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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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On 2/18/2024 at 2:20 AM, Sonichuman said:

Thought this response regarding ever present "female body" debate was interesting


I still remember laughing my ass off at the Bayonetta situation. All these people were going in on her design, how over sexualized she was, etc. Then they found out her character designer was a woman. I think that's the first time I heard the "internalized misogyny" term. Aka "this woman has a different point of view than me, HOW DARE SHE!"

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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54 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I still remember laughing my ass off at the Bayonetta situation. All these people were going in on her design, how over sexualized she was, etc. Then they found out her character designer was a woman. I think that's the first time I heard the "internalized misogyny" term. Aka "this woman has a different point of view than me, HOW DARE SHE!"



It got even dumber, cuz later those same idiots were saying that bayo was queer coded and that men who liked it were probably closeted gays, since there was no way that heterosexual men could enjoy it.

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12 minutes ago, Hecatom said:



It got even dumber, cuz later those same idiots were saying that bayo was queer coded and that men who liked it were probably closeted gays, since there was no way that heterosexual men could enjoy it.

Oh I remember. I went from laughing my ass of to be legit aggravated. The same people that were out right vitriolic towards Bayonetta tried to re-write history and pretend they loved her all long.  


Side note: Speaking of laughing my ass off.....


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man, I'm up to around 50-ish hours on ps5 Baldur's Gate at this point, maybe more...still just now getting to the act 2 area, and I've only played with 2 character classes, warlock and sorcerer.  The next one I try will probably be paladin if not wizard.  It's tough to stop making new characters and focus on one for a while though; there's always new character ideas popping up in my imagination on a regular basis.


**The one thing I really want added though is a transmog customization option.  That should've become the standard in gaming already.  It would make me even more addicted to this game.  That kind of customization also naturally removes the problem we get when clothing and armor items have stats.... when there is no transmog/customization, then all characters eventually look the same when you go for whatever the optimal stats/build is.  It's always better to swap the appearance of those items so your character can have whatever "style" you want it to have regardless of stats.


My friend got the game as well (he also recently joined the Steam Deck master race), but it's frustrating to not be able to discuss adventures since everything significant of course will be a spoiler.

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2 hours ago, Hecatom said:



It got even dumber, cuz later those same idiots were saying that bayo was queer coded and that men who liked it were probably closeted gays, since there was no way that heterosexual men could enjoy it.

That was the funniest one to me. "She's totally gay!" What? The woman who said she loves Baby Making is gay? No gay person has ever said that lol. The girl spent 2 entire games flirting with Luka every second of screen time, and not once with a woman, totally gay eh? 


Bayo 3 blowing up their world was the funniest shit. "Whaaaaat, she loves Luka?!?!" 


Yea dumbasses how did you not notice HE is the Damsel in Distress in this series? Lmao. Media literacy is in the toilet lol 

Edited by RSG3
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Just finished 8 Bit Adventures 2. It was a great retro style RPG with a good plot and very fun characters. The story never drags and each plot point didn't have tedious objectives tied to them. There is a mechanic that allows switching out characters during a battle, but I never felt the need to utilize it. Not to spoil the game, but there is a tank character introduced in the mid game that is really fun.

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16 hours ago, RSG3 said:

That was the funniest one to me. "She's totally gay!" What? The woman who said she loves Baby Making is gay? No gay person has ever said that lol. The girl spent 2 entire games flirting with Luka every second of screen time, and not once with a woman, totally gay eh? 


Bayo 3 blowing up their world was the funniest shit. "Whaaaaat, she loves Luka?!?!" 


Yea dumbasses how did you not notice HE is the Damsel in Distress in this series? Lmao. Media literacy is in the toilet lol 




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3 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:




The situation around Bayonetta was wild and frankly insulting. The people that criticized Bayonetta for sexuality from her inception tried to turn around a pretend they were fans the whole time. Polygon IIRC, not clicking to give them links, deducted 1.5 points from Bayonetta 2's review score. The game was 9/10 in their view but the bumped it down to 7.5/10 due to her overt sexual nature. Bayonetta 3 rolls around they are saying that Platinum betrayed her character. Bayonetta constantly flirted with Luka and entrusted the life of her younger self to him. She didn't leave Cereza with Jean or Rodin, she left her with Luka. Her ended up in a relationship with him is supposed to be shocking? I'm really over social media, Twitter/X in particular, trying to put same sex best friends into sexual relationships. This shipping/head canon BS is way out of hand.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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I have no horse in this race regarding Bayo as it’s a character from a game I do not care about. 

What I do know is that a lot of the international promotional art as well as a lot of art and cliff notes from the official art books seemingly hint at Bayo being bisexual as well as being in a relationship with Jeanne at some point. 

I will say though that anyone clinging to the reason of Bayo being lesbian/bi is because Jeanne and Bayo live together are fucking weird. You know two people of the same sex can live with each other and not be in a relationship, right? Like, they had  to have had a special edition Jump to a Conclusion mat for that shit. It’s unreal. 

