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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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8 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

MORE FEMALE FRIDAY...I...yeah this was bad all around 



He out here playing Captin to a single mom. And just because she heard him giving relationship advice. She went out of her way to destroy his ego and confidence. By straight up telling him and confirming he's a captain save a hoe with no game.


And his response is "I'll get over it." He deserves whatever she puts him through. That level of disrespect is suppose to end a relationship thus send a message. But now that even after that she knows he'll stay? 


She might push her luck further. Might try to cheat with a guy she actually desires. Even leave him altogether now that she's up financially.

Edited by BB_Hoody
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56 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Or she might learn her lesson, you really don't know. She fuckin dumb but maybe his cold shoulder is enough to teach her. 


Like chill my dude. 

Nah no chill for that level of boldness and disrespect. Like do you understand how much respect a woman has to lack for her man. To actually look him in the face and say that sh1t with conviction?


I wouldnt commit to a single mom. But for argument sake. No way a relationship continues after that bruh. I'm out the door asap. No MO talk. Just packing my sh1t and I'm gone.

Edited by BB_Hoody
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1 hour ago, Reticently said:

Young single moms have to grow the fuck up fast and it probably completely changed up what she valued in a partner for the better.  Shits pretty flattering for the dude, if he can just get the perspective to see it.


Idk if she's going to be able to navigate his bruised ego in the short term though.

How is that flattering? I'm not seeing it. What I see is a woman telling her man. You ain't one to give advice on dating. Because you can't  pull women based on who you are, and what ya look like. You're the guy a desperate woman settles for, for stability and financial security. She basically said that



Edited by BB_Hoody
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44 minutes ago, Reticently said:

AKA:  "you have your shit together".  Which is a much better trait to have than knowing how to pull this, if you had to choose.

Yeah. But she also said "i wouldnt have even looked at you. If I didn't have my kid or even just a lil money" She has no desire or attraction for him. Only the desire to be saved. If that wasn't her situation? She'd go for the guys she actually has desire for.





Edited by BB_Hoody
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2 hours ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

I think its funny and kind sad that its called "body count" when talkin' about how many people you fucked.  What is a high body count?

That's up to an individual to decide. For me? Body count is too high. When a person has been with enough sexual partners. That it warps their view of the opposite sex and how they interacts with the opposite sex for the worse

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6 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

Nah no chill for that level of boldness and disrespect. Like do you understand how much respect a woman has to lack for her man. To actually look him in the face and say that sh1t with conviction?


I wouldnt commit to a single mom. But for argument sake. No way a relationship continues after that bruh. I'm out the door asap. No MO talk. Just packing my sh1t and I'm gone.

Yes I do. I also know people are people and not all of hem behaive exactly like they do in the stories your manosphere Podcasters make up.  


We know you wouldn't commit to a songle mom you have pretty negative  opinions about single moms. It's also pretty clear to me you'd bounce from a lot of relationships the second they got a little tough. You talk with way too much confidence about situations you've never been in. You still have a very young man's mind about all of this. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, BB_Hoody said:

She has no desire or attraction for him

Not what she said though.  Probably a lot women out there who would have made great partners, but who weren't putting it out there in a way that pinged your radar either.  That ish is perfectly normal, her mistake was just being more honest about it than he was ready for.

Edited by Reticently
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17 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

And the worst part? She has a CHILD 😭

Not Mom made a mistake but if he's an adult about it (which it sounds like he probably is) and she's mature and self reflects then it's just another learning opportunity and life's full of those. 


Like we all do really dumb dumb shit from time to time, all of us. I don't believe anyone here if they tell me they never make a big dumb dumb fuck up because we all do. 


It's how we learn from our fuck ups that really matters. How we respond to our fuck ups that makes helps make us who we really are. When you have kids your priorities change pretty hard, especially what yoyr looking for in a partner. This stupid body count shit? Yea doesn't matter. Stability matters. Empathy matters. Responsibility matters. Not meaningless shit like body counts and shit. 


Doesn't mean she has her ducks 100% in a row tho, Life's an endless education. Clearly she still has some shit to learn. Fingers crossed she figures it out. 

Edited by RSG3
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10 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Not Mom made a mistake but if he's an adult about it (which it sounds like he probably is) and she's mature and self reflects then it's just another learning opportunity and life's full of those. 


Like we all do really dumb dumb shit from time to time, all of us. I don't believe anyone here if they tell me they never make a big dumb dumb fuck up because we all do. 


