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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:

I sometimes feel like I am in the minority who likes the snes games.

I swear to God I tried so hard as a kid to like the SNES game, cuz like Chad said the water slides where dope. I didn't like the Amusment Park level as much as Chad did but I did like the Western Train themed stage a lot. 


But i just couldn't. It's not good. The physics are fucking insane, Bubsy moves fast as fuck dies in 1 hit unlike Sonic with Rings, he's also really slippy and slidey, theres tons and tons of death pits everywhere. 


I tried man...but I just couldn't lol. 


Edit: Overwatch sold itself on character personalities and world and then did absolutly nothing with any of it. Like Blizzard spent all this energy building a world and characters for people to care about then just like....didn't do anything with any of it. Just made some maps and game types and thought everyone would be satisfied with that. 

Edited by RSG3
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Well, that is unfortunate now that I think about it and realized that my recent decision has caused this character to miss out on Karlach joining the she'll be in another character playthru/adventures then.  Currently I still just have Shadowheart, Gale and Astarion with me on my first character (Stefano the Sorcerer).


I found one area with a lot of druids but DAMN that was tough... I'll have to go about it another way then.


*oh yeah---Shadowheart actually has some real competition for "Best girl" now that I met the lovely Minthara.  It would seem fitting that my character as another ruthless Drow would be more drawn to hooking up with Minthara so yeah......

Edited by MillionX
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RDR port drops an update that allows 60fps on PS5


Former Ubisoft execs get reportedly arrested from a year long sexual harassment investigation



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4 hours ago, MillionX said:


Well, that is unfortunate now that I think about it and realized that my recent decision has caused this character to miss out on Karlach joining the she'll be in another character playthru/adventures then.  Currently I still just have Shadowheart, Gale and Astarion with me on my first character (Stefano the Sorcerer).


I found one area with a lot of druids but DAMN that was tough... I'll have to go about it another way then.


*oh yeah---Shadowheart actually has some real competition for "Best girl" now that I met the lovely Minthara.  It would seem fitting that my character as another ruthless Drow would be more drawn to hooking up with Minthara so yeah......

There is no competition for best girl. It's Karlach, anyone else is a distant second. (Sorry Shadowheart and La'zel). There is a reason I have yet get Minthara. You have to give up three squadmates for her. They really should have balanced that out better. Let you gain at least one additional party member down the line for what you lose. Karlach's VA some how manages to convey wholesomeness and badassery at the same time. It's an odd but endearing quality.


I'm really in awe of the overall quality of voice acting in BG3. Everyone does such a good job. Conversations are so much better than Static Field. Bethesda REALLY needs to update their conversation system. It's like two decades out of date. It's bad enough it gets stomped in that regard by games like BG3 and CP2077. What's worse is that, you can go back to Mass Effect 1 or Jade Empire and they both do a better job. Those games are from 2007 and 2005.


Edit: Characters in Star Field are stiffer than Jay-Z in the "I'll be" Foxy Brown video in conversations.


Edited by Darc_Requiem
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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Apparently people are Big Mad over the pronounciation of Cait Sith's name.


The English are erasing their culture and heritage in a game made by Japanese people who barely speak any English? 


My dude. 

Edited by RSG3
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54 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


I am gonna guess that whatever that was posted is not racist at all, and people are just being stupid as usual.

I don't think it was personally.  At WORST it was just ignorance.  Max didn't know that Cait Sith's name is name is Gaelic and it's supposedly actually pronounced "ket shee" in that language and people told him and Max learned.  You'd think that'd be the end of the story or rather it should be the end of the story but people decided they were going to full blown offended.   I already made a response about this on Max's post but this shit is so small in the grand scheme.  And if stuff like this truly is the "symptom" then they'd be better off using that energy to focus on the actual bigger issue than picking THIS as the time to try to "make a stand" about this stuff.  It's fucking robot cat in a video's not that serious.




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6 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Apparently people are Big Mad over the pronounciation of Cait Sith's name.

