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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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7 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

The last time I saw someone this disinterested in Jean Grey he looked like this....


LOL Cyclops my least favorite xman, well, this version atleast. Now that red, jaded, militant version he's fine 


And I just started Super Crooks, electric kid's mom is a total whore. She really trynna trade some pussy for money to buy a new TV 😂

Edited by HD-Man
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7 minutes ago, J-ride said:

@Darc_RequiemCyclops is so hurt by that comment he could barely get it up for Jean Grey's clone or Emma Frost or whoever his current sidepiece is, think about his feelings next time!  #triggered

He's too busy deciding whether he's going to plow Psylocke, Emma, Madeline Pryor to notice I said anything. Jean could tell him he could put it anywhere he wanted and he's say "cool, Ima put it in Emma." 👀

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1 hour ago, Maxx said:

To be fair most people ignore the second and third iron man. His stories specifically seemed to stay in a very tight space of just iron man. I get why Disney doesn't wanna really put his issues up front because they don't like alcoholism playing a part but I think alot of people will miss this part because 2&3 are so ignored. 



I would agree but I talked about other heroes they do this to as well. And you point out their knowledge of the character has gaps and they just go "Wow why are you so mad?" Like I'm not mad I'm just telling you Bruce donates assloads of money, like I'm just telling you you're interpretation of the character has issues. It's tons of heroes, not just Tony lol. 



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5 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I would agree but I talked about other heroes they do this to as well. And you point out their knowledge of the character has gaps and they just go "Wow why are you so mad?" Like I'm not mad I'm just telling you Bruce donates assloads of money, like I'm just telling you you're interpretation of the character has issues. It's tons of heroes, not just Tony lol. 



WhY aRe YoU dEfEnDiNg bIlLiOnAiReS? 😮🙃

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4 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

WhY aRe YoU dEfEnDiNg bIlLiOnAiReS? 😮🙃

Because you don't have to make up shit to criticise Bruce for lmao. That's what's so confusing to me. These people making up problems out of thin air to whine about when this dude has a whole host of issues you could harp on and everyone would agree. But you're gonna die on the hill that he don't spend money on Orphans? How Sway!?!?!?!

Edited by RSG3
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2 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Actual footage of new covid variant being formed in real time!

ha GIF

Fitting because both COVID and Gotenks are annoying as hell.


Side note: When are they gonna let Goten and Trunks grow up. No bullshit Trunks in Super is now the same age as Future Trunks when Gohan died. How the fuck this nigga still look 8 years old. Even Goku hit his growth spurt by then and he's full blooded Saiyan.

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Current episode of Ancient Aliens --that one about when some folks thought it would be fun to storm Area 51.  😆  haha, mannn that was a good time... a shame we didn't all get to see what most *thought* would happen though.  I was ready to see some people find out the hard way just how much of a bad idea it would be to take that seriously and try it for real.  I think the originator was just trolling and it quickly got out of hand.

"They can't stop us all."

Military is probably like "yea ok bruh...we'll see about that."


Priceline commercials---it's a shame this is the only place to see Kaley Cuoco these days...unless there's something else I'm unaware of yet...and you only see her from mid-torso up on those commercials...and usually the camera view is like 20 miles away for some odd reason, so she's really small on screen......that's a waste, obviously.  That girl is seriously cute and they're basically hiding her.

Edited by MillionX
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12 minutes ago, Lantis said:

The Flight Attendant?

I guess that's what her character is supposed to be...?  She's usually just shown speaking at a podium for some reason...with an all white background:


I'm not sure what she's been up to other than this since the Big Bang Theory show ended.


heh, "Denny Crane" William Shatner used to do those priceline commercials... funny thing is that his fellow "Boston Legal" cohort Alan Shore actually referenced it in the show one time, like "eh, you'll still have those Priceline commercials when this is all over."  That was Shatner's true destiny, imo:


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3 hours ago, Maxx said:

I think the problem is the comics lay it out very clearly. Years worth of storytelling where it's very clear oh no Tony wtf are you doing. As opposed to movies where it's 15 min of wrong doing and we fix it all in the third act. 


Im gonna assume her issues are mostly based on bri Larson and Wanda in general. Those are the only women I can think of that fit the description of what she's tellin. 

