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22 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

None of those are the Oracle of Ages/Seasons games. Give me those classics.

Oracle games on LA Switch engine would be incredible.


Sadly, with Skyward HD dropping this year and BotW2 the next, there's not really a lot of room to drop those classics again.


We definitely need Oracle Remakes at some point tho.

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On 6/29/2021 at 1:52 PM, iStu X said:

Zelda II remake please. 

Parks And Recreation Gimme GIF


Seriously, Zelda II so deserves a remake. Remake it along with the first game and slap it on one Switch card and that is DAY JUAN for me. Nintendo's remake game has been mad strong these past few years.



If you guys wanna play a relaxing game that lets you explore, check out Sky: Children of the Light. It has been out on mobile devices but just released on Switch a few days ago and I'm really liking it. Game is from the same devs that made Journey, one of my favorite PS3 titles and it shows from the art design, but it still feels different enough. Game is also free.


Oh and Raiden released via Arcade Archives today. If you're gonna play, I recommend turning on rapid fire. I'm pretty cheeks at the game ATM.

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2 hours ago, purbeast said:

I'll never understand people getting hype for remakes of games they have played before and that they could play right now if they really wanted to.  Just does not compute.  Just give me new shit.

My rule is I only buy physical copies if I never owned it before. I NEVER owned nor played Skyward Sword. When I got the anniversary edition of Merio 3D All Stars, I never owned Merio 64 and never fully played it front to back. Sure I can play both Merio 64 or Skyward Sword but the effort I have to put in to set up the console, cables etc, ensure the copies of the game work on the old hardware, I may as well wait for the newest ver. 


I want new stuff but I'm ok with remaking older games if it's been a while since we were able to play it on a recent console. 

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2 hours ago, purbeast said:

I'll never understand people getting hype for remakes of games they have played before and that they could play right now if they really wanted to.  Just does not compute.  Just give me new shit.

Easy, most remakes end up even better than the originals.


So when a remake pops up, you know it's gonna be a good game with some nice improvements.


Of course, some don't hit the mark, but them's the breaks.

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9 hours ago, purbeast said:

I'll never understand people getting hype for remakes of games they have played before and that they could play right now if they really wanted to.  Just does not compute.  Just give me new shit.

A lot of games that were great in their day won't stay great when played today. Golden Eye 007 and Perfect Dark were excellent games in their day but would be a turd sandwich if I played them now. There are some would benefit from quality of life improvements that would make them better games. Super Metriod being such a game imo

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9 hours ago, purbeast said:

I'll never understand people getting hype for remakes of games they have played before and that they could play right now if they really wanted to.  Just does not compute.  Just give me new shit.

Have you tried playing old pre-HD games on an HD TV recently? Remakes likes Demons Souls are a bit silly to me, but old stuff where legacy support is limited and playing them on modern hardware is pretty expensive. 


50/60/70 bucks for a remake or HD Remaster is always nicer then 300+ for upscaler or space taken up by a CRT.  


Shit I love all the straight Arcade games available on the Switch. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:

Split Pad pro is on sale for $40


This thing is a must for anyone who plays their switch in handheld mode.

I prefer these to the Split Pad Pro. More functionality. The Split Pad Pro has really basic functionality. I honestly think they are overpriced even at $40.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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4 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

How are the sticks on those? They do look pretty rad

They are in between the standard joy cons and the pro controller. They aren't quite full size but their bigger than the standard joycon's sticks. So for me the ranking the sticks goes Pro Controller, "NES" Joycons,  Nintendo Joycons. I did a mini review in a post a while back. They are actually bigger than the standard joycons. I have big hands and I was trying to find a pair of joycon replacements that were more comfortable with a good d-pad. The issue I saw with most of the alternatives reviewed were with the D-Pad. I bought another pair that prior to those. They were comfortable, the sticks were like the 360 controller, but the D-pad was terrible. I went through a few of the 2D games I have to test them. The diagonals in the first set I bought are like a 1 out of 10. So you can forget playing something The Messenger or Blazing Chrome on them. The NES Joycons were perfect for games like those.


Edited by Darc_Requiem
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10 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Have you tried playing old pre-HD games on an HD TV recently? Remakes likes Demons Souls are a bit silly to me, but old stuff where legacy support is limited and playing them on modern hardware is pretty expensive. 