It's how we learn from our fuck ups that really matters. How we respond to our fuck ups that makes helps make us who we really are. When you have kids your priorities change pretty hard, especially what yoyr looking for in a partner. This stupid body count shit? Yea doesn't matter. Stability matters. Empathy matters. Responsibility matters. Not meaningless shit like body counts and shit. 


Doesn't mean she has her ducks 100% in a row tho, Life's an endless education. Clearly she still has some shot to learn. Fingerw crossed she figures it out. 

Yeah I hope she figures it out too, but her dumb shit and inability not to say everything she thinks potentially keeps her child from having a stable life. If it was just her, fine, she's a dumbass but her dumbassery affects her kid too.

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28 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Yes I do. I also know people are people and not all of hem behaive exactly like they do in the stories your manosphere Podcasters make up.  


We know you wouldn't commit to a songle mom you have pretty negative  opinions about single moms. It's also pretty clear to me you'd bounce from a lot of relationships the second they got a little tough. You talk with way too much confidence about situations you've never been in. You still have a very young man's mind about all of this. 

Damn you really think I get everything from manosphere content. And haven't experienced sh1t myself. Or seen others close to me go through it my guy? Give me more credit than that man.

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33 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Yeah I hope she figures it out too, but her dumb shit and inability not to say everything she thinks potentially keeps her child from having a stable life. If it was just her, fine, she's a dumbass but her dumbassery affects her kid too.

Yea but I don't see this as a marriage ruined, dude just had the wrong perspective and she told him in the dumbest way possible, if the need to tell him was even a thing. Just really goofy and dumb. They'll probably get passed it tho. We also don't know if she has an inability to not say whatever comes to her brain, she may have just fucked up in this particular moment. We are extrapolating a lot about this person based on a small post, I'm just saying is all. 


28 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Damn you really think I get everything from manosphere content

Naw not really, I was just being kinda shitty, and it's an easy target to shoot at to try and make my point a little bit. Call it low hanging fruit. 


28 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

And haven't experienced sh1t myself. Or seen others close to me go through it my guy? Give me more credit than that man.

Nah, I'm sure you have experiences, you have to, It'd  be impossible not to. But from having talked you about them and you voicing your opinion about it over the years I am pretty confident you have not had a real serious relationship with a single mother. I'd bet money on it. Some of them are deffinitly shitty no doubt, but the broad sweeping brush single mothers get painted with by men (the nebulous generalization of men, not a man in specific)  puts them in really hard spots for a multitude of reasons while at the same time having very little understanding and empathy for what her responsabilities in life at this point are. Super attractive and mega glowing personality that all the chick's want, those kinds of traits fall way way down the list of partner priorities, Now she's attracted to other, arguably much more important, things like stablitlity, responsibility, empathy, nurturing behaivor. The kind of stuff that matters to people trying to build a life, not surf the dating pool. Priorities are way different. 


So like she said it in a really stupid ass way, but what she meant was when she was a single on the prowl she wouldn't have selected him based on those parameters but when she was dating later the parameters had changed. She's very attracted to him but for different things then he's going surface level value in the moment, like looks and pull. She's attracted to his responsibility, his provide, his nurturing nature, far more quality characteristics. 


It also sounds like she said this in front of other people which was another huge mistake. You should pretty much always try to avoid making your partner look truly goofy in front other people. I'm not talkin ribbing or something I mean a serious topic like that. 


I would argue what she needs to work on is her communication and tact, she's not very good at it if that post is anything to go by. 


Edit: Also just real quick on the topic of studs, if you remember I was responding to a joke someone posted. Go back and read the post, it qualifies that a stud is a man who sleeps with a lot of women. It never says anything about attractive women. It just says men who sleep with lots of women are studs and women who sleep with a lot of men are sluts, and then makes the argument sleeping with lots of women is hard. 


I was responding to the joke not yalls opinions of what a stud is, and on those grounds I think my analysis of the joke is spot on. It's not a very good joke. 😕 

Edited by RSG3
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32 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Yea but I don't see this as a marriage ruined, dude just had the wrong perspective and she told him in the dumbest way possible, if the need to tell him was even a thing. Just really goofy and dumb. They'll probably get passed it tho. We also don't know if she has an inability to not say whatever comes to her brain, she may have just fucked up in this particular moment. We are extrapolating a lot about this person based on a small post, I'm just saying is all. 

Yeah we are extrapolating but if she's willing, by her own admission,  to say this stuff in front of his buddy, what's she saying she it's just them?


We don't even know that he had the wrong perspective either, she just sounds like a know it all, and that guy has no balls or spine if he sticks around. Lol @ taking relationship advice from a 26 year old single mom anyway, especially if she's like most 20 something single moms.

