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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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I dont drink coffee often. I only like it in cold conditions and Florida is barely cold 1.5-2 months in the year.


For me Eight o clock brand hazelnut is  awesome as an all around coffee.

Dunkin donuts French Vanilla is also good.


there's a seasonal Timothy' s German Chocolate Cake coffee that is my favorite;It's only available in Keurig cups, not bagged to my knowledge.

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Fox & Friends is on... gorgeous Abby Huntsman is on with those Legs once again...  I'd eat.


Almighty Tevin is on with another live stream about Phil....


holy shit Abby is legendary...the leg-cross right now is SO serious 😳.... now they have this girl Kristina Partsinevolos on to talk about unemployment numbers... Kristina is a fine piece too, of course.  This is why Fox is great.

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Rom Wills on point with another one



edit---on another note--- I tried the TGIF brand mozzarella cheese bread sticks last night; you can get that from the walmart freezer section... this was 20 cents more (4.98 vs. 4.78) than my usual Farmrich brand but I was curious about it.... sadly, it's NOT quite up on par.  They were decent, sure... but I would rather have had the Farmrich also seemed like they took longer to cook.

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 I was prepared to mourn the loss of this show,the only comedy I watch, but now I'm glad that it will go on for at least 1 more season. 9-9!

(It's been a Fox show for 5 years, cancelled 2 days ago, but NBC picked it up for a 6th season. )


You've come a long way, Jake and Amy

(title of your their sex tape)😉



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Martin repeats on VH-1 right now... Pam and Gina was such an incredible combo of hot ass... Tisha Campbell's DSLs were RIDICULOUSSSSSS...the girl was definitely one of the hottest women on tv in the 90s.  I'd eat the hell out of that.  She also had a hit music video at the time---"Push"....looking absolutely gorgeous in every scene there too.  


yeah I had to dig it up... observe... cool little song too; I still listen to it on occasion:


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A vid on how awesome the higher vamps of Witcher are:




*ALERT--- TEVIN'S STREAM right now... Phil struggling with Bayonetta


*holy shit this is "triggering" for any Bayonetta fan... Phil KEEPS on using that sorry ass whip weapon, CANNOT dodge worth a damn to get Witch Time... has no spatial awareness (as usual), doesn't seem to go for wicked weave combo enders, etc. etc. etc....jesus H. Christ, man... 

and he's back to using the whip again... in every fight, despite the fact that that weapon obviously sucks compared to Bayo's other options.

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heh, it's amazing that he actually managed to beat that game... and yep, it kept using the whip right on through to the end.  My theory there is that he is one of those people that assumes the latest weapon you get is inherently better than anything you had previously, and thus it should be used in all scenarios for the rest of the game.  Or---and this is probably the more likely situation now that I think of it---it's just another example of his laziness.  His pattern is to always just rush through a game with as little effort or thinking as possible.  For the whole way through he was just mashing 1 attack button (punch) over and over forever, barely even trying to dodge anything.


funny thing is that he actually surpassed a certain old friend I know... the guy played Bayo up to the first thing that could be considered a boss (Fortitudo; the 2-headed large angel; the part where you fight the 2 heads in a church-looking be fair this is the first real challenge in the game, actually; you could do what looks like a well-timed dodge in this fight and still get hit since his moves aren't easy to predict at all).  He couldn't get past it in a few tries and never touched the game again....that's kinda sad since you're still in just the first 20% of the game at that point.


holy shit---ok, this guy "swaggins" has apparently donated to Phil about 40,000 bits!?!?  So this works out to around $560 according to the calculations I see online.... who in their right mind donates that to ANY streamer?!  What in the hell? quick reference:

"You can buy Bits starting at $1.40 for 100, and then fritter them away while supporting your favorite streamer. A Cheer, to be clear, is an animated chat emote. Typing Cheer1 will generate a grey bouncing triangle, and cost you 1.4 cents.


Of course, Snort Burnell already has a vid on that

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2 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

Chinese Darwin Awards tryouts from last year were particularly exciting.



There are so many points of failure in this vid:


1) Please don't look at your phone while walking!!!

2) The person in the control room didn't notice?

3) She doesn't try to go to the side door next to the control room?

4) The person in the car fails to see a lady with a RED JACKET right in front of him?  How do you park a car without even looking out of your windshield?


Sad part is that I can see this scenario happening in the US too. Especially because of number 1.

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14 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Eagerly awaiting Deadpool 2 in 2 days.


I just went swimming.

I'm enjoying the pool for a few more weeks before the hot Tampa Summer starts for 4 months lol.



I wish I could go swimming. My apartment complex's pool is only a maximum of like four feet deep. I'm the same though, probably going to see it Saturday evening.

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One of my favorite things about this stage is that horribly tall ass chick next to the moped.  like, she's in the background behind the guy in green by several meters and she's TWICE as tall as him.  🤣  Like, she's not far from that bus he's bouncing back and forth in front of and she could easily reach on top of it, almost from where she's standing with those arms.  🤣  That one stage would always get people laughing back on the ship and she's the reason why.

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