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  1. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    I play a lot of different games.  I have sunk many many hours into Xrd, Blazblue, and Tekken.  I also play a ton of KOF.
    If SF suddenly had air-dashes I wouldn't mind at all.  I'm not obsessed with all the games I play having some kind of conceptual 'purity' like some people seem to. 
    SF3 had an almost completely different cast of characters from any SF that came before it.  Parries change the way you play the game so radically that it has almost nothing in common with any other SF game, because core SF mechanics like fireballs don't even matter.  Despite this some people think 3S is the best SF ever created. 
    ...but when New Generation first came out everyone hated on it because it wasn't similar enough to what they once knew.  "Who are all these weird characters?  Where's Chun-Li?  This isn't Street Fighter!" they would say.  James Chen still thinks it's not Street Fighter because of parries -- and who is taking him seriously when he says that?  
    We would never have gotten to the beauty of Third Strike if all the hardcore 'fans' had had their way.
    I don't know how you think the characters don't look similar enough for you.  Eddy looks 100% like Eddy.  Nobody is gonna be confused about which characters are Sol or Ky.  May is unmistakably May.  Adding muscle mass and changing up costumes doesn't suddenly make those characters unrecognizable. Chip's outfit has barely changed from original Guilty Gear all the way to Strive.  Adding a rope to his belt and making him buff doesn't suddenly make him nothing like before.  Xrd Milia has an outfit completely different from older Milia and I don't think anybody was confused about who that character was when the game came out.
    The real problem isn't that Strive has changed too much.  The problem for some people is that they have invested tons of time and have enjoyed one specific set of games for years, and don't like it when the new thing isn't the same.  It feels like the game they love is being taken away.  There are old GG players out there right now bitching about Xrd and I don't think anybody is taking them seriously anymore.  Strive as you say may be quite good, and nobody will care about how different it is from Xrd.  Then one day when Strive gets replaced the Strive players will claim that the new game isn't GG either, because to them GG is a game like Strive.  It's just a cycle of complaining tied to peoples' dislike of change /their nostalgia.
    There is no hard and fast rule of what GG is.  To some people it's just an anime game with a hard rock soundtrack.  For others it's all about the chain canceling normals and Roman cancels.  Some people care more about the technical aspects of the gameplay and some care more about the aesthetics.  GG is a lot of different things to different people, and Strive is closer to the mark for some than others.  Hell, Isuka is a 4 player game that forces you to push a button just to turn around -- and that's still a Guilty Gear game, isn't it?
    I have spent many hours playing Xrd.  I played it in arcades in Japan and love the game a lot.  I own it on three different platforms and bought it on launch.  Before that as a kid I spent a lot of time dicking around in PC versions of XX.  I have zero problems with Strive and think it's a really cool-looking GG game.  I can't wait to play it. Are my opinions and time spent playing GG wrong?  Is Strive for me because I don't like GG?  No, I like GG a whole fucking lot, and from where I'm standing Strive is another GG game, just with new/different mechanics.
    Am I somehow not a GG fan?  Or is my fan opinion somehow inferior to yours?  Trying to gatekeep who Strive is 'for' based on some silly idea of who is/isn't a GG fan is pretentious as hell.
    You're standing over there saying THIS ISN'T GG and I'm standing here saying it is.  You can see how this is a futile point to try to make because it's just peoples' opinions, and those differ wildly, even among 'fans'. 
    If the game is good then who cares if it has GG in the title or not?   You worry that Strive will kill the franchise but if it's a good game then it'll HELP the franchise, regardless of how similar it is to old titles or not.  You're not afraid the franchise will die.  You're just afraid the specific type of gameplay YOU LIKE will die.  Guilty Gear itself will probably do just fine. 
    Strive's graphics ALONE will probably pull in more casual player $$$ than any similarity to older games ever will.
  2. Insightful
    misterBee got a reaction from Scanman in Fighting Game Lounge   
    Made some GIFs to show off the beauty that is Hyper Street Fighter Zero. 
    I hope one day this gets released for modern consoles since it's trapped as a secret mode in the PS2 anthology.  🙃


  3. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    All this doll talk just makes me want to play more Zero 3 Upper.
    Who's gonna play it with me?

