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The Sonic Thread: The Year of Shadow. It all starts with this.... Sonic X Shadow Generations 10/25/2024 followed by child murder in Sonic 3 movie on 12/20/2024!

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1 minute ago, DangerousJ said:


Bought!  most def


Also related...Sonic 2 is getting put on Paramount plus tomorrow with an extra short featuring Sonic, Tails and Knux


clip from the short

Sonic is now 375 mill global

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2 hours ago, Wellman said:

Must be due to it streaming on Paramount Plus they might have dropped the digital versions already.

Maybe. I mean, I’m use to digital always dropping first as I believe digital always releases 2 weeks before physical. Or that’s the trend I’ve noticed. I just didn’t expect basically three months difference 

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Sega un Thanos snapped Sonic 06 and put it back up on the Xbox 360 marketplace for 5 bucks for some reason


I'm guessing they're trying to get any money they can on this Sonic train that's been chugging through this year?  I da know...If you want to be masochistic and somehow own/play one of the worst games ever made and you still have your 360 then have at it.


Edit: aaaand here come some of the jokes


Edited by Sonichuman
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Anyone wanna get triggered really quick?



I know what you're thinking...if Dark Brotherhood is no. 6 on their list...WTF did they put behind it?   SA2, SA1, Generations, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Unleashed, and Sonic Spinball in that order.  I'm one of those people that played Dark Brotherhood and thought it had some potential that a sequel could have ironed out the kinks and it would have been far better...but I'm not that brave to put that game above any of these games lol.



Full versions of the Sonic Drone Home animation have been popping up on youtube but they're all off screen vids and most of them have the sound really low.  If you're interested in watching it here's one of them

If the knuckles show is animated this well then this should be pretty great.

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2 hours ago, globe said:

I've seen plenty of people defend Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic 06 and Sonic and the Black Knight, but I barely seen anyone defend Dark Brotherhood.


Shadow the Hedgehog and Black Knight where flawed games, but still had their merits, so I can see why they would have fans.
With Sonic 06, tbh i can't see why anyone will defend it 🤣


But even then, it would make more sense to me that someone will put it on a top 10 Sonic games list than Dark Brotherhood.


That game is terrible.


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1 hour ago, BornWinner said:

Writers for the movie talking about Sonic 3


Hidden behind a spoiler for anyone that hadn’t seen Sonic 2 yet.


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During a Q&A they said that Sonic 3 will possibly have a release in 2024 and they're already in talks with a hollywood actor to play Redacted.  So we can start speculating on who they're talking to.

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So...I'm kind of worried but still hoping it's good.  Running around the environments with a sense of speed and actual control looks like it'll be awesome.  My concern is coming from the combat as I'm not entirely certain what is going on especially at :19.  WTF is going on in this shot?  Is Sonic doing a weird Spinning Bird Kick? lol.  Since IGN is going to be covering the game all month long I just want some answers on the combat.

Edited by Sonichuman
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Maybe they gave an unfinished build, maybe the guy playing it is making it boring, maybe it gets more exciting outside this starting area, maybe they just wanted to show off exploration, but man this is looking dull. 

The world is so empty and the gameplay itself looks aimless. This gameplay could have really benefitted from some enemies. Animation is also looking pretty  off and I noticed pop-ins as well. I want to remain optimistic, but I’m going to need to see more. Especially if this is aiming for holiday release.

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I have thoughts on this.  I just finished watching it in its entirety but I can't comment on it in full right now.  The short of it is I think this game needs to go back in the oven and cook some more.  What they have is intriguing and there's something definitely here but it's missing some oomph.  We might get more of that later this month but my first impressions right now are that if this game releases during holiday season then the best it's going to be is prob meh/mediocre.

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