It’s why I hate how the MCU made iron man. They made him this genuinely awesome guy that leaps before he looks then he’ll iron out the details when they happen. And then he died as a martyr 


Naw. Tony has always and will always be a piece of shit who thinks he’s better than everyone and thinks he knows what’s best for everyone. 

he has a futurist but totalitarian mind set when it comes to other people

Edited by iStu X
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2 hours ago, J-ride said:

I think the way Tony is portrayed in comics is at least somewhat realistic.  I doubt you would be in the top 3 smartest humans on earth and not be a huge dick about it.

Sorta and sorta not. Rdj's portrayal of him changed how they wrote him in the comics. He was never as quippy pre mcu. But as someone who's been around alot of smart and rich people... They Def tend to have heavy dickyness to them. 

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11 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Stay safe fam. It's getting so bad out there they actually pushed to NFL games to Tuesday.

Even before rehearsals began two of my company members caught it the same week. We've been getting tested every day for the past few days and had a pcr test the other day but apparently someone at rehearsals yesterday got it. It's Friday and I wanna see hoes but I gotta be good til Sunday 

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5 hours ago, MillionX said:



I'm not sure what she's been up to other than this since the Big Bang Theory show ended.




She also recently was the voice for Harley in the Harley Quinn show.  Pretty solid voice work imo.  She's no Tara Strong or Arleen Sorkin and I wish she put a bit more Jersey "MISTAH J" in her performance but still solid.


Edit: Aries Warlock beat me to it.

Edited by Sonichuman
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ha, this is more entertaining than I thought it would be 


On another note--- the huge chip on a certain friend's shoulder is always amusing... I was just remembering the time he found out about my promotion some years ago, and he couldn't help but say something about "oh, company man, eh?", and later in another conversation---" many people have you had to fire?" in a snarky tone... as if to say there's no justifiable reason a person should ever get fired from a job....or that moving up is a bad thing.  😆  Anytime I've brought up a real example he's always immediately on the side of the employee too (like someone being consistently late? = "Well, sometimes people have stuff going on in life, dude..." Oh so that should just be allowed to continue on forever with no consequence, I guess?)'s always a little source of entertainment for me.

Edited by MillionX
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Lmfao I'm playing the dnf duel beta and this is strive issue all over again. They got overloaded so no one can go online just play cpu. Also these assholes don't tell you what the buttons are.... Kof beta bout to be full as fuck this weekend 


Also the vs matches don't let you pick a character so this is random select each time wtf 

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6 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Lmfao I'm playing the dnf duel beta and this is strive issue all over again. They got overloaded so no one can go online just play cpu. Also these assholes don't tell you what the buttons are.... Kof beta bout to be full as fuck this weekend 

Still not as bad as FF14. They’ve had to stop selling keys, subscriptions and people making new accounts numerous times and I mean numerous times) because ALL of their servers keep getting capped out and overloaded. 

Edited by iStu X
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3 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Still not as bad as FF14. They’ve had to stop selling keys, subscriptions and people making new accounts numerous (and I mean numerous) because ALL of their servers keep getting capped out and overloaded. 

Wait that wasn't a joke lmfaoooo I saw the memes and assumed it was a joke 

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14 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Wait that wasn't a joke lmfaoooo I saw the memes and assumed it was a joke 

No. Not even remotely kidding. It’s happened a lot since it’s reboot some odd years ago. It’s just been happening a lot more recently. So a lot more people are talking about it. 


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39 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Still not as bad as FF14. They’ve had to stop selling keys, subscriptions and people making new accounts numerous times and I mean numerous times) because ALL of their servers keep getting capped out and overloaded. 

I mean that's their consumer bases demand out pacing their hardware. 


What's DNFs excuse?

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7 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I mean that's their consumer bases demand out pacing their hardware. 


What's DNFs excuse?

They don't have one. Especially since it's under arcsys and we went through this with guilty gear. They should have assumed based on trailer views and reactions plus the good will they gained through strive it would at least be comparable to that beta. 


Im almost convinced they knew they fucked up and that's why they put it on the same weekend as kof.. In hopes of taking some of the heat off lmfao 

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Just now, Maxx said:

dumb shit


1) You are aware that the game is not owned by ASW, so if anything the infrastructure would be under Neople.

2) Is a beta, of course they wouldn't havbe all the infrastructure up, specially when they are testing multiple stuff beside stability of netcode.

Like stress on the servers, the back end, etc.


People expecting a beta to be on par to when the game is released is ridiculous.

If anything, those betas are meant to iron this kind of stuff.

To catch any issues they could have and start seeing how much infrastructure would be needed.

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