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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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FINAL FANTASY VI Pixel Remaster. Got my first four espers, so others can start learning magic. In past play throughs of FFVI, I would try to teach everyone magic. I've since learned that some characters are better with magic than others. That said those stat increases for level up bonses like 10+ from Siren will be useful for even the non magic adept characters.

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Sure would be nice if they talked about the gameplay instead of the MCs butt..... again. 


I'm actually a little nervous about the game, they spend so much time talking about the model, and her ass, and her irl model and just a buncha shit that isnt the fucking game. We've seen this thing many times over a few years now and still know nothing about its gameplay.  


I can practically tell you the models life story, measurements, and favorite food tho!!!


Uhg. I find it very concerning this far in that I know more about her ass then I do the game. 

Edited by RSG3
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I've been playing the old Shinobi games lately and I love them but they're a bit clunky especially whwre the platforming is concerned and how weird the double jump timing is. Kind of makes me understand better why newer Castlevania players find the older CV games clunky.


That said, I'm REALLY hoping the upcoming Shinobi feels like SoR4 does in comparison to the older games. Would be really nice to see this series back on the map with solid game that combines the best of old and new schools.

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

Sure would be nice if they talked about the gameplay instead of the MCs butt..... again. 

They aren't going to stop. Well, news outlets aren't rather. It's an easy way to get clicks. You have people raging about Eve's looks clicking to bitch about it. You have the people that disagree with them responding. It's easy engagement. 15 years ago Stellar Blade wouldn't have gotten this level of attention. Eve would been just another attractive protagonist. 

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I know it won't stop but the developer could you know talk about their fucking game. It's not just news outlets I haven't heard Tae Kim talk about his game either, just the protagonist and her ass and how people are calling it Korean Nier, why? We know nothing about it other then the Protag is hot like 2B. 


Talk about your game. You can talk about ass and your game at the same time. I know it's easy clicks but personally he's losing my sale. 

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Prototype 2---- portable good times now, thanks to the Steam Deck....I've been on that the past few days now.  Even without being fully leveled up, the main characters in this series always feel so overpowered it never stops being an awesome power fantasy. (it doesn't go way overboard though; it's still possible to get overwhelmed and die)


I am not sure how I'd continue this series if making a part 3... (I'd prefer to continue it instead of doing the "reboot" thing so many companies do these days to milk an IP).... one thing that could've been interesting is to keep James Heller as the main character, but now "Alex Mercer" is also part of there's an internal struggle going on with the "Mercer" voice/essence(soul?) in his head trying to influence or take control.  The main threat could still be Blackwatch or CIA or whatever other secret "agency" of government/military trying to capture Heller/Mercer and any other "evolved" beings that have shown up since the events of part 2...this involves your usual super soldier programs, secret high-level tech, perhaps even "men in black" agents being involved to tie up any loose ends and maintain as much secrecy as possible before shit hits the fan again.  It's easy; this stuff practically writes itself, imo.  A cool wildcard would be a cult or 2 that has popped up to worship Heller and the other "evolved" because they see them as "gods" or a sign of some prophecy, etc.


Sheeeit, this is a potential goldmine of material some company is sitting on with the IP and they sadly don't realize it.

Edited by MillionX
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Sega says that Sonic Superstars sales were sluggish


shame....but I can't say I'm fully surprised.  The product was just not worth $60 especially if we're comparing it to Mania.


^ composer for Bad Batch, Clone Wars and Ahsoka.




I mean...I knew the dude was delusional but now we have an idea of just how much

Edit2 :


Yipes apparently has a track in NBA 2K.  Good for him!


Edited by Sonichuman
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10 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

What you got against Tieflings? My character is a Tiefling. I saved my people too to get the robe. 

haha it's nothing against them in particular....I just usually prefer being the bad guy in rpgs, since other genres don't really provide that experience as an option.  Usually, we're set as the good guy/girl that's here to save the world and there's no choice in the matter...same with most movies and shows where the main characters are usually "the good guy side" you get is the anti-hero that occasionally does questionable shit.


I'll get around to it on perhaps a "morally grey" character some day where that's *one* of his good deeds.  You also have to make sure that Tiefling bard girl lives too, if I recall. (so Dark Urge players have to be extra careful there)

Edited by MillionX
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Ok yeah I'm definitely sold on this game now...all these playable characters:

**I'm just now realizing there's different "start-up movies" for Steam Deck that you can acquire with points in the shop.... so finally I have something to spend all those points on.... there's a cool one I see already with Ranni the Witch from Elden Ring. I'm looking at all the animated avatar options in there as's sooo much better than what the other systems have going on in terms of profile customization....hahah especially Nintendo's pitifully small amount of profile pictures.

Edited by MillionX
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3 hours ago, Camacho said:

Played through DMC1 this week, haven't done so since the collection was released on pc. Really reinforces all that discussion about the atmosphere being the best in that one.  Also, goddamn, I love the sound and feel of the shotgun in it. 

All the guns in DMC1 sound amazing. DMC1 still has the best over all sound design in the series imo. 

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I'd say DMC1  also has the best enemies. They arent just practice dummies, even a simple marionette will hurt you if you become complacent. Everything in the game is actively trying to kill. Not to say the later games in the series had pushover enemies but they are nowhere near as aggressive 


But to get back to atmosphere, I also agree. It originally being a RE game is probably why the horror vibe was so strong in it. Would love for them to amp up the horror theme again in future titles. Rolling through the castle after the lights cut off was some creepy shit even tho you were super powerful by that point in the game

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14 hours ago, Camacho said:

Played through DMC1 this week, haven't done so since the collection was released on pc. Really reinforces all that discussion about the atmosphere being the best in that one.  Also, goddamn, I love the sound and feel of the shotgun in it. 

The shotgun feels so good to use in that game, in a way it never did in any of the other games imo. To my mind, if you added some more weapons and maybe updated the combat a little, it would be the perfect DMC game, and truthfully, the combat is pretty robust considering how old a game it is.

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^ Vid is a pretty good breakdown of what TAA is and what it does.




1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

Is anyone playing Helldivers 2?


Not yet but I have some friends playing who said they are having a ton of fun.  I have some PSN funds I haven't used...I MIGHT just go ahead and buy the game digitally so I can play with them.


Edit 2:




Edited by Sonichuman
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Baldur's Gate--- so I remembered that I happened to have a potion of animal speaking on me when seeing a blue jay here in the Grove....I tried it out to see what's up with that; he didn't say much, just was relieved like "ah, those monsters didn't touch my nest!" or something like that.... he had nothing else going on. yeah, I hit him with an Eldritch Blast anyway.


Murdering the druids was so delicious... this was right after that.  That one dude "Arron" is a real son of a bitch, man.  There was one time I had to reload the save because Kagha casted plant growth so we couldn't move... then this dude casted Darkness on top of the area so that was looking like checkmate right there, since this warlock character I have doesn't have Devil Sight...he also kept constantly saving Kagha by tossing heal potions on her whenever she was down to 1 or 2 HP.  Killing him was most satisfying.  On another character/file I'll come up with some extra creative evil punishment for him in particular. 


The adventures of Alastor the Warlock and his cohorts continues.... we're obviously not here to be the good guys.

Face Smile GIF


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