Edited by DoctaMario
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14 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Yeah we are extrapolating but if she's willing, by her own admission,  to say this stuff in front of his buddy, what's she saying she it's just them?

We don't know, that's my entire point. Dude caught so off guard by her I'm actually willing to lean toward she doesn't usually communicate with him like this at all. This sounds to me like a one off bad moment, but I DONT REALLY KNOW lol. All we have is this post so I'm gonna refrain from making assumptions beyond the scope of the post itself. 


14 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

We don't even know that he had the wrong perspective either, she just sounds like a know it all, and that guy has no balls or spine if he sticks around. Lol @ taking relationship advice from a 26 year old single mom anyway, especially if she's like most 20 something single moms.

We don't, but I don't really see why we should hljump to the conclusion she's just a shitty person who doesn't really love him and is just using him for a meal ticket. I'm cynical but fuck man thats a whole other level of cynical off a post about bad communication. 


Also 20 year Olds take advice from 20 year Olds. Like peers seek out peers, thats human behaivor 101, laughing  at that is silly as fuck to me honestly.  Who do you talk to for relationship advice? Just because youre older doesn't mean you have valuable relationship advice half these old fuckers are divorced and they hate eachother. I'm not taking advice from them either lol. 

Edited by RSG3
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So some less serious news. I'm gonna be in Munich, Germany on the 1st. 30 day vacation. Before this job. I never saw myself getting a passport and stepping outside the U.S. And now im about to experience my 2nd country.


I'm gonna get a Eurorail pass. And try to visit a few nearby countries. Anyone here been to Europe or live in the continent? If so what places or activities ya recommend? Anything I should know?

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39 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

We don't know, that's my entire point. Dude caught so off guard by her I'm actually willing to lean toward she doesn't usually communicate with him like this at all. This sounds to me like a one off bad moment, but I DONT REALLY KNOW lol. All we have is this post so I'm gonna refrain from making assumptions beyond the scope of the post itself. 


We don't, but I don't really see why we should hljump to the conclusion she's just a shitty person who doesn't really love him and is just using him for a meal ticket. I'm cynical but fuck man thats a whole other level of cynical off a post about bad communication. 


Also 20 year Olds take advice from 20 year Olds. Like peers seek out peers, thats human behaivor 101, laughing  at that is silly as fuck to me honestly.  Who do you talk to for relationship advice? Just because youre older doesn't mean you have valuable relationship advice half these old fuckers are divorced and they hate eachother. I'm not taking advice from them either lol. 

Assumptions aside, you're giving her a lot of credit. I don't think a good person would say that out loud even if they thought it, especially not over something as dumb as their SO giving advice to a buddy. She sounds like a shit bag to be honest. Who says something like that, especially in a situation where it's not even close to warranted? Like why go nuclear there of all places?


And it's not about age itself, it's about the fact that she's a 26 year old single mom. Most of them aren't that good on the uptake which is why they're 20 something single moms to begin with. I've met a lot of single moms in my life and most of them, while they do have other good qualities, are the last people I'd take relationship advice from, at least the younger ones.

Edited by DoctaMario
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8 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Anyone here been to Europe or live in the continent? If so what places or activities ya recommend? Anything I should know?

I haven't been in years, but I'm a big fan of Rome, and Italy generally.


And though it's debatable whether you'd really call it Europe at this point, London was pretty overrated aside from the museums.

Edited by Reticently
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11 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Assumptions aside, you're giving her a lot of credit

I am, I know most people aren't malicious and out to hurt people. Sometimes they just be dumb in the moment. 


As for single mom advice, might depend on what the advice was. We don't know, it's not really in the post. She might be saying what not to do. Don't fall for those bad boy types, they leave you a single mom. I dunno, just depends on the advice I guess. 

Edited by RSG3
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More of the UAP hearing; I just saw this...not sure if it's new or not yet

so....more Mrs. Luna as well...👀

*edit---AOC is there too so that's some backup cuteness.


The more ideal situation would be a formal arrival event from the aliens, of course... when a huge mothership is suddenly in the sky and we're all watching live coverage of the event one day.  That would be cool, and I'd be fascinated about whatever is to happen next (good or bad).

Edited by MillionX
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On second that, I may consider the temp correctional officer position. Unfortunately, the film industry have been on strike for quite sometime early this year. Working with juneville or adult inmates are dangerous, but it's also hurricane season. At least the position requires traveling to different facilities from this country. I'll consider it for now.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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8 hours ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

I think its funny and kind sad that its called "body count" when talkin' about how many people you fucked.  What is a high body count?