50/60/70 bucks for a remake or HD Remaster is always nicer then 300+ for upscaler or space taken up by a CRT.  


Shit I love all the straight Arcade games available on the Switch. 

Yes.  They look like shit.  That is why I have an arcade cabinet with MAME on it so I can play all those games as they are intended to be played.


I am also salty because Mario 3D Allstars didn't even add free roam camera to Mario 64.  Like that would have been game changer but they were too lazy to add that shit in.

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Part of the problem with Super Mario 3D Allstars is they gave the project to there historically lazy European R&D group (N.E.R.D.s) who did nothing for the longest time then shoved the whole project to a small team to work on the project during covid lockdown conditions  and gave them 6 months from start to launch

Edited by DarkSakul
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1 hour ago, DarkSakul said:

I am sure there frontenders and such that makes that process more streamlined. 
Retro Arch for instance 


Yea and that requires a PC capable of running it and you finding the proper core since the MAME core won't run those systems. 

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13 hours ago, locoghoul said:

Just came here to say the demo of MH stories 2 already feels better than pokemon sword shield. The fact that it has voices for every fucking dialogue and gamefreak are still using 8bit cries for pokemon, 0 voices on a switch game and remember "cant have 800 3d models on a 2020 game" excuse. 

SwSh was an embarrassment.


Game got cooked so bad that Game Freak had to break away from the formula with Legends to try and get some goodwill back.

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6 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

Depends on the core and how accurate you want your emulation

Sure but only a handful of cores take a really high powered computer to use. If all you want to do is play games, you can do that without having to have a really powerful piece of kit. 

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More of a point, Sure that Raspberry Pi 3 or that old Dell with a Pentium 4, hacked OG Xbox, Hacked Wii, Hacked PS Vita runs what Emulators you want to run. 
But do those emulators run with any sort of performance, are they accurate, is there noticeable input lag ?
Do the coins in Super Mario Bros on the NES sound like they should, or do they sound like a cat screeching.

Sure I can run CPS1 games on a Potato, but I rathe those CPS1 games run like they were on a CPS1 and not like a hot mess.  

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59 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

More of a point, Sure that Raspberry Pi 3 or that old Dell with a Pentium 4, hacked OG Xbox, Hacked Wii, Hacked PS Vita runs what Emulators you want to run. 
But do those emulators run with any sort of performance, are they accurate, is there noticeable input lag ?
Do the coins in Super Mario Bros on the NES sound like they should, or do they sound like a cat screeching.

Sure I can run CPS1 games on a Potato, but I rathe those CPS1 games run like they were on a CPS1 and not like a hot mess.  

That's the benefit of retroarch though. You can decide if you want to run cores that emphasize playability or performance. Not everyone is all that concerned about whether the emulators they run are super accurate, they run them first and foremost to play games and for the convenience of being able to play those games on hardware they own. 


It's fine wanting emulation to be as accurate as possible, but if accuracy is that much of a concern, why not just seek out the original hardware and games? Input lag is definitely important but even potato computers can run emulators with little to no lag these days. 

Edited by DoctaMario
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14 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

why not just seek out the original hardware and games?

That not always possible, or affordable to seek out the original hardware. 
Looking for PC Engine/Turbo Grafx 16 or Neo Geo MVS/AES games, forget it. 


There all sorts of old consoles that aren't practical to look for any more

And even if you can find some of these old consoles, the repairs that are required will make you give up. 
Bally Astrocade, Vetrex, even if you can find them they need major repair work. 
Atari 2600 and 5200 hardware is so flawed or broken, even if you get it working you need a CRT unless you get extensive mods. 

And what good enough for you to "play" is not even borderline acceptable for some people. 
Example I yet to find a N64 Emu that don't run like shit on a handheld. No one should have to put up with that bad Emulation. 



Edited by DarkSakul
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32 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

That not always possible, or affordable to seek out the original hardware. 
Looking for PC Engine/Turbo Grafx 16 or Neo Geo MVS/AES games, forget it. 


There all sorts of old consoles that aren't practical to look for any more

And even if you can find some of these old consoles, the repairs that are required will make you give up. 
Bally Astrocade, Vetrex, even if you can find them they need major repair work. 
Atari 2600 and 5200 hardware is so flawed or broken, even if you get it working you need a CRT unless you get extensive mods. 

