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The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!

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9 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Mastering Juri style and close to the end, according to Juri dialogue "Helen" (Kolin) is in Nayshall

I've been wondering about secret society in this game. For all the time that's past since SF3 there has been no mention of them, their tournament or if Gill managed to succeed in his plan. They are too busy focusing on Bison's scarps to give any proper resolution to that stuff

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I'm finally getting around doing World Tour mode. I don't know if someone already talked about it, but I recall that some people were wondering if Haggar was dead because of the memorial thing, but by the way many characters refer to him it seems clear to me that he's still very much alive.


Also, Cody is still mayor. I only found one NPC who talked about it, but it was clear that the current mayor is one of the guys that cleaned the city in the original Final Fight game, which obviously refers to Cody.

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2 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Julia did tell Guile what happened and told him to find Ken. She can't let her sister go through what she did

For more than 4 years anyway...


In fact, I think Ken has been gone longer than Guile was, because I don't think there's 4 years between SFA3 and SF4.

39 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

It would be cool if Capcom revisited this concept for Akuma

No it would not.  


"How can we make Akuma even lamer than we already have over the last 20 years?"


"You know that thing we did with Oro's turtle in the last game?  Let's have him do that, but with a baby!"


Edited by DarthEnderX
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5 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

No it would not.  


"How can we make Akuma even lamer than we already have over the last 20 years?"


"You know that thing we did with Oro's turtle in the last game?  Let's have him do that, but with a baby!"

Not only that. I know, gameplay and story segregation and blah blah blah, but whoever fights a man with a baby on his back is an asshole. Imagine G doing a nice backbreaker to Akuma: "WHOOOPS...".

You couldn't do that, come on.

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We don't need another filler Akuma when Akuma is turned into that, then revert Akuka back again. Akuma is always inviatable to have a slot because of $$$ and his archetype is not dated that needs to be updated unlike Sagat in SF2 and Boxer in SF2.


That would only complicate the establish backstory for more than a decade. It's like all of a sudden introducing Chunli husband for 20 years in SF8.

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16 minutes ago, Miðgarðsorm said:

Not only that. I know, gameplay and story segregation and blah blah blah, but whoever fights a man with a baby on his back is an asshole. Imagine G doing a nice backbreaker to Akuma: "WHOOOPS...".

You couldn't do that, come on.

I can imagine Marisa doing her Level 3 on Akuma carrying the baby on his back.

Akuma gets slammed against the wall, and the baby gets turned into a pizza.


Now that would be a certified Mamma Mia moment.

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26 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

No it would not.  


"How can we make Akuma even lamer than we already have over the last 20 years?"


"You know that thing we did with Oro's turtle in the last game?  Let's have him do that, but with a baby

I'll take it over Akuma having the same stalled storyline since his debut.

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29 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

I don't think there's 4 years between SFA3 and SF4.

They're less than a year apart... 🤐

*Waits for Lord Vega to try to separate A3 and SF2 again*


4 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I'll take it over Akuma having the same stalled storyline since his debut.

It's not completely stalled... He finally killed an SF character.

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Along with the risk of upping the rating of the game for involving an infant in a fight, I don’t like the idea of Akuma with a baby since it goes against his character. Akuma does not limit himself, he tries to go beyond his limits since the 90s. As stale at it is and as funny as Akuma with a baby is, I wouldn’t want that concept for him. 

If it ever gets realized, then give it to Oro who does limit himself all the time and have it feel more fitting than Akuma.

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8 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:


End up Juri is in Nayshall because she has been lured by the fact bunch of shady business people (including "Helen") are in the area

She's probably very bored also.

I guess this could definitely mean there is more drama coming narratively in Nayshall.

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4 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

Along with the risk of upping the rating of the game for involving an infant in a fight, I don’t like the idea of Akuma with a baby since it goes against his character. Akuma does not limit himself, he tries to go beyond his limits since the 90s. As stale at it is and as funny as Akuma with a baby is, I wouldn’t want that concept for him. 

