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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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4 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

if they wanted a young, early 20s chinese man for marketing reasons, they could have just brought back Yun or Yang.

What I wish they turned SF1 Lee into is someone cool.  He doesn't have to be LITERALLY identical to Jamie to be cool.

If you ask me would take Yun over Jamie, easily

And would probably get Lee over Jamie too, he's not exactly my fav new character


I like we got Jamie wich may save slots from getting Yun AND Yang though


But again we miss the point, marketing wise they got an idea that required Jamie... not just as young, early 20s chinese man, but also as brand new character aimed at a new young audience that maybe never played SF4  let alone 3 to know Yun  and would prefer a total new char that starts with them


Again i find Luke, Jaime and Kimberly very representative of the side of SF6 that try to connect with new audience... i don't necessary approve it and sure af i would know better ways to use 3 slots, but i understand why they went like that


Is same shit of "Modern" controls being pushed as default starting mode, they want claim a NEW begin happened while feeding us old guard with SF2 vets lol


All i care is this strategy make them good money and we get great (6 chars, not 4 tnx) DLC seasons, if it mean RIP Lee* so be it





*actually not RIP Lee, if was up to me Lee (and Geki, Joe and Mike) should have been used as opponent for the Strong Fighters quest, rather than go use fucking Final Fight minions as elite material lol

Lee could have been in Chun Li's area of MC, Joe and Mike somewhere in different points of MC too, Geki maybe around sumo area by night (then move to Ryu's place like Retsu did)

Edited by CESTUS III
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1 hour ago, CESTUS III said:

*actually not RIP Lee, if was up to me Lee (and Geki, Joe and Mike) should have been used as opponent for the Strong Fighters quest, rather than go use fucking Final Fight minions as elite material lol

I still want Mike, the African-American boxer, and Mike Bison, the African-American boxer, to just be the same person.



Lee, Geki and Joe should each have their own questlines, like Retsu and Carlos.


The Mad Gear thugs should have had their own mid-level questline for beating them all, seperate from the beat-the-elites questline.


Edited by DarthEnderX
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I was just watching Pullum Purna's epic dance-til-you-die super and that EX games continue to be so ahead of their time. Now Manon has a dance super!

I really wish Capcom and Arika would play nice and integrate the EX characters into the universe. In particular, I think Pullum, Skullomania, Garuda, and Doctrine Dark could be very unique additions still.

If Capcom are also planning to retire Evil Ryu/Kage, and are not planning on pursuing Violent Ken then a new young SNH fighter could be warranted - Kairi would be perfect.

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1 hour ago, Daemos said:

I was just watching Pullum Purna's epic dance-til-you-die super and that EX games continue to be so ahead of their time. Now Manon has a dance super!

It's in the works 😄


1 hour ago, Daemos said:

I really wish Capcom and Arika would play nice and integrate the EX characters into the universe. In particular, I think Pullum, Skullomania, Garuda, and Doctrine Dark could be very unique additions still.


This list

I Will Find You And I Will Kill You GIFs | Tenor


Joke aside actually Pullum and D.Dark are indeed coming

My problem with D.Dark is finding right moveset, i'm thinking AKI will help


To do list is so fat as we speak lol

Wonder how many will get actually done, i'm giving myself kinda high standard, so if i don't get the pieces i need will not do it if feel mediocre lol


Edited by CESTUS III
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6 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Joke aside actually Pullum and D.Dark are indeed coming

My problem with D.Dark is finding right moveset, i'm thinking AKI will help

I think if they add Viper or Rolento, D.Dark would become much easier.
But I think Pullum is completely workable now. Just need to mod in her belly dancing music for the super. 😄


Did you guys see the Nightcrawler? It's really well done.

Edited by Daemos
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1 hour ago, YagamiFire said:

Kairi is underrated. Very good design. Very cool character in all the ways they wanted Kage to be cool.

Many years ago I imagined that the "Evil Ryu/Kage/Kairi/Evil Hokuto" narrative/gameplay function would be formally transferred to Gouken's Daughter in a future timeline. She joined to avenge Gouken's death (actual this time) only for Akuma to reveal to her that she was his daughter with Sayaka that Gouken raised to keep safe from him. Her ensuing fight with Akuma would bring out the devil in her.


Very melodramatic but narratively I wanted to transfer all these floating ideas (Ryu's parentage, Evil Ryu, Ryu's potential love interest) all into an actual canonical character and quit playing what-ifs.

Also a character that looks like Hokuto who is about the same age as Ryu would be badass.

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Alright guys...

This is the second time this pops up

"Apart from his amazing and aggressive fighting style, M. Bison also has an interesting backstory for fans to discover. "

Now I've already predicted many black moons ago that S2 will likely contain some or all of the characters from the graffiti wall - Sakura, Bison, Balrog, Ibuki and Rainbow  Mika. So it doesn't surprise me that these characters will start popping up in press releases, fluff pieces, toys, etc. as part of a discreet push from Capcom before the announcement next year.

