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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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34 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

I was kind of curious about the community notes on those tweets while also wondering how many times Biden's twitter has gotten hit by them.  Looks like since the beginning of the year he's been tagged at least 3 times (if you're actually curious about the 3rd).  Surprisingly the first tweet that got hit by Community notes seems to have the note removed?  Not sure what's going on with that.





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Went down the reddit rabbit hole and came across this comment under this post. Was posted in 2015. This person predicted something about 2020:





I'm surprised 5% commissions have lasted this long... I'm in real estate and don't see these commissions lasting. I'm not saying tomorrow, but I doubt in 2020 you'll see many 5% paydays. At that point we'll all be handling TC work while people submit their offers through an app and talk about the good ol days of 6% commissions.


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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:

LMAO, who would have thought, that the person who wrote this for bloomberg


was a M.A.P.s spokesman.


To the surprise of no one.

Really activates the almonds because I watched the movie and it wasn't even what "THE NARRATIVE" said it was at all.  The whole narrative about the movie being put in the media is completely false.  Real suspicious if you ask me.

Edited by J-ride
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That old style reminded me---there was this gorgeous girl at university I remember that looked like a time-traveler pulled her right out of the 1920s.... a young starlet "bird" as they'd call her back in those days.  If you shot a film in black & white and had everything looking like a noir thriller from that time she would not look out of place.  ...that shit is HOT, imo... would be great if that became a "new" styled look for women again.  Sheeeittt, time for a ranking system then...


Hottest looks for women by era, generally speaking:

1920s- "Flapper"...there's some overlap with the '30s as well.

1950s-another high rank with me; I also wouldn't mind this coming back into style.  Basically I'm thinking of what you see in a lot of the movies focusing on younger high school characters, maybe there's a diner hang-out spot involved or a beach party (though some of that was going into the 60s era with actors like Annette Funicello)

1980s - this may be some bias I'll admit, since this is *my* era and I have such positive memories of it in general.  This is very close to being a tie with 2nd place 1950s for me.  The exception was that 1 unfortunate trend of women wearing big goofy shoulder pads. (usually in the context of an office job)


The 70s was hit or miss---some of those fashions were just ugly and silly-looking.  



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2 hours ago, Hecatom said:


Is like when the media went after Joker all over again.


Honestly, I've never watched the media spin harder than to try and convince me that:

A.  Human trafficking is not happening

B.  Human trafficking is also not a big deal 

C.  It's a right wing fantasy, REEEEEEEEE


It's silly because my brother in law is a detective and has already busted child traffickers multiple times in his career.  I should tell him those arrests he made weren't real.

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Just now, J-ride said:

Honestly, I've never watched the media spin harder than to try and convince me that:

A.  Human trafficking is not happening

B.  Human trafficking is also not a big deal 

C.  It's a right wing fantasy, REEEEEEEEE


It's silly because my brother in law is a detective and has already busted child traffickers multiple times in his career.  I should tell him those arrests he made weren't real.


Tell me about it.

My mother was for a while a district attorney for the office in charge of child trafficking cases (like 2 years iirc), and the shit I know she had to see and deal with is horrific.

Like some shit that some people think that are creepypastas, but there are actual video evidence of those thing happening.


It is why she left the office since it was too much.


Which is funny in a way, since she moved to the drug traffic office and stayed there until she retired, and that office also had to deal with ugly shit, but apparently it was easier to deal with than what you could see when handling child trafficking office.

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13 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

Our captain cooked this "spaghetti" today for lunch and not a single soul ate it. Im throwing this shit overboard soon as it gets dark outside 


The mate/lead man told him it was trash and he liked nothin about it, I thought we was all bout to get written up for that comment😂


Gonna ask, the problem is about the presentation of the pasta, or the taste/smell is bad?

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i was thinkin, maybe jeff epstein made that pedo island based on the tv show fantasy island. cuz on the show rich people pay to have their fantasy fulfilled.

also trafficking is just a pretty word for slavery. cuz thats what it is.

also. idk if these pics are real or fake but theres apparently pics of hunter biden with underage girls but idk but joe biden's creepy vids with lil girls is making me wonder...

i wouldnt be surprised if they were involved with some of this shit. but bill clinton, trump, gates, and one of the princes were hanging with epstein so..that might some huge ring of pedos for all we know.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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I keep seeing stuff about this Sound of Freedom movie here and showing up in my twitter feed and I hadn't really paid much attention to it.  So I decided to do a quick look into it some of the people involved in this movie are pretty sus even if the doesn't say have any ties to QAnon.  I might watch it through streaming but otherwise I'm probably good on this one.

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40 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


I had to look up the article to double check if it was real.  It is lol.  I had flip through a few of the paragraphs to try to get a sense of what the article writer was trying to get at and it's has to do with the name of some of the birds being related to slave owners, people from the old south, etc.    I get where she's coming from and it's insightful since I didn't even know that some birds are named after those people but I'm not going to suddenly look at a bird and offended at it.  This is not on the same level as a statue or even a school being named after a confederate.

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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I had to look up the article to double check if it was real.  It is lol.  I had flip through a few of the paragraphs to try to get a sense of what the article writer was trying to get at and it's has to do with the name of some of the birds being related to slave owners, people from the old south, etc.    I get where she's coming from and it's insightful since I didn't even know that some birds are named after those people but I'm not going to suddenly look at a bird and offended at it.  This is not on the same level as a statue or even a school being named after a confederate.

Is the article asking yoy to take it on the same levels as those? Real lack of nuanced responses from people as of late (not that the News doesn't lack nuance either)

Edited by RSG3
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7 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Our captain cooked this "spaghetti" today for lunch and not a single soul ate it. Im throwing this shit overboard soon as it gets dark outside 


The mate/lead man told him it was trash and he liked nothin about it, I thought we was all bout to get written up for that comment😂

That's spaghetti??? Looks like a failed attempt at gumbo 


Edit: Just saw your post about him not draining the grease from the beef. That explains it. Cooking ain't that hard. You just gotta give enough fucks to take your time and do it right. 

Edited by BB_Hoody
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6 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Is the article asking yoy to take it on the same levels as those? Real lack of nuanced responses from people as of late (not that the News doesn't lack nuance either)

It doesn't ask this of you outright (as far as I can tell because I didn't read everything) but reading over what I did, you definitely get this sense that the writer wants you to be concerned and to clutch your pearls over it in the same way she is doing.  I honestly just can't because there are waaaaaaay bigger issues in the overall picture than birds.


Edit: Also want to point out that this article isn't recent either.  Its 2 years old.

Edited by Sonichuman
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3 hours ago, J-ride said:

I personally don't even care about "white supremacism" anymore because they've just completely worn it out.  Now it's just a quick way to filter out garbage articles that aren't worth reading.

I agree 100%, it's deffinitly not on the rise in this country at all.

Edited by RSG3
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