Funny thing is when Advent Children came out and Cait’s name was pronounced in proper Gaelic everyone threw a fit saying that wasn’t the right way to say his name. 

how times have changed. 😂


like usual though it’s a twitter controversy which means it happening in a very small bubble, no one actually cares and people will forget in a week

Edited by iStu X
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7 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Funny thing is when Advent Children came out Cait’s name was pronounced the proper Gaelic way and everyone threw a fit saying that wasn’t the right way to say his name. 

how times have changed. 😂


like usual though it’s a twitter controversy which means it happening in a very small bubble, no one actually cares and people will forget in a week

Didn't folks flip a lid when they said Aerith/Aeris name wrong in Advent Children as well? All this energy can be pointed to something positive but hey we gotta protect the video game cat.

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This Cait Sith situation describes the absurdity of our times perfectly. Final Fantasy VII  is 26 years old. The internet has been a thing for two decades. Extreme, soft serve, internet butt hurt has been a thing for like 7 or 8 years. I literally heard about this like a month ago. All the clickbait nonsense that Kraptaku, Puritygon, and The Lamer shits out, and this hasn't been click farmed before now? Granted I don't frequent Rejectera, so I may have missed it. 

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2 hours ago, GreyFoxx said:

Didn't folks flip a lid when they said Aerith/Aeris name wrong in Advent Children as well?

They flipped out when SE went "Oops we spelled her name wrong in English" and people realized they had actually lost every single Aeris/Aerith argument they'd had over the last 10 years lmao. 


Kinda like some people refuse to accept its pronounced Teedus, not Tide-Us. Or Teefa, not Tif-Ah. 

Edited by RSG3
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15 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

They flipped out when SE went "Oops we spelled her name wrong in English" and people realized they had actually lost every single Aeris/Aerith argument they'd had over the last 10 years lmao. 


Kinda like some people refuse to accept its pronounced Teedus, not Tide-Us. Or Teefa, not Tif-Ah. 

I'm just going to settle for the old Ryu FGC pronunciation situation 😂

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21 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

They flipped out when SE went "Oops we spelled her name wrong in English" and people realized they had actually lost every single Aeris/Aerith argument they'd had over the last 10 years lmao. 


Kinda like some people refuse to accept its pronounced Teedus, not Tide-Us. Or Teefa, not Tif-Ah. 

I still argue with people over Zuh-Dane/Zye-dane. 
FFIV Cecil is the only one I accept having both annunciations as Sea-Cil and Sess-Cil are both accurate ways to say Cecil 

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All the tixes to Cyberpunk are awesome, whats not awesome is that it it still has the absolute most dog shit worst fucking God damn save system I've ever fucking seen. Just dumps every single save, quick save, checkpoint save everything into one fucking disastrous mess of a folder. Just deleted a new build I'd been working on for like 30 hours because it got mixed in with the other mess of saves while I was trying to clean it out. 


This is a PC design trend thats making its way to consoles and it can absolutly fuck off. I see it in more and more games recently and its so fucking lazy from the developer and a huge pain for the end user and a massive ass step back from save organization systems from even the PS1 and 2 days. What happened to character specific save profiles and shit? The kind of QOL shit no reviewer ever talks about. 


It's so fucking Bethesda tier it grinds my fuckin gears chooms lol. 


Edit: Also second hard crash of the night...that's not cool either. Games still a tad bit unstable...

Edited by RSG3
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Really good twitter thread that talks about game design when it comes to environmental cues (I.E. painting a ladder yellow)

I've thought about this stuff especially in more modern games and it really doesn't bother me cause I get it.  I also think it really depends on the type of game you're making on how obvious something should or shouldn't be.  Devs may also want to consider making it a toggle for those who don't want any type of environmental nudges. 


I also think that the amount of intrusiveness the cues can be is going to vary from person to person and people in general just need to be cognizant of that.   Game balance is often not an exact science all the time and I can only imagine a dev watching QA trying to get through a section of their game and getting stopped by something that they thought should be fairly simple.

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