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Posts posted by AriesWarlock

  1. Sad news. Kanye West Concedes the 2020 Election, Sets Sights on 2024










    11 minutes ago, Volt said:

    Huh. Guess that's how they rig elections there. And why there's this persistent nagging about Smartmatic machines.


    Hell, Bolsonaro called voter fraud on an election he clearly won AND KNEW THE RESULTS. 🤣


    Whatever happens in Venezuela, doesn't happen here. The voting system there already sounds wildly different to begin with.





    Yeah, dude. Just remember Smartmatic has had links with the Venezuelan government.

  2. 1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

    Just curious, did you grow up around there? You seem pretty knowledgeable about the situation.


    Yeah, I was born there.


    1 hour ago, Volt said:

    Not this nonsense...


    Simpnaro won on Smartmatic voting machines. It's a perfectly safe voting machine publically tested (at least here).


    And didn't Venezuela go back to paper last election? I think I remember watching voting footage with huge transparent ballots and people casting paper votes in them.


    The president of Smartmatic himself said there was one million manipulated votes. He doesn't know his shit?


    Do you know about the underwater cable from Venezuela to Cuba? Do you know what it is for?  They send fixed voting numbers from Cuba to Venezuelan voting sites directly to the perfectly voting machines in real time



    But I can go even further. The ex-director of the bureau of elections said it herself there has been fraud in all elections but two, and that the current voting administration controls the voting numbers however they want:


    (the first 5-10 minutes)


    I can go further and more personal. A friend of mine, when he was still living there, went to a voting site, and in the process I think the screen on the voting machine had a YES or NO question. He selected one option, the machine recognized the other option (the option that favors the government). He complained about it but they didn't do anything.  But sure, they are perfectly safe voting machines.


  3. 29 minutes ago, Volt said:

    That's not really what happened in Venezuela. Aries explained the technicalities of it, but the fact is that Maduro straight up fixed the election and blocked international overseers.


    Supporting Maduro is outright a bad move, even if you don't support the opposition.


    As for that second sentence... yeah, pretty much. Especially on Venezuela's case since even back at the Chavez era, if something went wrong there, the US would get the blame for "running interference" even if they had nothing to do with it, so the best move for the US is really to just stay out of that mess.




    Ah, I see you are knowledgeable about what's happening there. And that's no surprise. I would dare say the majority of immigration in the last years in Brazil is from Venezuelans, am I correct? And this is not merely politics what I am going to talk about, this is a sociopolitical disaster that has affected the lives of many.


    it's also true that international overseers are blocked. But when chavez was alive, he didn't allow international overseers, only, the name escapes me right now, but something more like international guests or something like that, and they were not allowed to say ANYTHING. Then WTF is the point if one can't denounce an irregularity in an election? lol.

    Chavez always had this dream of making his own Soviet Union with the Americas and the Caribbean. He was following the agenda of the Foro de São Paulo, where all the radical leftists convene on how to advance their communistic ideas, sorry, socialistic. I am sure @Volthas more insight since he gets the news directly about it.




    Chavez helped politicians from different countries arrive to power. In Peru there was an earthquake years ago and Humala was running from president. Chavez sent some food as help, like tuna cans with political propaganda:





    And btw, Argentina's actual government is also taking the steps from the agenda of Foro de Sao Paulo.


    Chavez funded his own elections voting machine company through which they cheated in almost all of their elections - chavez did win his candidacy for president fair. He lost one plebiscite. They took VERY LONG to announce the results, they were trying to figure out how to make arrange the numbers but they couldn't. That day chavez was pissed, and being a good sport and illustrious he said on national TV that the opposition's victory was full of shit LOL



    Then he funded a company, SMARTMATIC, that would provide the voting machines, all fixed of course, and ensured his victories. UNTIL he died. I suppose they SMARTMARTIC was feeling remorseful from all the shit they helped allowed in Venezuela, and from abroad, away from vengeful chavistas, the president of SMARTMATIC said the first time maduro ran for the presidency there were at least a million votes manipulated:




    The tentacles of chavez and maduro's regime are so vast it's a real danger to people. So when I see people talking about how the rich right in Venezuela are "lobbying Washington" for an intervention, that maduro was elected legitimately, that che guevara - killer of innocents and gay people, was a justice fighter, all I can think in my head is "you don't what the hell you are saying 😒".




  4. 21 minutes ago, Sonero said:

    Guiado is "interim" because a bunch of rich venezuelans yapped it up woth Americans to try and stage a coup.


    Untrue. That's some BS that radical leftists like to say. Guaido is interim because Maduro was "elected" in fraudulent elections  convened  National Constituent Assembly parliament controlled by the regime and not by an electoral body, as mandated by their Constitution. It also states that in legal absence of an elected president, the president of the parliament takes interim role.


    And latinos what latinos don't want is for US government to go help cement dictatorships. There's a reason why millions are leaving Venezuela, Nicaragua, etc. Biden fucked up there saying he would reestablish cooperations with Maduro.



