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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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18 minutes ago, RegH81 said:

Cloud may be 21 physically but due to what happened to him, he is still mentally 16. My mans was not ready for Tifa to come up to him point blank with those melons. I don't speak Japanese, but it looks like Tifa is asking Cloud what he thinks of her bikini or how she looks. He doesn't have the anime blush but his reaction is priceless. 


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18 minutes ago, RegH81 said:

Cloud may be 21 physically but due to what happened to him, he is still mentally 16. My mans was not ready for Tifa to come up to him point blank with those melons. I don't speak Japanese, but it looks like Tifa is asking Cloud what he thinks of her bikini or how she looks. He doesn't have the anime blush but his reaction is priceless. 

I've seen people freeze frame his expression. You are right man. That shit is priceless 😂

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BG3- the choices even on level-up are just tough sometimes... too with this other character I've been playing... Julian the Warlock... I just hit level 4 after that hellish fight against a pack of gnolls by a cave.  Since Wyll is in the crew that was a good way to experiment with different warlock options here... for Wyll I took "Ritual Caster" which lets you cast 2 spells outside combat without using up a spell slot...picked Speak with the Dead and another thing I forgot about already.  For my character Julian I just went with "ability improvement" and got 2 points to charisma so now he's already up with 19 points in that.  


Recently I also did some sidequest where that village was on fire, so I got that charged staff which adds lightning charges occasionally to, this added lightning charge to the damage of Eldritch Blast is in addition to the necrotic damage from the "Hex" if I use that....*and* this is the real deal E.Blast with the "agonizing" and "repelling" effect on.  Oh yeah this warlock is about to be a real monster, big time.


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Interesting read



There’s good news if you’re running out of space on your Google account. Researchers from Scientists from the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology just figured out how to fit up to a petabit of data onto an optical disk by storing information in 3D. In other words, that’s 125,000 gigabytes on a single DVD-sized disk, or what experts refer to as a “big boy.”


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21 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

Interesting read



I wanna say "man I hope games don't get that fucking big"  but if there if there is ever one constant... its that much like time, tech is always moving forward.  We really have come a long fucking way in 40 years.  We've gone from bits and bytes to now some games being close to 200 gigs.  I don't even know what games could even do with all that space aside from just putting raw data on the disc with absolutely no optimisation at all.  Really though I think Sony or some other manufactuer just needs to come up with a disc that holds at least 500gigs and is affordable.  Think that would be enough for at least 2 generations of games.

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haha, as if any game companies want anything to do with that "super disc".  Vast majority of them want us all to own absolutely nothing and like it.


BG3--- at this point I may have to actually jot down some notes... there's so much going on and I may have taken on too many quests at one time with this latest character Julian I've been playing.


*Oh, another awesome thing about hitting level 5 (thinking of my other character for a minute)----a warlock gets a 2nd eldritch blast per attack/action!  That in addition to having that monstrous "Hunger of Hadar" spell available is obviously a big deal.

Edited by MillionX
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Played the Contra: OG demo today. First impressions have dampened my excitement a little- most disappointing is the music. The compositions themselves are classic Contra, but redone in a super generic sounding orchestral fashion. I really hope there's an option to change back to chiptunes- I'd much rather hear any of the older variants than these boring renditions. The gameplay itself is fine, might feel very slightly off vs the 2d ones, though. Every character has a double jump and some other quick movement option. You can also select 2 items that will dampen the difficulty tremendously, like one that lets you keep your weapons after dying. There was a little bit if stuttering, which is odd for a game that looks pretty basic in terms of graphics- hopefully this is resolved in the final version. Difficulty options are a lot more plentiful than usual in this one, so people that were put off by Contra 4's difficulty should like it more.  I read that the switch version has a shit framerate and bad lag, so you should probably avoid that version of the demo if you've got another option. 

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11 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

We've gone from bits and bytes to now some games being close to 200 gigs.  I don't even know what games could even do with all that space


Audio, man. As Fenriz said and I am sure @DoctaMario working on the music business can attest, compression is bad!!


Fenriz interview on the Evils of Compression 2013 | Raw & Uncut

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13 hours ago, Hecatom said:



After all the vitriol and hours long essays in my YT feed this game was actually better then I expected it to be. Was it amazing? No. Did I have fun fir the 15 hours I co-oped it with my brother? Yes. I paid 20 bucks for it and had a good time. It's deffinitly got issues and its very clearly a rushed product, but it didn't ruin my life or anything. 


People need to stop acting like this game shot their Mom and Dad in Crime Ally. It's getting pathetic. Batman Fanbase starting to look kinda like the irrational parts of the DmC fanbase. Just can't let shit go. 

Edited by RSG3
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The Mario vs DK is pretty .... meh .... IMO.


My son and I played the first 2 worlds, and we finished those in probably like 40 minutes.  The game is just super easy and there is like zero challenge.  My son was bored after like the first world but we kept playing.


I think I heard there are only 8 worlds too so that means this game may barely push 3 hours to complete, which is pretty weak as well.


Glad I only paid $30 for it.

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1 hour ago, Camacho said:

Played the Contra: OG demo today. First impressions have dampened my excitement a little- most disappointing is the music. The compositions themselves are classic Contra, but redone in a super generic sounding orchestral fashion. I really hope there's an option to change back to chiptunes- I'd much rather hear any of the older variants than these boring renditions. The gameplay itself is fine, might feel very slightly off vs the 2d ones, though. Every character has a double jump and some other quick movement option. You can also select 2 items that will dampen the difficulty tremendously, like one that lets you keep your weapons after dying. There was a little bit if stuttering, which is odd for a game that looks pretty basic in terms of graphics- hopefully this is resolved in the final version. Difficulty options are a lot more plentiful than usual in this one, so people that were put off by Contra 4's difficulty should like it more.  I read that the switch version has a shit framerate and bad lag, so you should probably avoid that version of the demo if you've got another option. 

