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The Guilty Gear general: Getting Wildly Assaulted in the Keyhole

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18 hours ago, Illwill88 said:

Is it just me or are floors kind of pointless for gauging skill? I know ranked mode is not concrete or anything but I've managed to get to 10th floor I either body people or have no chance there it seems to be a really large gap between people on the same floor.  


As someone who was kind of apprehensive about strive it's pretty fun. But I'll still have moments where I'm not really feeling it. Most of the fun is coming from playing Potemkin he's legit probably one of the most fun characters I've ever learned, but he also feels hopeless in certain mu. But who cares I'm just playing for fun.

I think its just that the player base is all over the map. Partially because the game is still new-ish, and partially because players are just that way.


For instance in SFV even playing across the same ranked level of players you're going to run into people all over the board in terms of skill/approach. We've all started matches against people in various games and thought "Oh, *that* is how you got here. Gotcha." Throw match up variance into the mix and yeah it can definitely feel a little all over the place. But I think that is normal. And possibly exacerbated in Strive where people can be dodging certain match ups and/or not have much experience with them depending on who they've played to get to where they are. Like I'm on 10 but my match up experience is still relatively shallow, with Pot being an amusing example considering your character choice and experience (you've almost certainly fought more Rams than I have Pots).


I think some of that gap smooths out over time, personal and in terms of the community of players. We're still kind of in the wild west, though honestly if playing SFV for years taught me anything its that you'll always be dealing with cowboys so keep your 6 shooter loaded. 


GG usually has some match ups that feel awful, depending on your char. This version of Strive has some offensive god-beasts walking around so yeah playing the tanky grappler is going to lead to some matches where you just die in the corner (or feels like it anyways). Hell even not playing a tanky grappler it feels like that; my strat with in most cases is just "murder them/wall them out and not have to deal with their shenanigans". If a Sol/May/Chipp gets loose it can all go south real quick. 


Once I get some time to get back into this we should try to find a time for matches. We haven't played since ye olde SFV days with its Dreamcast era netcode.

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@GetTheTables I'm always down for games on the rare occasion I'm home. It has been a minute.


Yeah and I feel like I'm missing alot of mu knowledge like you said.  Hell I just fought my first decent axl the other night, it was a nightmare but that's too be expected given his archetype. 



@Pair of Rooks you're probably right that playing pot doesn't help in things feeling lopsided lol.


Edited by Illwill88
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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

@EvilCanadianThere is another.....




On 7/23/2021 at 12:52 PM, Phantom_Miria said:

In this Behemoth Typhoon Goldlewis reveals that he is not the burger sheriff from the US stage in Guilty Gear Xrd, but rather that burger sheriff is his estranged brother, that he hopes to reconnect with some day.


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3 minutes ago, Phantom_Miria said:

Make sure to take the survey in that Developer's Backyard, one of the questions was about how often you'd like to see balance patches, from once a year to twice, thrice or a patch every two months.


Please, pick once a year.

Jeah I am terrified at the prospect of a lot of balance updates. Not to sound melodramatic but I think it's the worse thing for a fighter to be overpatched with balance updates. It's what made MK9 a lot less fun to me. 


It's funny from the old '08/09 days it was the "pick a top tier" Sanford mentality, aka learn how to fight it or pick it. But now in this weird, complain based "reddit" era it's "this is dumb, I'm waiting for buffs/nerfs".


I know the game (aka Sol and his f.S) are dumb but I was hoping any changes wouldn't come, even small stuff, for a while yet. I think SFV hit just the right balance for, uhh, well, balance updates. If anything I hope Strive strives for something similar. 


Aaaaaaaaaand end rant. 

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The official burger-sheriff tie in is great. It definitely feels like a player nod but hey maybe they do have deep lore built out for burger-sheriff and his extended family. I'd love to think back in Xrd when they were designing backgrounds they were like "See that guy? His brother is gonna be the Secretary of Absolute Defense."


The patch seems like its going to do what most people want: tune-up underperforming stuff and not necessarily just hammer on all the good stuff. We'll see the particulars in a few weeks. Everyone get your Sol matches in during the interim just in case!

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1 hour ago, Mr.Cipher said:

Steam Forums are funny in that regard.
I see the words "nerf everything (except for my underpwoerd character)" thrown around all the time.

That and people with giant egos.

"Well don't talk to me unless you're celestial!"

I saw a few topics this week on the GG reddit with the title "My thoughts on the SonicFox comments, as a Celestial player".


My eyes rolled so hard they popped out of my head

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Patch time huh

Alright time for my nago wishlist and expected changes


I hope they let all his big sword normals recover blood gauge, namely 5d because it doesn't right now. I would also greatly appreciate a slight buff to his c.s active frames or lower hitbox size but I don't expect it. 


As for what they're gonna nerf on him im sure they're gonna touch his unprorated  throw frc damage, which will suck but whatever fair enough.  They might also make spin slash negative which would also suck but I feel like I could live with


Surprise me arcsys lol

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48 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

So instead of hitting the lab, they blamed the balance team.


That would work here except Kendeep legit reacted properly to it twice and still got anti aired. There are some defensive OSes for that situation that I gotta dig up for the thread.


But really, every other character with a command grab has to hold that. In the case of chipp, he flies at you, recovers in time if you jump, might recover in time if you backdash, but if he hits you with it, he can do another one immediately and it is timed to catch you on wake up.


That move is really good.


Edit: Its not fine in the context of strive is a weird statement. There is all sorts of really good moves in the game. That it could use a bit more recovery frames is fine, to try and shame the devs into making it trash is weird.

Edited by Sonero
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5 minutes ago, Sonero said:


That would work here except Kendeep legit reacted properly to it twice and still got anti aired. There are some defensive OSes for that situation that I gotta dig up for the thread.


But really, every other character with a command grab has to hold that. In the case of chipp, he flies at you, recovers in time if you jump, might recover in time if you backdash, but if he hits you with it, he can do another one immediately and it is timed to catch you on wake up.


That move is really good.

Chipp recovering that fast does make it a lot better than most command grabs. But it can be interrupted in various ways. Someone replied to the original post of things I-No can do to stop it.



It looks like Kendeep ended up pushing buttons too late to counter Leffen.


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Finally got time to play, and I had to restart the game no less than 4 times in an hour.  Every rank update, every transition from MM Training mode to lobby, every time.  Then on the final go around the title screen decided to take so long to séance with  the dying server I just noped out. I ranked up to 10th but still don't feel like trying to fight for a chance to fight someone.


Forget the balance patch, I want a menu patch.


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