For me, 2 is the limit. 3 and over is a high body count. I don't like casual dating or hookup culture. If people only looked for quality relationships and put in time and effort to cultivate them, even if they fail in a healthy way, they will have learned a lot. Ideally this would be enough to mitigate issues in yourself and the search for a partner in the coming relationships. I can understand a couple of failed relationships despite your efforts because life isn't always fair. At 3 failed ones, I question that it would be you that was the driving problem since putting in a lot of effort to maintain a long term relationship is hard and requires significant introspection to succeed in.


Still, that doesn't make it a bad thing. You can be the issue for 99 relationships and as long as you want to grow, you can make yourself a much better person at 100. Going over two doesn't make you a bad person unless you actively exercise ignorance. It's a case by case basis, of course. I know plenty of people who wouldn't consider ten people to be a high body count, which is crazy to me.

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Welp... moved in to my house finally.

-IRS tax returns on my mom's back taxes came back and the penalties are doubling the amounts. I have to call the IRS (yay) to see if I can get those taken off. I'm looking at around 12K without penalties, and the penalties shoot things closer to 20K.

-There are leaks downstairs I have to see about.

-A/C is no replacement for central air, I'm too spoiled I guess. So central air will have to come in at some point. I am almost a vampire in the rooms without A/C.

-A number of big ticket appliances (like the furnace and the washer) are noisy and may have to be replaced.


I hope it gets better, but so far this is feeling like the dumbest financial move I've made. Once I consider the new bills replacing old bills, It's not like I'm saving that much on rent. It would take multiple years of rent I'm not paying to make back the costs of moving in.

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This is NOT in an area with crazy land value. We're talking hood-adjacent while still being relatively safe. Only moved in because if I tried to get a house today I'd be paying it off until I'm in my 70s (if I can even maintain a good income that long). This is the only place I have a right to own outright (it was my moms).


House IS very spacious though. I'll give it that.

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3 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Welp... moved in to my house finally.

-IRS tax returns on my mom's back taxes came back and the penalties are doubling the amounts. I have to call the IRS (yay) to see if I can get those taken off. I'm looking at around 12K without penalties, and the penalties shoot things closer to 20K.


I would strongly advise going to an accountant/tax preparer and talking to them about this if you haven't already. I had a tax guy that somehow finagled a year that I would have owed back taxes plus a sizeable penalty into me owing nothing and getting a $30 refund. Even if you just call someone and talk to them. It could end up saving you a ton, and the IRS banks on most people not knowing all the tricks and loopholes.

Edited by DoctaMario
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45 minutes ago, Reticently said:

Just going to Florida is now a risk factor for developing leprosy?




It's like 32 cases of a disease the article itself says 95% of people have natural immunity to in a state of 21 million. Seems like alarmism to me but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Predictably, the comments are full of people with brain worms that seem like they didn't read the article.

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37 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I would strongly advise going to an accountant/tax preparer and talking to them about this if you haven't already. I had a tax guy that somehow finagled a year that I would have owed back taxes plus a sizeable penalty into me owing nothing and getting a $30 refund. Even if you just call someone and talk to them. It could end up saving you a ton, and the IRS banks on most people not knowing all the tricks and loopholes.

I should have followed that advice long ago. Now the taxes are in and the money is officially owed. Plus, I can't find jack shit worth of my mom's papers if those are needed. Not much that can be done there. I might call around if I get a mind though.

Edited by axeman61
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3 hours ago, axeman61 said:

This is NOT in an area with crazy land value. We're talking hood-adjacent while still being relatively safe. Only moved in because if I tried to get a house today I'd be paying it off until I'm in my 70s (if I can even maintain a good income that long). This is the only place I have a right to own outright (it was my moms).


House IS very spacious though. I'll give it that.


If you don't mind me asking, how far is it in miles to your workplace?

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

It's like 32 cases of a disease the article itself says 95% of people have natural immunity to in a state of 21 million. Seems like alarmism to me but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Predictably, the comments are full of people with brain worms that seem like they didn't read the article.

I mean, yeah - but the thing is that per the article they can't tell why or how people in Florida are catching it.  To the point where the only common thread for them is that they were in Florida.

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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

I should have followed that advice long ago. Now the taxes are in and the money is officially owed. Plus, I can't find jack shit worth of my mom's papers if those are needed. Not much that can be done there. I might call around if I get a mind though.

That case I had that I told you about was money that was officially owed too. The lack of papers could be a problem, but you never know. You could use some of that money you save for house upkeep too so that's incentive to give it a shot imo.

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