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The SF6 Thread: Akuma Incoming!

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4 minutes ago, Jurassic said:

going through the Granblue tourney vids and that is fun to watch. I might pick up the first game since it is super cheap now to prep for rising.

Last week's beta was the first time I've touched granblue since the closed network test 3 years ago 


Played around 100 matches and shit was super fun, just pick soriz and punch motherfuckers from across the screen 

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6 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

It's quite an achievement for a single character to ruin an entire game's integrity in the span of a couple of hours 


It doesn't ruin the competitive integrity. But that character can make anybody look like they're good at MvC3 because the dude is just a pain in the ass to deal with. You can just hit St.H once and that shit is a pain in the ass to deal with. Then he can randomly frame trap you with charged busters, gets ToDs from near everything.


The funniest thing about the character is that the Lightning Loops that are the most optimal are the easeist ones to do. All these guys doing the Tiger Kneed ones are doing the harder, less optimal ones. So you don't even need insane execution either.


Easily a top 10 goofy garbage character.

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8 minutes ago, Sonero said:

They put Fall Guys in GranBlue. And for 75 dollars for t he deluxe edition.



It looks fucking amazing 


If they fix the biggest current criticisms (stupid long throw tech window, easy inputs having no drawback and instant cooldowns, and raging Strike simply bring poorly designed), Rising legit might be a great game 

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1 minute ago, Maravilla said:

Man ain't nobody cares for tekken granblue or grand blue they didn't even spell it right king of fights etc. bring the marvel news man. 

Marvel is dead bro. Like it’s alive but Capcom isn’t doing shit with that IP. Probably too much logistics bullshit they can’t be fucked to deal with when SF6 doing all the work for them. 

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1 hour ago, Dracu said:

Azucena or however you call her looks pretty lame, but man, Namco doesn't shy away from making characters from countries that haven't been represented in other games. Wish Capcom would start doing that more often. The closest they've gotten, they've bitched out and made the locations "unknown"



One of the things I wish Capcom improved. When SFV was still kinda young, they were conducting surveys, and I wrote on them, and even wrote essays on Tumblr and tweeted them at them (I even got a reply once), and two of my points were :


To expand on characters' lives, show what they are doing on their daily lives ;they don't always have to come together when Bison is up to no good.

The other thing was to make more characters from the Americas other than Mexicans and Brazilians, like from Perú or Argentina, I wrote.

One down!

Edited by AriesWarlock
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Who's the intern at Namco who had the idea to create a character around coffee? Did they throw a dart at their bulletin board and just decide to make a gimmick persona around the first word that they hit?


I just did the same thing. The word I hit was 'agriculture', so here's an idea: they can create a farmer for their first batch of DLC characters. I'll be expecting my royalty check in the mail soon. 

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1 hour ago, Dracu said:

Azucena or however you call her looks pretty lame, but man, Namco doesn't shy away from making characters from countries that haven't been represented in other games. Wish Capcom would start doing that more often. The closest they've gotten, they've bitched out and made the locations "unknown". 


Namco is good in mixing ideas and blending character design. and Capcom is just starting to learn that in SF6




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Very insightful vid for anyone trying to learn the Rashid matchup


Also I’m sure it’s been discussed but I want reiterate how important sound cues are in this game. Broski points out that you can tell the heavy version of Arabian cyclone (bullshit mixup move) because of Rashid’s “oh yeah” voice line whereas for light and medium it’s a generic grunt. The same thing is true of Ken’s heavy Dragonlash (the plus on block one)…generic grunts for light and medium, actual words for heavy. 


Edited by Vhozite
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