  4. +1
    misterBee reacted to DarkSakul in Best Ultimate Tech Talk Hang Out Loud Edition 2K   
    Who wants some new Lag testing videos

    old time SRK user Phantomnaut did some test vids
  5. +1
    misterBee reacted to DangerousJ in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    2021 is looking uncannily exciting..

  6. LOL
    misterBee got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    I love how the SFV thread is for discussing everything except SFV.
    Get rekt.
  7. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Arc games might not be completely dead on PC but the average number of random players at any given time is smaller compared to console.
    On PC it's more common to find matches through Discord because the normal in-game lobbies tend to be empty.  It's not that PC has no players -- you just have to take the time to find matches yourself through other methods first.
    Steam charts are also not a good indicator of PC fighting game health because people only boot up a game when they are playing matches that they've set up.  Once the match is over they quit the game and so you're not gonna see a lot of concurrent players showing up online.
    I play a lot of Melty and that scene is booming on PC, thanks to the fan-made rollback version.  There's a constant new influx of players because the game is free and easy to get your hands on.  But all the match-making is done through Discord and people sending each other their IPs for hosting games.  Melty's case is especially interesting since everyone is using CCCaster/Community edition.  Steamcharts are useless because nobody uses the Steam version.
    TL;DR: PC fighting games are healthy, but you gotta set up matches with Discord.  Console definitely has more casual players just sitting around in lobbies.
  8. Insightful
    misterBee got a reaction from Volt in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    I turn my back for one second and all hell breaks loose.  orz
    Angel has been armed.  You guys better chill out.

  9. LOL
    misterBee got a reaction from DarkSakul in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    I turn my back for one second and all hell breaks loose.  orz
    Angel has been armed.  You guys better chill out.

  10. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    I turn my back for one second and all hell breaks loose.  orz
    Angel has been armed.  You guys better chill out.

  11. LOL
    misterBee got a reaction from Disciple0fAnrky in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    I turn my back for one second and all hell breaks loose.  orz
    Angel has been armed.  You guys better chill out.

  12. LOL
    misterBee got a reaction from Shakunetsu in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    I turn my back for one second and all hell breaks loose.  orz
    Angel has been armed.  You guys better chill out.

  13. WTF
    misterBee reacted to KingTubb in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    Just got an email from a grad student that he tested positive for COVID yesterday and we had direct contact on Friday. 
    in the email he said he was experiencing mild symptoms on Friday that got progressively worse prompting him to get a test. 
    what a fucking asshat. He shouldn’t of come to work if he had symptoms. 🤦🏻‍♀️
    looks like I’m getting a test tomorrow 
  14. LOL
    misterBee got a reaction from Mattatsu in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    I turn my back for one second and all hell breaks loose.  orz
    Angel has been armed.  You guys better chill out.

  15. LOL
    misterBee got a reaction from DrLariat in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    I turn my back for one second and all hell breaks loose.  orz
    Angel has been armed.  You guys better chill out.