And what good enough for you to "play" is not even borderline acceptable for some people. 
Example I yet to find a N64 Emu that don't run like shit on a handheld. No one should have to put up with that bad Emulation. 



Ok, but if you're on about accuracy, then OG hardware is the way to go, and if you're seeking out things like that, you probably also have CRTs as well. 


Emulation is just that, an emulation. Its accuracy is, more often than not, not accurate, even on hardware that can handle it. NES emulation has largely been figured out, but there are still NES emus that don't play exactly like the OG hardware, likely because accuracy isn't the point of those emulators, convenience is.


I can understand your point about super old and rare hardware and games, and I'm not saying anyone's wrong for caring about accuracy. But for mainstream consoles and arcade boards, if you truly care about accuracy, why would you even bother with an emulator as opposed to seeking out the actual hardware? 

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The conversation was started with the comment "I don't know why anyone gets excited for a remake or HD Remaster."


It was explained why. You personally being willing to deal with setting up an emulator doesn't negate the reasons people like Remakes and HD Remasters. 


Talk about Retro Arch all you like, the average consumer doesn't give a shit to deal with that and is happy for a remake or HD Remaster. 


Those re-releases generally even let you side step the accuracy issues of needing to keep around old hardware. 

Edited by RSG3
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50 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

you probably also have CRTs as well

Not always, they can be harder to find and fix than the console now a days. 


50 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

if you truly care about accuracy, why would you even bother with an emulator as opposed to seeking out the actual hardware? 

There a 3rd Option, FPGA. It's like Emulation, but you aren't using software to fudge the game to run on a different system (high level emulation), or even trying to get a simulation of the console's hardware to run in software (low level emulation). It's hardware mimicking the original hardware.

You are using a software core to tell the hardware FPGA chip what logic gates to config to simulate that hardware's circuitry. You can even make certain functions togglable, like what version of the sound chip you want to use in a Genesis core, do you want low pass filters on, trying out hardware configs that ether were your idealistic or impossible on original hardware without mods. The Gameboy/Game Boy color core for the MiSTer has Super Gameboy support where you can use GBC BIOS on a Super Gameboy Frame, even upload custom pallets and Super Game boy frames. 
Like software emulation, it depends on how well the core is written, unlike software all those chips in the original console running like they should as a FPGA recreation. 

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20 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

 the reasons people like Remakes and HD Remasters. 

Sometimes people just want to be able to play the game on modern consoles and modern PC, and with none of the hassle it takes to setup emulation. 

Like in the Link's awakening Remake, they add alot of quality of life improvements that makes the game much more of a pleasure to play 

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26 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

Sometimes people just want to be able to play the game on modern consoles and modern PC, and with none of the hassle it takes to setup emulation. 

Like in the Link's awakening Remake, they add alot of quality of life improvements that makes the game much more of a pleasure to play 

Tbh I've bought a bunch of old school stuff on switch because I don't want to bother hooking up the original hardware even though I have it and a CRT. Also being able to play PS2 era stuff handheld is nice. If it's cheap enough, and I know I'll play it I'm like 

Season 5 Whatever GIF by Paramount+

Edited by DoctaMario
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The physical version of Destroy All Humans is out now in stores, folks...that'll be my next thing for sure.  


I have so many games going on at this point there's just not enough time though... I got back to some Diablo 3 a few minutes ago and realized I was only level 10 in the current season?!  Turrribl, man... it's fast to level in that game though so I *might* have the main seasonal challenges done by the time the season ends...


Unfortunately, it appears the mechanism that holds the game card in there isn't as good anymore on my system... there's times I have to push the cart in more than once and "hope" it locks in there.  😞 

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2 hours ago, iStu X said:

Drops 10/8



I need that black and white model. *Banderas gif* 




Thanks for the info. 👍


Honestly, it's like I'm seeing an unicorn lmao. More importantly, no performance boost means games will still be optimized for base switch, which makes the current models still relevant. The improvements are nice though, and the built-in LAN port might have people take the damn hint and stop playing on wifi.


I finally can stop worrying about Prime 4 running like shit on base Switch. Bless.


EDIT: Dread being the first game shown on the vid. We finally getting that flagship treatment boys.


Edited by Volt
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