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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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2 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

why no san fran?

I was only in town for a day. So no time to check out Nor Cal. San Francisco has a lot of History and unique sights. But if the rumors are true. Like I saw with LA? I'm not sure I'd want to go. 

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6 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

I don't know what this dating show is bit it's a train wreck! Same one as the black giy from the last vid I posted! 



Herd mentality is a bitch.  I think I'm the most annoyed at the womam who waited until he pronounced his name to pop his balloon cause that shit has loaded context.

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3 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Especially for combat sports, this argument is extremely stupid, and made by someone who has never trained/goes to gyms for hyper-rich people who want to get the kick of combat without any danger because they're coddled/doesn't engage with the combat sports community/has never been hit hard enough to get a concussion and have that come-to-God moment. FWIW, there is conclusive data that transgender women can dominate in women's MMA. The damage that women do to each other is not the same as the damage that a biological male can inflict. Those ability differentials are why we have weight classes. It's not for entertainment, it's for fighter safety. Classes and sexes are stratified for a reason.



I changed "genders" to "sexes" in the last sentence for obvious reasons. My bad. No one has called it out yet but I had to.

Edited by Dayaan
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Maybe porch pirates should just get a harsh consequence.... like getting a full legally authorized beatdown by whoever lives at the house....for about 2 or 3 hours.... or whatever, slash their face up or something; maybe throw them into a crocodile pit or set 1 limb on fire, or whatever insane shit you can think of.  When a consequence is harsh/extreme enough, people with at least basic levels of self-preservation will stop fucking around.... at least out of the fear about whatever crazy consequences you have in place.  (e.g.---"well, nah I'm not going with ya to steal those packages dude... they're cutting people's arms off now if you get caught, brah." -- the friend that's dumber [*like a typical "break da law!" Memphis native baboon] will still go on and do it of course, and end up being made into an example, forever regretting his decision that the rest of us law-abiding citizens are ready to laugh forever at his painful consequences.)

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13 minutes ago, MillionX said:

Maybe porch pirates should just get a harsh consequence.... like getting a full legally authorized beatdown by whoever lives at the house....for about 2 or 3 hours.... or whatever, slash their face up or something; maybe throw them into a crocodile pit or set 1 limb on fire, or whatever insane shit you can think of.  When a consequence is harsh/extreme enough, people with at least basic levels of self-preservation will stop fucking around.... at least out of the fear about whatever crazy consequences you have in place.  (e.g.---"well, nah I'm not going with ya to steal those packages dude... they're cutting people's arms off now if you get caught, brah." -- the friend that's dumber [*like a typical "break da law!" Memphis native baboon] will still go on and do it of course, and end up being made into an example, forever regretting his decision that the rest of us law-abiding citizens are ready to laugh forever at his painful consequences.)

This mf got his Dollar Shave Club stolen didn’t he? 😂

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^yep that person gets it.  I've never and never will understand those (shortsighted, imo) people that turn their nose up at the choice when that topic of "if vampirism was a real thing..." comes up.  There's a long list of positives, and only what... 2 or 3 negatives at most.  It's such an obviously good deal in most stories that it becomes silly when people are like "ew no why would I want to be a vampire?!"


"oh dear, oh woe is me I'm so insanely powerful and nearly unkillable, immune to disease with blood magic powers, transformation, super strength/speed/reaction and immortality....oh boo-hoo how awful I couldn't go out in the sunlight anymore."  Ridiculous fools. 🤣


For a REAL deal-breaker, maybe bring up the fact that in The Strain, as a newly-turned "strigoi", your genitals actually fall off (their physiology doesn't deem it to be a "necessary" part).  If this was part of the "rules" and a dude brought that up as the real reason it's a no-go then I'd understand....also there's the issue of them being sterile anyway in most stories, so if you have a desire to be a parent some day then I'd understand that also being a problem.

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2 hours ago, MillionX said:

Maybe porch pirates should just get a harsh consequence.... like getting a full legally authorized beatdown by whoever lives at the house....for about 2 or 3 hours.... or whatever, slash their face up or something; maybe throw them into a crocodile pit or set 1 limb on fire, or whatever insane shit you can think of.  When a consequence is harsh/extreme enough, people with at least basic levels of self-preservation will stop fucking around.... at least out of the fear about whatever crazy consequences you have in place.  (e.g.---"well, nah I'm not going with ya to steal those packages dude... they're cutting people's arms off now if you get caught, brah." -- the friend that's dumber [*like a typical "break da law!" Memphis native baboon] will still go on and do it of course, and end up being made into an example, forever regretting his decision that the rest of us law-abiding citizens are ready to laugh forever at his painful consequences.)

