). I'll never understand why the community and the FG devs are just so opposed to trying these ideas.

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