All that said, ultimately who cares? If people want Bayo to be Bi, let them. If people want her to be lesbian, let them. If they want her to be straight, let them. No need to start dumb ass culture wars or whatever over it.

I get video game characters can mean a lot to people. I mean, I’ve never seen myself more in a video game character than ViVi from FF9. That character means a great deal to me in ways I can’t really explain. So I get it.

But like, to defend your head canon with your whole chest while screaming at anyone who tells you otherwise til you’re dead in the ground is fucking dumb and honestly kinda sad. 

also Pokémon Presents next week. 




Edited by iStu X
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2 hours ago, iStu X said:


What I do know is that a lot of the international promotional art as well as a lot of art and cliff notes from the official art books seemingly hint at Bayo being bisexual as well as being in a relationship with Jeanne at some point. 


Presents next week. 



Is not even that. 

The footnotes, artbooks, etc, have always stablished Jean and Bayo relationship as sisters. 


People took some art, which some were not more than glorified fanart as proof they were lesbians. 

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3 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Nah. If they are wrong they are wrong. This level of delusion leads to misinformation


Some people are convinced that Bayo takes from drag queens 😂😂


Their source? 

Tumblr, twitter. 


Nevermind her character designer is on record saying she took inspiration from fashion and she designed Bayo to be the embodiment of the femininity she wishes to have. 


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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Wait, they are placing Kazuya with Docta Afrikan on the title screen now? 👀

They stated that every DLC character will be replacing Kazuya when they release. Though it is just the in-game model rather than a pre-rendered one. They also said that they may add this feature for other characters in the base roster.

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2 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

They stated that every DLC character will be replacing Kazuya when they release. Though it is just the in-game model rather than a pre-rendered one. They also said that they may add this feature for other characters in the base roster.

I know, I'm just continuing the Killmonger hair joke trend. The post remined me of Docta Afrikan's tweet when Eddy was revealed. I replied with something like "You had the Eddy cosplay on lock before the character was even revealed."

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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I'm really over social media, Twitter/X in particular, trying to put same sex best friends into sexual relationships.

This actually really bothers me when it comes to men in media. We aren't allowed to have close relationships woth other men without it being interpreted as some closet gay shit. I'm all for closet gay stories, I think a number of then are pretty good, but thay doesn't mean every single same sex friendship is future relationship status. I think interpreting it this way all the time makes it harder I. The real word to form real deep heterosexual friendships with other men cuz its gay. Goes for women to, like fuck anyone who intepretes the female friends from NANA as closet/gay relationship drama, it's not, it's just friendship drama. 



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My whole take on things like this is that it’s fine to have a headcanon, but don’t get angry if the official source states otherwise or if someone doesn’t support it. Like for Knuckles from Sonic, a lot of people think that he should be black if he was human. I don’t mind that since the thought is harmless. But going around to harass artists because he wasn’t drawn as dark as you wanted him to be is insane. That goes for everything. Being aggressive about your headcanon is weird behavior.


37 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I know, I'm just continuing the Killmonger hair joke trend. The post remined me of Docta Afrikan's tweet when Eddy was revealed. I replied with something like "You had the Eddy cosplay on lock before the character was even revealed."

My bad. Sometimes I just don’t catch things in text.

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27 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

This actually really bothers me when it comes to men in media. We aren't allowed to have close relationships woth other men without it being interpreted as some closet gay shit. I'm all for closet gay stories, I think a number of then are pretty good, but thay doesn't mean every single same sex friendship is future relationship status. I think interpreting it this way all the time makes it harder I. The real word to form real deep heterosexual friendships with other men cuz its gay. Goes for women to, like fuck anyone who intepretes the female friends from NANA as closet/gay relationship drama, it's not, it's just friendship drama. 




It gets even weirder when the pairings are done between rivals that hate their guts, like Deku and Bakugo from MHA. 


Or Catra and Shera on Shera 😂

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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:

Or Catra and Shera on Shera

I mean on the new show thay ended up being It was UST the whole time.It was pretty obvious to. 


 But like...Goku and Vegita do not have UST. Dante and Vergil for fucks sake do not have UDT like just eww. 


Bayo and Jeanne flirt like the girls in ever girl circle I've ever seen and almost none of then are actually gay. It's wildly different from the intensly sexual teasing she gives Luka lol. 

Edited by RSG3
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3 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I mean on the new show thay ended up being 

My point is more towards shippers always pairing crack pairings that are mostly txic relationships 😂


I am aware that at the end the pairing became canon, but that felt mostly like a pandering to shipper culture if you ask me. 



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9 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

am aware that at the end the pairing became canon, but that felt mostly like a pandering to shipper culture if you ask me. 

I couldn't disagree with you more, there was tons of foreshadowing for a few seasons it was pretty clear as day. One of the examples where they absolutly earned it. That why I responded to that specific part of your post, I think its a terrible example. 


Which points to how subjective all this goofy shit is anyway. 

Edited by RSG3
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