But this is something different.... Since when is Bison's backstory something that comes up? Once sure, but twice in the same month from two unrelated places? 

Are they really going to pull the trigger and tell us his origins?

Edited by Daemos
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2 hours ago, Jion_Wansu said:

Believe some of the heights form the early 1992 stats has Balrog/Vega the same height as Vega/Bison at 6'4". Vega's stance is just lower than Balrog's stance.

They aren't the same height, Dictator is slightly shorter than Claw. Dictator is 5'10-5'11. Sometimes he was listed as 6'0 like in the Alpha series. He is the shortest of the 4 Kings.

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Anyone know if there are any sunglasses with transparent lenses in World Tour. I was trying to make a Viper and it just don't work with the eyeglasses or the opaque sunglasses I've found.




Also her portions are a bit weird out of the suit. The suit layers on so thick. I had to make thinner to make her figure shine through.






Tried to make "Bonita" Laura, here is what I think of my efforts. Courtesy of Ken.







Edited by Darc_Requiem
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8 hours ago, Daemos said:

They aren't the same height, Dictator is slightly shorter than Claw. Dictator is 5'10-5'11. Sometimes he was listed as 6'0 like in the Alpha series. He is the shortest of the 4 Kings.


Then Ryu and Ken must be like 5'6" or something. In SF2 when Vega has the win pose with arms crossed and wins on time next to an opponent he towers.

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Trying to find way to take pics that give models i did justice, the scrren-capture button while in WTM will trigger most of the time the smartphone mode 👺


Starting to fear i will have to make vids for each, wich in theory may work also to show selected moveset, but would be like x10 the work 🤯


Later today will try to post some prview, there will be SF1 stuff for @DarthEnderXtoo 😄


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Just now, Hawkingbird said:

I don't appreciate Luke calling Ken a deadbeat.

He abandoned his wife and kid for FOUR YEARS. Incredibly formative years for his kid mind you. He abandoned his business to the vultures too.

He spent all that time hiding and wondering if he should kill a guy without ever mustering the courage of following through with his revenge. FOUR years is a huge amount of time!

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Some more Arcade stories.


Chun-Li's Story



Chun-Li's narrative begins with her introducing herself as an Interpol agent who has dedicated many years to the pursuit of the Shadaloo syndicate and its leader, M. Bison. With the combined efforts of numerous martial artists, Shadaloo was ultimately eradicated, and Bison's reign was brought to a permanent end. Following this achievement, Chun-Li takes a break from her work to teach kung fu in the city.


Despite her sabbatical, Chun-Li recognizes that a martial artist is always on active duty and must not neglect daily training. She remains committed to maintaining her skills.


Sometime later, Chun-Li senses the presence of Juri, who had been stealthily observing her. Demanding that Juri reveal herself, Chun-Li confronts her. Juri emerges and comments on hearing rumors of Chun-Li's retirement but acknowledges that her senses are still sharp.


Chun-Li asserts that stealth has never been Juri's strong suit, so it comes as no surprise that she was immediately detected. Juri suggests engaging in an activity more suited to her style, leading Chun-Li to deliver a kick. Amused, Juri exclaims, "Oh, HELL yeah! That's the stuff! I was worried you'd be losing your touch!"


Unimpressed by Juri's behavior, Chun-Li decides to walk away. However, Juri delivers an ominous message, implying that the threat might not be truly eliminated despite Bison's death. Chun-Li questions her about this, but Juri insists that she will only reveal the information if Chun-Li beats it out of her.


Ultimately, Chun-Li fails to extract any additional information from Juri.


Realizing that there may still be hidden dangers lurking in the shadows even after Bison's demise, Chun-Li acknowledges that she has no choice but to uncover the truth. She finally understands that she is indeed a workaholic, constantly driven to fulfill her duty and protect others.


Juri's Story



Juri's story begins with her riding her motorcycle, filled with a burning desire to kill M. Bison, the man who took one of her eyes. However, before she could exact her revenge, Bison meets his demise.


Surprisingly, his death intensifies Juri's rage, and she vows to obliterate him and his organization, Shadaloo, from the face of the world. She longs to annihilate him so completely that his corpse becomes unrecognizable, cursing him to rot in hell.


Despite her best efforts, Juri finds herself consumed by anger and questions why she is so furious. In her journey, she encounters Chun-Li, an Interpol agent. Chun-Li confronts Juri, accusing her of finding ways to continue her evil deeds even after Shadaloo's downfall. Juri dismisses Chun-Li's words, considering her the last person who should be lecturing her.