If they really want to ground Akuma a bit and give him more facets, then they should canonize him as a fruit seller in Nayshall. Show him making a living in between being a troll.



Edited by Daemos
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4 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

I'll take it over Akuma having the same stalled storyline since his debut.

I won't.  No progress is better than downward progress.

1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

The situation with the colors in WTM is REALLY started to annoy me.



Also, when the fuck are we getting classic music OSTs?


Edited by DarthEnderX
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8 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:


I agree with the first part - something about Bison being the most iconic villain yadda yadda yadda....

I'm in a minority here, but I hope he comes back for a chance at redemption.


Take Orochi/Violent Iori from SNK and add the shapeshifter function from Venom to solve the boring gameplay. Perma VT is the way to go and double down on the supernatural Aztec thing. Also get rid of those weird dog pupils; Make them hollow black.


He can torment your character across WTM as a hidden sub-boss.


Note: If they are intending to bring Twelve/Thirteen back then no Necalli. As that character will fulfill the shapeshifter function.


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16 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

I don't know how you fix the fact that he's an alien slime.

Ghost Slime. 😄

We gotta change him from this:



to something closer to this:


You lean into the supernatural slime and the absurdity of the character, and play into the Aztec blood warrior roots gone wild. I'm sure Capcom can find people in WTM for him to actually kill in back alleys at night.

This will differentiate him from Akuma, Blanka, Twelve, and any one else. Since he doesn't have brand recognition yet, Capcom are free to double down on whatever craziness he has. He's like the canonical Oni.

Edited by Daemos
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Do ya'll remember this? Well as time went on since it's only been proven to be true, albeit some adjustments here and there to the dates.

The interesting thing I'd like to highlight is that this leak lists SSF6 and USF6 as part of its schedule, set to be released after launch at an annual interval.

What if the reason Capcom are extending the release schedule of S1 to 1 year is to work on a bigger more robust release that has been budgeted and scheduled for release?

What if they are not following SF5's template for DLC and are doing their own new thing for SF6?

@CESTUS IIII think this lends itself to a second "season" having possibly more characters than 4.

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38 minutes ago, Daemos said:

You lean into the supernatural slime and the absurdity of the character, and play into the Aztec blood warrior roots gone wild. I'm sure Capcom can find people in WTM for him to actually kill in back alleys at night.

Sorry, but that doesn't fix anything.  It takes him from really bad, to slightly less really bad.

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11 hours ago, Daemos said:

He abandoned his wife and kid for FOUR YEARS. Incredibly formative years for his kid mind you. He abandoned his business to the vultures too.

He spent all that time hiding and wondering if he should kill a guy without ever mustering the courage of following through with his revenge. FOUR years is a huge amount of time!


Damn. Ken pulled a Rey Mysterio?




Will Singing Wolf be a playable character in SF6 down the road?

Edited by Jion_Wansu
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11 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

@CESTUS IIIThe situation with the colors in WTM is REALLY started to annoy me.

What piss me off is Capcom purposely locked already existing color options

Example the x-tie mask one could use for Makoto's yellow scarf ALREADY EXIST as yellow version (you can fight NPCs wearing it), simply it's not avaible for us


So far editor crap list include


-already existing colors locked

-TONS of alreay existing items/clothes locked

-retarded limitations on stickers, like random rule 2 stickers can't stay in same area or free-placing ones erasing anything else. Also very limited size and placement range

-skin color being limited to their selected options rather than just have same color tool of hair

-bunch of retarded limitations on wich clothing pieces can go together and wich not, even when does'nt make any sense

-hands not having their own slot just like feet, having to burn one gadget slot just to add gloves


Then we have another wich is related but not straight editor

-retarded limitations on move list selection, for no apparent reason CC can't have let's say qcf+P and qcf+K on same moveset, despite the fact main cast does it a lot



