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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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On 2/21/2024 at 9:41 AM, Darc_Requiem said:

Nah. Afro and/or unbraided hair should be #1. I had white girls buy me drinks, in front of their boyfriends just for sporting a Fro. Shit was wild. I'd get all dressed up. Have freshly braided cornrows, and have to put in work to get any play. Then the moment I took my braids loose, white girls would come out the woodwork to buy me drinks and ask me to dance. The only down side was having to unbraid my hair in the club. They weren't going to let me in with fro. 😂

I think a lot of non blacks or just white people in particular. Associate braids, especially cornrows. With a gangsta/street look. Afro screams black yet approachable I guess.

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5 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:


Discipline for being disrespectful? Yes, A few good slaps upside the back of the head. Or a show of force to intimidate. Make him workout till he's ready to cry and fall down.


But that?......Yeah that's how a young black boy grows up to have little to no respect or restraint when it comes to women. He'll view women just as if not more tough and violent than men. And act accordingly should he ever have a issue with a woman.


Like she really talking to him like he a n1gga on the block that owed her money for weeks or something.

Edited by BB_Hoody
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22 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

I think a lot of non blacks or just white people in particular. Associate braids, especially cornrows. With a gangsta/street look. Afro screams black yet approachable I guess.

It's just our hair in general. I straight up asked a white girl about it college. This was before I grew my hair out*. She and her friends just thought our hair was cool. Reason I asked was because we had a friend that was just a straight up bum . He had braids and girls would just walk up on him and ask if they could touch his hair. Maybe it's different now, but late 90s early 00s, it wasn't.



*Wish I could still grow my hair out 😔

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1 hour ago, BB_Hoody said:

I think a lot of non blacks or just white people in particular. Associate braids, especially cornrows. With a gangsta/street look. Afro screams black yet approachable I guess.

Personally I just think Afros look better in general. I don't find the scalp very attractive so corn rows isn't the look for me. 


Black women with a whole head of braids can super duper attractive tho long as there isn't too much scalp lol. I understand it weighs a fuck ton tho. 


I remind I have really long hair, I like full heads of hair, including my own lol. 

Edited by RSG3
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I just saw the other 2 videos and yeah...that lady was excessive with it.  Her cursing at him like he's a grown ass man I don't agree with. Beating him with a belt in publc like that is def stepping over imo.  Him getting yoked up and fussing at him wouldn't have been find and maybe giving him a few pops.  Trying to strike a balance with this stuff and judging others for how they discipline is kinda hard for me so long as you're not purposefully putting your child in a tombstone piledriver.  At least she cares enough to actually discipline cause the far worse thing would be if she had done absolutely nothing. 


We had to deal with a child at my son's daycare who was picking on our son and despite the teachers telling this child to cut it out and multiple timeouts and telling the parent, the parent did not give a fuck.   This parent refused to punish her child for her wrong doing and I've been trying to teach my son to not be an asshole and not be a bully but now I gotta adjust it so that he actually will defend himself if some kid is doing something to him and won't stop.  And of course trying to give him permission to do this ends up overshooting and he goes back to hitting other kids but the point of this is that I can't go in there and kick that lil shit in the face.  Should she have gotten that whooping this kid got?  No...but I wish she had done SOMETHING.



That last video...clearly that lady has mental issues.  Everything about it screams mental issues.

2 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

resident alien is on netflix btw. its a great show if u havent seen it.

2nding this post.

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Anyone hear about the news of this company Intuitive Machines landing a rover and payload for NASA on the moon a few hours ago? It's starting to pop up on news feeds. First ever private company in the world to accomplish this. 


I'm invested in the stock. Ticker symbol LUNR. Got $800 in and I'm up 20% as of After hours trading. Once the news fully makes it rounds? This could sky rocket. We shall see

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Yeah, in the "famous pawg" category, Scarlet and Hilary Duff are the top ranks that come to mind right away...and Bryce Dallas Howard (though she has this annoying habit of dressing "frumpy" in most pictures I've seen).  I remember renting that movie Lost In Translation *only* for the panty scene. (*even if it's not actually her that is an incredible panty/ass scene....but if I recall it actually was her and not a body-double)


*That woman kicking the kennels in the video---- I'm betting zero consequences....apparently she still hasn't been found yet and has done it before.  I'd love to see her run up on the wrong people one day....just randomly slap someone who goes off and stomps her dumb ass out right there immediately.  That's the lesson a person is supposed to learn for doing shit like that, in addition to possible legal consequences.  Imagine if a guy just randomly slapped and spat on anyone else while walking out... he'd probably get jumped in the next 2 seconds, especially if the victim was a random woman.

Edited by MillionX
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