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  1. +1
    KingTubb reacted to AriesWarlock in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    @KingTubb@FoolinfectionI liked Black Flag. I am gonna keep checking them out. Thanks 🤘
    cool anime
  2. LOL
    KingTubb got a reaction from Scanman in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    I thought she was persian? Like iranian-amrenian or something...
    Oh shit... Am I racist?

  3. +1
    KingTubb got a reaction from Hawkingbird in The NRS Thread   
    Yeah, and since it's prime day, and I'm a prime member, they took an extra $10 off, so secret savings.
    So I was being sneaky
  4. LOL
    KingTubb got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    I swear to God, Spin, if I somehow go to jail or get put on an FBI list cause you're talking nasty shit underage, I'm gonna tell my mom and she's going to tell YOUR mom! 
  5. +1
    KingTubb got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    Took awhile to find. I've seen so many things I've wanted lately, but they didn't include a big body. Gotta stay on brand🤷‍♀️ 
    Also @DoctaMarioCongrats! Marriage is a lot of fun. Wishing you and yours a long and happy union 
  6. LOL
    KingTubb got a reaction from beesuit in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    Love that Stu thumbs up'd this and he's the only other person here with a still for his avatar
  7. LOL
    KingTubb got a reaction from beesuit in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    I swear to God, Spin, if I somehow go to jail or get put on an FBI list cause you're talking nasty shit underage, I'm gonna tell my mom and she's going to tell YOUR mom! 
  8. LOL
    KingTubb got a reaction from BB_Hoody in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    I swear to God, Spin, if I somehow go to jail or get put on an FBI list cause you're talking nasty shit underage, I'm gonna tell my mom and she's going to tell YOUR mom! 
  9. Insightful
    KingTubb reacted to Vhozite in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    I think that if we want FGs to get more draw then we gotta have robust single player options. A story mode, some alternate modes like arcade, some kind of character customization, and maybe some unlockable stuff so people grind. 
    If a FG is going to skim on that stuff (*coughSFVcough*), I think they are better off going F2P. People want a “full experience” when they drop $60 on a game, but a lot of F2P are completely focused on multiplayer.
  10. +1
    KingTubb reacted to GetTheTables in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    And Dime.
  11. +1
    KingTubb reacted to Sonichuman in The Game Music Thread 🎵   
  12. LOL
    KingTubb reacted to GetTheTables in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Holy fuck I thought I had long posts

  13. +1
  14. +1
    KingTubb reacted to DarkSakul in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Storybin a fighting game is like the story in a porno, yeah it explains vaguely who hitting who and why, but in the end no one here for the story. 
  15. +1
    KingTubb reacted to misterBee in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    I don't think this is true.
    Again using Gundam as an example -- the arcade game gets new characters added all the time.  Console versions also have a ridiculous amount of DLC in the form of characters, UI skins, announcer voice packs, etc.  There is definitely a ton of support there.
    Bootleg one-off clones might not get support but the big name arena fighters get just as much if not more support than games like Street Fighter or Tekken.
  16. +1
    KingTubb reacted to misterBee in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Going arena fighter isn't the 'cheap and easy' route.  The reason they make arena fighters is because that game style is more popular.
    Gundam vs Gundam is easily the most popular competitive game in arcades, and has been for years now.  All those anime arena fighters being made are basically trying to be Gundam clones.  The traditional 2D/3D fighter is not as popular as it once was. 
    The only reason arena fighters are not as popular in the west is because we no longer have arcades and didn't get as much exposure to that gameplay style.  It's also much harder to find enough people to play proper matches at home on console because a lot of arena fighters are team-based games.  In the west arena fighters are niche but in Asia they're mainstream.
  17. +1
    KingTubb reacted to Hecatom in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    I am not really sure if is because they are western or not.
    After all, KI is also a fg made by a western studio and is a western ip and that one didnt manage to make an impact, despite being the better game (KI>>>>>>>>Any NRS MK), granted, KI had the disgrace of being MS exclussive, and we will never know if it were a multiplatform would have helped.
    But, is clear that one of the factors that make it appealing is the violence on it and the fact that MK as a brand has a really big appeal mostly due the cross media during the 90's and starting 00's, despite having really terrible entries until recently (although they offered extra game options on those bad games, so there is that).
    You know how there is this false pretense that because is violent is more mature. So you have a game that appeals to dudebros that only play insert sports game here and inserts fps here, is easy to see it will sell.
    And now that they have WB money they can amp the appeal by introducing mindless spectacle to boost sales.
    Like i said on SRK, i am more interested in seeing how a new ip would fare, beause so far, NRS had the advantage to attach their games behind 2 big brands.
    And seeing how little retention they manage to have when it comes to its playerbase, i am almost sure that NRS and WB know it would be really risky move, hence why they have been tied to just rotating their input between MK and INJ.
  18. LOL
    KingTubb got a reaction from scorp in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    I thought she was persian? Like iranian-amrenian or something...
    Oh shit... Am I racist?

  19. +1
    KingTubb got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Do you think their sales have anything to do with them being a western developer and the west being their target market?
    Cause I was thinking, the best selling fighting game of this generation not named Mortal Kombat is DBFZ. Dragon Ball is huge in the west, and people wanna shoot the pew pews from their hands and scream and turn yellow and shit
  20. LOL
    KingTubb got a reaction from Volt in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    Love that Stu thumbs up'd this and he's the only other person here with a still for his avatar
  21. +1
    KingTubb reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    The debate over story modes isn't one. NRS games curb stomp the competition sales and its not due to an appeal to the hardcore market. Given the tournament participation, it's obvious what most of the people buying the games purchase them for. What the hardcore FGC needs to realize is that casuals fund their games. Those modes keep the proverbial lights on.  Just do what the bulk FPS players do and ignore single player content. Go straight into multiplayer.
  22. +1
    KingTubb reacted to TWINBLADES in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    I know what I want fuck story modes lol. Give me the grid and some characters and I’m good lmao 
  23. +1
    KingTubb reacted to Illwill88 in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Fighting games are kind of inherently bad for story modes.  You can't really do like other games because there's no main character or allow created characters.    
    I would like to see developers do a story that's separate like a rpg, or the mk game where you played like a co-op game where you did combos together and shit . Then the  regular fighting game is separate with online, training mode etc etc. 
    At the end of the day the standard fighting game doesn't have enough content for casuals. MK is the only one off the top of my head that does. I'm well aware they have the team and budget to do it.  Johnny casual doesnt want to spend full price on a game to only have a half ass arcade mode and online so he can get shit on all day.
  24. +1
    KingTubb reacted to Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Some might confuse me for someone who like lengthy cinematic mode since I'm always in storythreads.
    What I am concern is more on coherence, detail, depth, character not acting out of character being consistent and traditional to what they are in 90s.
    That's why i'm into story should be more focus to new characters and not so long
    I was more concern on playability and just important details with the characters and not some FMV
    Initial before SFV cinematic mode was previewed but mentioned here are my request in SFV for gameplay features.

    I like World Tour and CVS2 which was the initial inspiration on that request. 
    I was hoping it was more like World Tour with ending not a movie thing.
    This was more like a QUEST MODE like in VF and SOUL Series merge with world tour and cvs2 arcade mode.  
  25. LOL
    KingTubb got a reaction from RSG3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    Love that Stu thumbs up'd this and he's the only other person here with a still for his avatar
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