What i would like (without go too much fantasy on stuff that would require lot effort) to make it great, in order on importance


+Being able to use CC in local VS and Arcade mode

+All already existing ingame colors

+All already existing items

+hands slot

+Being able to resize stickers at least twice as much as currently possible

+Have a basic generic idle stance (NPCs have it) and win pose as option

+Pick normals from a char and throws from another

+Waaay looser rule for wich clothes can match

+Being possible save look+clothing+name+moveset on same slot, would save lot time

+in the body editor ability to see a preview of the char with current clothes on, would save lot time

+Decent system to take detailed pics, at least remove the WTM smartphone from PS screenshot button lol (wich is triggered by other buttons already while at it)

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14 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

I don't WANT any character to suck, but I don't know how you fix the fact that he's an alien slime.

Lets just simply wrap things up and make the two characters merge


NecaliXKage or KageXNecali


Let Necali eat Kage and make them a venom like character that fights eternally on Necali subconcious to whom should control his body but works together and combine their techniques. when fighting against Ryu since both are previous aquinted personally with Ryu


And basically shutting down Necali unquenching thirst and hunged to consume human warriors and fighters. 


Because of Kage being astral and eternal embodiment manifestation of Satsui No Hadou. Giving Necali eternal sustenance of warrior energy.





So finally wrapping up two characters into ONE being, since both were supposed to be SF4 Evil Ryu's sucessor.


Necali failed but Kage suceeded and both were 2 subsquent attempt trying to replicate the success and appeal of Evil Ryu's SF4 iteration.


Finally ending any of their separate existence and also destroying the idea of Necali consuming warriors which is a complicated plot and not good for a fighting game story bexause it permanently retires the chance of that character to be playable for good.




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6 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

+in the body editor ability to see a preview of the char with current clothes on, would save lot time

You can actually do that. A slot opens up next to the naked, gi, and buckler slots that lets you show the current gear you are wearing. That said, I wish they didn't reposition your accessories when you change their color. I fiddled with a mask look for Decapre. I decided to change the mask color and I had to reposition it on her face again. Which was annoying.


Edit: The square with the / through it, is your current gear look.


Edited by Darc_Requiem
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7 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

You can actually do that. A slot opens up next to the naked, gi, and buckler slots that lets you show the current gear you are wearing.

That's great dude, thanks!

Maybe i will take the pics from there 👍


7 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

That said, I wish they didn't reposition your accessories when you change their color. I fiddled with a mask look for Decapre. I decided to change the mask color and I had to reposition it on her face again. Which was annoying.

Yeah gadgets not having visible numbers does'nt help

In theory you can count how many "steps" you do letf or right from center default position, but would be more pain in the ass than just take a reference pic and try do it again


5 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

WTF is this JP outfit in Kimberly's arcade mode?!  And can't we wear it yet?


Now THAT'S a final boss.



34 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

As annoying as it is, I don’t think they’ll change that because of the way Modern controls work.

Burn-it-all GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Edited by CESTUS III
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More Arcade stories.


Luke's Story


Luke Sullivan, a former army soldier turned PMC contractor, finds himself drawn to street fighting as a way to meet people who live their lives fighting on their own terms. He believes street fighting gives him the best opportunity to come across individuals with that mindset.


Over time, Luke tests himself against formidable opponents, seeking a deeper understanding of what it means to fight on his own terms.


One day, while bumping into a man named Jamie, a self-proclaimed peacekeeper, an unexpected confrontation arises. Their encounter escalates into a heated exchange, leading them to engage in a fierce fight.


After the intense battle, Luke reflects on the essence of being a fighter and fighting on your own terms. To him, every fighter out in the world is walking the same path and pushing their limits in battle. Luke intends to continue giving the fight his all just as much as the next guy would.


Despite his growth and newfound perspective, Luke acknowledges that deep down, he may still retain some aspects of the young brawler he once was. With a mix of nostalgia and determination, Luke embraces his journey, ready to take street fighting seriously and face the challenges that lie ahead.