  5. 19 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

    My mom is watching her morning shows and their was a discussion about how disappointed the hosts are about how majority of Florida's Latin population (Cuban Americans and Puerto Ricans) voted for Trump. Praying on their fear of Democrats turning the country into a communist state worked on the Cubans.


    Really, Biden's plan for Venezuela was not to recognize the interim president Guaido and "help" the current dictatorship? They brought this L on themselves.

    All those endorsements from radical socialists didn't help him either: Petro Gustavo from Colombia, Maduro, Ortega from Nicaragua, etc.

  6. Hmm worrying, I wanted to try the impossible burger. Looking at the ingredients, it has so many soy products my tongue would get messed up, too


    Ingredients Impossible Burger: Water, soy protein concentrate, coconut oil, sunflower oil, natural flavors, 2% or less of: potato protein, methylcellulose, yeast extract, cultured dextrose, food starch modified, soy leghemoglobin, salt, soy protein isolate, mixed tocopherols (vitamin E), zinc gluconate, thiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B1), sodium ascorbate (vitamin C), niacin, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin B12.






    Now the Beyond Burger doesn't have soy or modified starch in it, so it's already looking much better. I think I'll give this one a try


    Ingredients Beyond Burger : Water, pea protein isolate, expeller-pressed canola oil, refined coconut oil, rice protein, natural flavors, cocoa butter, mung bean protein, methylcellulose, potato starch, apple extract, salt, potassium chloride, vinegar, lemon juice concentrate, sunflower lecithin, pomegranate fruit powder, beet juice extract (for color)

  7. 1 hour ago, Mattatsu said:

    One thing dudes who are vegetarian have to watch out for is eating too much soy (which is often used in veggie burgers and other meat replicas). It boosts your estrogen levels and gets you to panzy levels real quick  (trust me, I know).


    though that sandwich and Indian food doesn’t use soy. Paneer is the shit tho


    Yeah. I don't consume raw soy products because they are loaded with antinutrients that can prevent the absorption of iodine, calcium, iron, etc. I do like fermented soy products like natto and miso and fermented tofu.

  8. Street of Rage 4 fans might be interested in this one




    To Protect and Serve

    While answering a routine call on a patrol, Dolphin, Star and Trouble—the most popular officers of the super-powered law enforcement agency, Stronghold—find themselves in a sequence of events that will alter the fate of the entire city.

    Excessive Force

    Let’s get one thing straight; if you ever think that a day in the life of a super-powered law enforcer is easy, you couldn’t be more wrong, as there are greater threats than street gangs in urban fantasy themed Mayhem Brawler. Using your arsenal of combos and special abilities, you and your co-op teammates should make life miserable for those super-powered criminals, fend yourself from the fury of werewolves, resist the hexes of street wizards and confront the megacorp led by vampire houses that enforce their goons to do their dirty deeds.

    The Mayhem Universe

    Comic book-inspired hand-drawn backgrounds and frame-by-frame animations coupled with a kick-ass soundtrack will deliver a jolt of adrenaline to your controller. With the choices you make, you will shape the flow of the story and finally reach one of the three different endings in Mayhem Brawler universe, where each corner has a story to tell.

    Key Features

    • A fresh take on classic 90s-style beat ’em ups.
    • Offline co-op mode that supports up to three players.
    • Ability to alter the game flow with player-led decisions.
    • Three unique endings based on player’s choices.
    • Three playable characters against 30 mobs including 12 unique bosses.
    • Hand-drawn comic book inspired art, frame-by-frame animated characters and a rocking soundtrack.
    • Your admission ticket to the limitless universe of Mayhem.
  9. 50 minutes ago, Skort said:

    I hope this hints towards a new game in the series because this franchise truly deserves a reboot / remake / sequel. 


    Rayne is too hot not to be ported into the current gen. 




    Agreed. I never got to play the main games, but I played that 2D action/platformer, I thought it was good if a little short.


    There's a mod for RE2/3:





    Free Ninja Warrior Epic Quest Xbox and PC Game Download



    9 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

    Using my detective skills and amazing editing, I believe it’s Hwang.


      Hide contents


    The circle is meant to be pointing out his hair while the arrow is pointing what I think his is sword. And the long ink strokes coming off of the figure? That might be a scarf which is something that he wore in his appearance in SC3. 

    Ignore the second spoiler. I couldn’t get rid of it.


      Reveal hidden contents


    That's a lot of scarfs is so lol. I don't know if that can truly be considered hair.

  11. @Skortyou'll like this news


    BloodRayne 1 and 2 enhanced versions coming to PC on November 20




    Optimizations include:

    • Support for higher display resolutions (up to 4K / 3840×2160).
    • Improved rendering with up to 4x anti-aliasing.
    • Upscaled cinematic videos.
    • Support for modern gamepads (XInput controller support).
    • Improvements to lighting at engine level, plus fully reprocessed lighting data.
    • Engine improvements to support uncompressed original textures.
    • Improvements to effects such as reflections, water, fog, and shadows.
    • Localizations include:
    • BloodRayne –  Fully voiced with localized interfaces in English, French, Italian, and Spanish.
    • BloodRayne 2 – Localized interface and subtitles for English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
    • Optimized for Windows 10.




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