Juri sarcastically remarks to Chun-Li, "Bison bit it, and that's it? Daddy's avenged, time to retire?" Chun-Li responds by suggesting that revenge alone should not be Juri's sole purpose. She tells Juri that she, too, is one of Bison's victims and urges her to atone for her crimes and change her wicked ways. However, Juri mocks Chun-Li, claiming she has no intention of atoning for anything and challenges Chun-Li to provide a more compelling lecture if she expects Juri to learn something from her.


Reflecting on her encounter with Chun-Li, Juri sits on her motorcycle near the water, gazing at a cat. The phrase "You, too, are one of Bison's victims" replays in her mind, fueling her deep-seated hatred for Chun-Li. Juri acknowledges her intense animosity towards Chun-Li, as she struggles with her inner turmoil and the choices she must make going forward.


JP's Story



JP, seated on a throne, contemplates his schemes and the significance of Nayshall, a developing nation where he hosted a martial arts tournament. He admits that his primary motive for supporting Nayshall was to use it as a front for his money laundering operation. However, the tournament unexpectedly brought various individuals into JP's path—some seeking his acquaintance, others aiming to stop him, and some intending to manipulate him. He finds this convergence of people fascinating.


During his time in Nayshall, a young woman named Kimberly arrives seeking answers about her uncle, who lost his life in the Nayshall terrorist bombing. JP, emanating a dark aura, confronts Kimberly and inquires if she is among those challenging him. Recognizing JP as "Johan Petrovic," Kimberly requests information about her uncle. JP, seemingly willing to comply, begins to share details with her.


After the conclusion of JP's tournament, he reflects on the power of crowds, arenas, and prizes, realizing their allure and similarities to Bison's penchant for incorporating martial arts tournaments into his plans for world domination. Although JP finds this illogical, he starts to comprehend the appeal of such events. His laughter fills the room as his dark aura intensifies, engulfing him in red spikes.

Kimberly's Story



Kimberly, in her room, reflects on a strange coincidence that led her to solve a mathematical formula on an internet forum. After completing it, she receives a direct message from someone named "Shaobing." They inform her about a code that combines the formula she solved with the Nayshalli language, which surprises Kimberly. Nayshall holds a personal connection for her as her uncle tragically lost his life there. The code she cracked becomes the catalyst for her quest to uncover the truth.


As Kimberly embarks on her journey, she encounters numerous people and engages in countless battles. However, her focus remains on the person she believes is pulling the strings behind the events. Later, she is approached by JP, who Kimberly suspects has information about her uncle, Al Jackson, who used to work with  him. She confronts JP and demands to know everything about her uncle.


After a fierce fight with JP, Kimberly emerges victorious but feels a sense of unease. JP cautions her about the danger of unwarranted confidence and surrounds himself in a dark purple aura. He advises her to forget what transpired and bids her farewell. Despite her victory, Kimberly realizes that she is not yet strong enough to face a formidable opponent like JP.


In the aftermath, Kimberly acknowledges that she couldn't extract any information from JP. However, she realizes that she still has much training ahead of her to confront such a monstrous adversary. She reaffirms her determination and utters a Bushinryu mantra, emphasizing her commitment to further improve her skills.


Dhalsim's Story



Dhalsim finds himself surrounded by fellow Yogis in training, introducing himself as a practitioner of Yoga. He acknowledges the changing times and the people who have lost their way, making it one of Yoga's purposes to guide them back. Despite his own internal conflicts and contradictions, Dhalsim resolves to continue fighting, using Yoga as his guiding force.


During his travels, Dhalsim senses an incredible power that appears to have been dormant. Intrigued, he decides to investigate further. Through his teleportation, he arrives near Lily, a young girl from the Thunderfoot Tribe.


Lily mistakes Dhalsim for a spirit due to his appearance and asks if he has a message for her. Dhalsim introduces himself as a monk and expresses his desire to understand her strength. Eager for a fight, Lily accepts the challenge.


After their battle, Lily is amazed by Dhalsim's ability to float and compares him to a spirit. Dhalsim notes that the power he sensed earlier has disappeared. Lily suggests that Dhalsim should meet Singing Wolf, believing they would be on the same wavelength.


Considering Lily's words, Dhalsim agrees to meet Singing Wolf, intrigued by the idea. He ponders the power he sensed earlier, which he believes may have been the Satsui no Hado.


Dhalsim hopes that his initial perception was mistaken, as the thought of encountering such a dark force concerns him.


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18 minutes ago, Daemos said:

He abandoned his wife and kid for FOUR YEARS. Incredibly formative years for his kid mind you. He abandoned his business to the vultures too.

He spent all that time hiding and wondering if he should kill a guy without ever mustering the courage of following through with his revenge. FOUR years is a huge amount of time!

Where was it established its been four years? Do I get it from Mel when I met him in WT?

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