Jamie's Story:


Jamie Siu, a self-proclaimed Chinatown peacekeeper, walks through the city, reminiscing about his friends Yun and Yang. He introduces himself as someone who upholds justice and defends his town with his skills.


As he navigates the city, Jamie thinks about the various troublemakers and individuals seeking to prove their strength. He sees it as his duty to confront them and bring them down a notch.


Despite his own remarkable abilities, Jamie doesn't seek attention or fame. His primary focus is on protecting the city, just like his bros Yun and Yang.


One day, while walking through the streets, Jamie accidentally bumps into a man named Luke, sparking a confrontation between them. They engage in a heated battle, with Jamie feeling a strong determination not to lose against him. Opponents like Luke are the type that forces Jamie to forget about the city and focus solely on giving his all in battle. The type to truly ignite his competitive spirit.


He reflects on the fact that if Yun and Yang were aware of these encounters, they would never let him hear the end of it.


Manon's Story


In Manon's story, she reflects on the idea of being strong and how it has been a consistent theme throughout her life. The memory of her mother telling her that she is a strong girl resonates with her. Whether it's in the judo ring or on the runway, Manon always strives to be the best and come out on top.


While standing at the Colosseo, Manon encounters Marisa, who challenges her to a fight. They engage in a match, and despite Manon's confidence and claim of victory, Marisa expresses her enjoyment and thrill of battling someone as strong as Manon.


This response surprises Manon, as she usually dislikes being called strong and feels a pain in her chest when she hears it. However, the way Marisa bluntly and plainly refers to her as strong doesn't bother her at all. It piques her curiosity and leaves her contemplating her own feelings towards her strength.


In an unexpected turn, Manon extends her hand to help Marisa up and agrees to a rematch, confident in her abilities. Despite her mixed emotions regarding her strength, Manon embraces the challenge and acknowledges that she is indeed strong.


Marisa's Story


The narrative begins with a depiction of ancient combat and the history of pankration, the world's oldest martial art originating from ancient Greece. Marisa reveals her ancestral connection to this martial art and emphasizes the fierce pride and determination exhibited by pankratiasts, who would rather die than submit in defeat. She proudly proclaims that she continues the tradition of her ancestors by fighting.


At the Colosseo, Marisa senses someone's gaze upon her. She instantly recognizes the person as someone who shares her passion and disposition. Marisa challenges the individual, asking if they are truly content just watching from the sidelines.


Manon, the person Marisa addressed, remains silent, removing her shades.


Marisa confidently declares that she can discern Manon's true interests, asserting that they both share the same passion. Manon chuckles in response.


Without further ado, Marisa and Manon engage in combat.


After the intense battle concludes, both fighters find themselves sitting on the ground with their backs turned to each other.


Marisa exclaims her excitement and satisfaction, emphasizing that the joy derived from their confrontation was not merely about winning but rather the exhilaration of facing someone as strong as Manon.


Manon remains silent, contemplating Marisa's words.


Marisa proceeds to explain the meaning of "pankration," which translates to "all of the might." She expresses her enthusiasm for challenging fighters worldwide with all her strength, confessing that the anticipation keeps her awake at night. Manon giggles in response.


Manon then playfully remarks that her initial assessment of Marisa's simple-mindedness was accurate.


Marisa, unfazed, embraces her straightforward nature and asks if there is a problem with that.


Manon admits that there is nothing wrong with it.


Marisa, delighted by the response, reveals her name as Marisa and proudly proclaims herself as a pankratiast who wholeheartedly accepts every challenge with all her might.

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3 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

I think world tour is the worst thing to happen to Juri. Holy shit is she insufferable.

It will be interesting to see how the mode handles other villains. Too much information can ruin a character. Although I haven’t experienced it yet in WTM.


Hopefully Capcom will handle it correctly.

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