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Posts posted by BornWinner

  1. 4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

    Side note: What's all this talk about people having issue with the casting? I thought that was the one point they'd done well on this time around.

    From what I’ve seen, it comes to two things. One, the actors playing the water tribe are too light skinned. Two, that Azula’s actress is a 14 year old.


    The water tribe actors are portrayed by the real world equivalent of the water tribe so they can shove it (Except for maybe Sokka’s actor who may be just white). And watching the cartoon makes you forget that Azula is 14 years old or at least younger than Zuko. Not many people her age look like that. 

    Other than those, I’ve seen no complaints about the casting. I remember everyone loving the casting of the fire nation, barring Azula.

  2. I was just honing to post that. Yeah, it completely misses the point of Sokka’s initial growth if you take away his sexism. It was one of the first steps of Sokka growing from a cynical snarker to a reliable leader. What are they going to do with him for the first season? Just make him the funny guy?


    Not to mention that his sexism wasn’t portrayed as positive at any point. Being sensible at one point but now outdated considering the universe. The fact that Sokka believes that at first gives it a sense of irony considering the women they meet as soon as they leave their home. I see no point in taking it away because the series never agrees with that point.

  3. 4 hours ago, B R O W N said:

    Meanwhile, Punk right after losing:




    ....bro has NOT played Tekken. 💀

    Man’s literally saying nothing. What does being better than someone actually mean and how is forcing someone to guess wrong not a part of that? I can’t think of a game that doesn’t have that aspect, even if some do it more than others.


    It’s rich this is coming from the guy that came up with Street Fighter V.

  4. 2 hours ago, iStu X said:

    Are there any new characters in T8 aside from the new Mishima and the coffee girl?

    Three new characters. Azucena, Reina, and French spy Victor. The number of newcomers is pretty standard for the series. Both Tekken 3 and 7 being outliers by having a ton of newcomers.

  5. Sonic’s official Japanese Twitter account made a poll voting for which character you want to see get a drawing with Silver. There was a little war between the top two: Mephiles, the main and most popular villain from Sonic 06 vs Sonicman, an NPC you see twice from the same game. The art that came from this has been fantastic.







    After a long fought battle, Sonicman stood victorious with 47% of the votes over Mephiles’ 44%.


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