  16. Insightful
    misterBee got a reaction from DoctaMario in Immortality on one condition....   
    Yeah that Space Marine game was good fun.  It's a shame there will never be a sequel to continue the story. =[
    A lot of 40k games suck because they'll sell the license to just about anyone who asks.  So many shitty Warhammer mobile games and whatnot.  Very few gems.
    The 40k wiki and the novels are the way to go if you just want some good story content.
  17. Insightful
    misterBee got a reaction from DoctaMario in Immortality on one condition....   
    Don't need to play -- check out the lore some time though.  It's crazy.
    But basically:
    Humanity enters a golden age, expands across the stars, then gets into a fight with its AI slaves and civilization is nearly wiped out.  The emperor, who has been silently guiding humanity since the beginning of recorded history, decides to stop pretending to be Jesus/Santa Claus/whoever he has been masquerading as throughout history and reveal himself to the rest of the world.  He decides humanity has been fucking up for way too long and he might as well just lead us himself.
    He creates 18 sons from his DNA who in turn lead 18 armies of Space Marines.  They bring peace and prosperity back to humanity before half of his sons become corrupted by Darkness and a civil war nearly wipes out everything again.  The day is saved but not before the emperor is wounded so badly that he's placed on life support basically forever.  He's placed in a special golden casket and while in a coma uses what is left of his psychic power to stop dark gods from breaking through into this dimension.  All of his sons are either killed in the conflict or disappear.  Humanity, now leaderless, drifts aimlessly while trying to combat the monsters/aliens/demons that continue to move in from all sides.
    It's a pretty neat world/setting.
  18. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from Wellman in Immortality on one condition....   
    No, because at some point I'd probably get tired of living.  Seems it'd be a lonely existence after a while.
    If I'm un-killable that also means that if I ever get imprisoned or trapped somewhere it's game over.  Eternal hell.
  19. LOL
    misterBee got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Take your time to practice.  I'll be bodying all of you left and right.  💋
  20. LOL
    misterBee got a reaction from Volt in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Take your time to practice.  I'll be bodying all of you left and right.  💋
  21. WTF
    misterBee got a reaction from KingTubb in The Street Fighter V Thread   
    Take your time to practice.  I'll be bodying all of you left and right.  💋
  22. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from GetTheTables in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Last year I thought I'd be buying both new consoles day 1.
    In reality I'm playing almost every new release on my PC without any change.  Kind of a killjoy. 😩
    New PC parts just seem more hype than consoles this year...
  23. LOL
    misterBee got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The Street Fighter V Thread   
  24. +1
    misterBee reacted to iStu X in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    (Long post.)
    So I don’t talk about him much but my Brother In-Law is a disabled veteran. He got blown to shit twice in Iraq. He’s 100% fine mentally and physically except for he developed chronic migraine syndrome. 
    He’s dealt with it for over 10 years and it was the reason he had to be medically discharged from the army. We actually met as he was in the process of being discharged. 
    His headaches can be anywhere from a slight annoyance to debilitating. There were days where he’d be in so much pain he’d pass out from it. Or couldn’t get out of bed. Or constantly vomiting. Imagine now having a toddler and trying to deal with this. Cause that’s exactly what’s going on. 
    Since it all happened he’s tried everything he can to find some relief from his condition. Which unfortunately under  the scope of medicine is very little because he’s allergic to the common ingredient in pain killers (the name escapes me). So he’s tried higher caffein intake, meditating, acupuncture, Botox, the list goes on. 
    He ended up seeing a head trauma doctor last Saturday. He recommended a specialist for my BIL to visit. As soon as my BIL listed the symptoms the specialist knew exactly what the issue was. He just needed to run a test to confirm. So they did that today. 
    Turns out due to being blown to shit twice in Iraq the impact from them caused 3 leaks in his spinal cord and the fluid has been flowing through his brain and certain parts of his brain. It’s why the headaches are never ending and have different levels of severity. 
    Well, the doctor said this is actually 100% treatable. So on Monday he’s going in for a small spinal surgery. What they’re going to do is draw blood from him and then reintroduce the blood in a way that makes non-lethal blood clots to stop the leaks. If it works my BIL should see instantaneous results and should be free of this fucking nightmare. 
    He’ll just get the normal headaches and migraines we all do when dealing with toddlers. Lol

    When he told me all this over the phone I had to hold back crying until we got off the phone. He’s one of my best friends and considered him a brother way before I ever introduced him to my sister. 
    Fingers crossed. 
  25. +1
    misterBee got a reaction from TheInfernoman in The FPS (Doom, etc) Thread   
    It's time for the new Call of Duty!
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