Mathew 24:12


“Because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold."

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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

^yep that person gets it.  I've never and never will understand those (shortsighted, imo) people that turn their nose up at the choice when that topic of "if vampirism was a real thing..." comes up.  There's a long list of positives, and only what... 2 or 3 negatives at most.  It's such an obviously good deal in most stories that it becomes silly when people are like "ew no why would I want to be a vampire?!"


"oh dear, oh woe is me I'm so insanely powerful and nearly unkillable, immune to disease with blood magic powers, transformation, super strength/speed/reaction and immortality....oh boo-hoo how awful I couldn't go out in the sunlight anymore."  Ridiculous fools. 🤣


For a REAL deal-breaker, maybe bring up the fact that in The Strain, as a newly-turned "strigoi", your genitals actually fall off (their physiology doesn't deem it to be a "necessary" part).  If this was part of the "rules" and a dude brought that up as the real reason it's a no-go then I'd understand....also there's the issue of them being sterile anyway in most stories, so if you have a desire to be a parent some day then I'd understand that also being a problem.


I sometimes think about the existence of vampires and their sustainability. If they need, say,  a human a day to satisfy their hunger, humanity will go extinct. They'll disappear even faster if the number of vampires increases. Also vampires will eventually starve.

I think the same of ancient animals that existed such as the megalodon, titanoboa or woolly mammoth, the latter they are trying to bring back. The amount of food they'd need judging by their sizes cannot be sustainable.

Edited by AriesWarlock
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That Tweet about the Baker Dwarves is the dumbest shit I've read all day. These dudes are more sensitive then the snowflakes they try so desperately to distance themselves from. 


Oh no two baker dwarves, your imagination fueled table top fantasy dice game is RUINED!!!


Edited by RSG3
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WB and MegaBee productions present....


Ace Ventura: Pet Detective




Chadouken as Ace Ventura

BBHoody as Emilio

Courteney Cox as Melissa Robinson

BTier Bison as Ray Finkle/Lois Einhorn


Reiraku as Woodstock (the guy he sees at the Cannibal Copse concert for info)

Red Rock Candy as Roger Podacter

RSG3 as Dan Marino

Dangerous  J as Snowflake the Dolphin

Mr. Wizard as Aguado

Reticently as Ronald Camp the billionaire

Aries Warlock as all the members of Cannibal Corpse

Infernoman as Mr. Shickadance the Landlord




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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Came across some some seinfeldian debate in my twitter feed that made me laugh

I have never felt the need to go full blown naked when I've had to take a fight for mt life shit.  Not judging those that do at home but I find it funny.

Just a reminder. Keep a soapy bottle of water by the toilet to wet the TP with. Wiping your azz with dry TP is for savages. 

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The first set of pictures regarding the shitting situation is generally correct....though I'm not using the #3 option of getting fully naked just to shit...seems like that would only be for if you're getting into the shower right after that.  


I also have wondered on the statistical breakdown on the wiping situation though----like what % of people are out there wiping *only* with dry paper?  I think most would agree it's much better to involve water/soap (or a dedicated "wet wipe" product) in the process.

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8 hours ago, MillionX said:

The first set of pictures regarding the shitting situation is generally correct....though I'm not using the #3 option of getting fully naked just to shit...seems like that would only be for if you're getting into the shower right after that.  


I also have wondered on the statistical breakdown on the wiping situation though----like what % of people are out there wiping *only* with dry paper?  I think most would agree it's much better to involve water/soap (or a dedicated "wet wipe" product) in the process.

Muslims use water to clean their asses. Be that with wet paper or a bidet, or simply a glass that you pour water with over your hand while you wipe with dry paper, we have to use water somehow. It's just cleaner. The idea that it makes your shit runny and splashy is mental, as if it's dehydrated astronaut food. GTFO and clean your ass.


Getting all the way naked just to shit is crazy though. Only time I'd do that is if the bathroom is a microwave and I have diarrhea, something you don't run into even in the slums of Pakistan.

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