Yeah RGT has a video in my feed with a tagline that's implying the Switch demo is Garbage which is super unfortunate.  Waiting to hear from DF on how bad it is.

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I liked the Contra Demo. The Double Jump is nice, means we can use the entire screen and not just the bottom half majority of the time. I only played as Bill and he has a dash, I dunno if Lance does. I liked the dash, it feels quick and responsive. The graphics are perhaps a little flat but then WayForwards a budget studio and this is what their 3D tends to look like, a more cartoons and flat vibe so I expected it. I like it personally but I know others won't. I have to say I find it infinitely more appealing then the looks the series had on the PS2 with Shattered Soldier and Neo. 


I will agree with Comacth tho that the music's kinda disappointing, the instruments all just sort of bleed together. There's a bit of a reason they outsource the Shantae OSTs...


I liked it. I'd like to try multiplay with my brother and see if we have fun with that. The difficulty selection is nice to see. 


I might scoop it. I had fun. 

Edited by RSG3
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Something else to add on the new Contra's music- the contrast right after playing Strider 2014, which had a fucking great OST, was all the more striking. I did a couple more runs of the Contra demo on higher difficulty modes (normal with 1 hit kills, hard mode) to let it sink in a bit more. I think I came across a bit too negative with the initial impressions- I do think it's going to be great, especially if they pack a bunch of extra stuff in like Contra 4 had. It's definitely built like a refined C4, obviously minus the 2 screen and hook elements.


Man, I really wish they would do another Contra collection with Shattered Soldier, Neo, C4,  HCU, and Rebirth . Or even just solo releases of them (C4 being my top pick- get rid of the dead zone and it would be near perfection). I hate seeing classics trapped on dead platforms, especially digital releases. 

Edited by Camacho
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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

After all the vitriol and hours long essays in my YT feed this game was actually better then I expected it to be. Was it amazing? No. Did I have fun fir the 15 hours I co-oped it with my brother? Yes. I paid 20 bucks for it and had a good time. It's deffinitly got issues and its very clearly a rushed product, but it didn't ruin my life or anything. 


People need to stop acting like this game shot their Mom and Dad in Crime Ally. It's getting pathetic. Batman Fanbase starting to look kinda like the irrational parts of the DmC fanbase. Just can't let shit go. 


The game fell so short of its own potential.

Now is in a better state, but on launch it was a complete mess.


I agree, now is not terrible, but it is till not really that good.

It still has performance issues and has a lot of design choices that only hold it back, since it keeps you away from the fun stuff during the campaign. (Which is something that Marvels Avengers also did)


Now if you see it as a Red Hood game, its narrative is actually good imo, the ending specially, I wish we got an animated movie following that idea.

Edited by Hecatom
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2 hours ago, Camacho said:

Played the Contra: OG demo today. First impressions have dampened my excitement a little- most disappointing is the music. The compositions themselves are classic Contra, but redone in a super generic sounding orchestral fashion. I really hope there's an option to change back to chiptunes- I'd much rather hear any of the older variants than these boring renditions. The gameplay itself is fine, might feel very slightly off vs the 2d ones, though. Every character has a double jump and some other quick movement option. You can also select 2 items that will dampen the difficulty tremendously, like one that lets you keep your weapons after dying. There was a little bit if stuttering, which is odd for a game that looks pretty basic in terms of graphics- hopefully this is resolved in the final version. Difficulty options are a lot more plentiful than usual in this one, so people that were put off by Contra 4's difficulty should like it more.  I read that the switch version has a shit framerate and bad lag, so you should probably avoid that version of the demo if you've got another option. 

Does the code still work? 

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1 hour ago, AriesWarlock said:


Audio, man. As Fenriz said and I am sure @DoctaMario working on the music business can attest, compression is bad!!


Fenriz interview on the Evils of Compression 2013 | Raw & Uncut

When it's done by some hamfisted motherfucker, then yeah, compression can be absolutely terrible and just make for a lot of ear fatigue.


I think we just have to accept that file sizes are GOING to get bigger in the future, and console makers need to ensure that they use hard drives that keep pace with that, or at least allow for players to use externals.


It's funny to think, when my folks got their first PC back in the 90s, dad splurged and got the 3MB hard drive 😂 Oh how times change

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10 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

The game fell so short of its own potential.

Now is in a better state, but on launch it was a complete mess.

Yea launch state was abysmal. 


10 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

I agree, now is not terrible, but it is till not really that good.

Yea I won't be replaying it or grinding out best in slot or anything but for the week I played we had fun. On an actual 1-10 scale I would give it a 5. It's literally....fine. it's ok. Middle of the road. You can kill a week with it but probably no more. 


10 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Now if you see it as a Red Hood game, its narrative is actually good imo, the ending specially, I wish we got an animated movie following that idea.

Their Red Hood was fucking weird, I dunno. The narrative as a whole deffinitly landed pretty hollow which is an unfortunate way for almost all these characters to be introduced to the gaming world. 


Oh well..

Edited by RSG3
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4 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:


This already looks like it shits on Diablo 4 easily, imo.... right off the bat it's actually playable offline... which is sadly a surprising thing these days. 

Also, it appears to be the superior choice in terms of skills/abilities, and class choices as well.....  Warlock, Necromancer AND Lich are on the table as things you can be, folks.

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1 hour ago, Camacho said:

Wayforward should have just had this guy do the OST for Operation Galuga.



Jonny has been slowly but surely getting more gigs to do VG music but for the most part he's been riding with Tee.  If Tee needs a guitarist then he gets him to help but he hasn't had a chance to be the main composer on anything yet.   Prob would be nice if they did enlist his help though.

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