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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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11 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

You are tagging the wrong Infernoman. It's @TheInfernoman


Happy birthday!


epilepsy warning


UGH Clowns 🤡😡


Real talk though, thank you everyone. I have a few more days off so I'm just trying not to fry in the Socal heat. I go back to work Thursday where Disney begins halloween time Sept 1st. No time off between holidays. 😭

Edited by TheInfernoman
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Im generally a lucid dreamer but my dreams are usually nonsensical af. I might be flying like Super Mario 64 while a dinosaur is singing in the background. Then randomly meet some celebrity who usually transforms into someone else completely by the end. lmao


But for years upon years there's one dream that seems to recur, I often dream of pulling hair out of my teeth and usually am unable to remove the hair. And there are instances where I swear I actually "feel" the pain from pulling too much hair


I looked it up online, has multiple meanings but none of which really fit my situation. I don't feel hopeless as most of my problems can simply be waited out and I don't have any major issues with anyone. But i suppose the one explanation I saw about me trying to transform my life has some merit. 


As I said most of my dreams make zero sense but when something actually manages to leave an impression I try to decipher it cuz its rare. lmao

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On 8/29/2023 at 6:47 AM, HD-Man said:

Captain actually did good cooking today then immediately proceeded to dive off a cliff and ruin any good will he had built.😂


Instead of just cooking cabbage like a normal person, he decides to use leftover porkchops that ppl actually wanted, chop them up and throw them in the cabbage for NO reason. I was super pissed cuz I was counting on another pork chop to eat later, but nope. Lmao 


And he has a history of using the leftover food others cooked to make his shitty dishes . So not only is his food nasty, unhealthy (dude cooks with lard and doesnt drain grease) and looks awful, he's passing off other ppl's food as his own. What's worse is ppl repeatedly tell him his food is ass but he won't stop cooking.


Shit is actually hilarious in a way cuz he gets pissed when nobody eats despite ppl telling him exactly why they arent eating. None of his dishes make sense😂😂😂🤣

Are we going to have a Ship Chef Trilogy? 😂

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10 hours ago, Hecatom said:




My theory with the race, sex, gender expression, and sexuality switching with characters and with every WTF decision and reaction for marketing and selling purposes are just that to me. It's done on purpose staggering reactions, curiosity for seeing out of remorse, and for intended to have lower ratings. LOL. Those corporations just trolls for a reaction. It's been working for a while. I'm amused by it. XD

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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@AriesWarlock^oh yeah I had another banana cinnamon smoothie some days ago; I went big with the 32 oz. one that time.  I think there's vanilla in the mix as well if I recall.. it is mostly the banana and cinnamon that stands out in terms of the taste.  


I finally watched the clip of the police ramming thru the climate change blockade those people setup in the road... that was funnier than what I was expecting, actually.


In other news---typical thuggish shit in Chicago... apparently a local news crew was robbed at gunpoint while trying to do a report on crime.... of course.  I'm sure that clown-show chump-ass mayor would spin it in some way like "these are just young people that are bored; we need to get to the root cause" and all the usual rhetoric.

Edited by MillionX
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Unfortunately I didn't get the "free" time off (we had a special leave time for anyone that got covid; it did not count against your normal sick leave balance) when I had it... since I didn't know that's what it was at the time... I thought it was just a cold and possible sinus or ear infection.  None of the symptoms were anything outside the ordinary.  My appetite was completely gone though... I was only eating chicken noodle soup on occasion....more out of obligation as opposed to actual hunger cravings.  The worst of it lasted close to a week....didn't find out until later when taking a covid test prior to another appointment.

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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

Dude what kind of test device is that? Sorry you got it again, hope it's not too severe. Take advantage and stay home and play lots of videogames and eat ice cream!


Edit: I heard Jägermeister helps.

It's some device that is more like the PCR tests and is more accurate. They're like $70 but we've had so many false-ish negatives with the regular tests that my wife decided to order a couple of these.


So far the plan is to catch up on my reading, gaming, and Netflix so that's the upside if there is one.


I think I drank all the Jaeger we had, but I guess it would help in the "drink it and you'll forget you ever had covid" if my previous experiences with it stuck 😂

43 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Hoping you get better and its not too bad.  Also hop no other family members around you get it.

I sent the fam to my mum in laws for a few days, so hopefully they don't get it. So far it's not bad, I'm just congested and have that headache you get when you have a fever.

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4 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I think I drank all the Jaeger we had, but I guess it would help in the "drink it and you'll forget you ever had covid" if my previous experiences with it stuck 😂

I remember back when I used to drink, if I got sick with a cold I would drink a shit ton of Jager instead of cough syrup or whatever. Swear to god, after about a week or so my cold would just go away. Worked like a charm!

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Imagine how bad the breakdown of society would've been if they closed down the grocery stores and restaurants too back then... I'm pretty sure that would have been an epic disaster... things would quickly end up looking like the world in The Walking Dead....or any other post-apocalyptic show/movie.  Things are bound to get ugly when the most basic necessities like food and drink become difficult to get.

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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

I remember back when I used to drink, if I got sick with a cold I would drink a shit ton of Jager instead of cough syrup or whatever. Swear to god, after about a week or so my cold would just go away. Worked like a charm!

😂 😂😂


Actually I've had a few times where I felt like I was coming down with something and had a few whiskey drinks and it cleared it right up. Whiskey used to be medicine so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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@TheInfernomanSorry, I wasn't on MS yesterday. Happy birthday! Your wife sounds awesome - I'm glad you got some Magic stuff. You're very lucky! Now drop and give me twenty push-ups! That will be your show of gratefulness to the universe.


On 8/29/2023 at 12:53 PM, Lantis said:

That's one hell of a service you have, getting signal from some random location in the bushes. What is your provider?

"Virgin Mobile's sister company: CULT SEX OFFENDER."


1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Apparently Mitch McConnell froze up again


Bitch McCockup's second freeze is important. Note that some of the more powerful members of government are still making decisions that affect millions while having handed power of attorney to their kids. These people aren't even making sound decisions for themselves.


In other news, my girlfriend had a dream where she was on hit on by some guy and she ran away from him to the dream version of me. You all can flex on me all you want about your money or whatever, but remember this: the days that your wife doesn't tell you about her dreams are the days where she dreamed about being in bed with another man. That other man was me. STAY WOKE.

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39 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

😂 😂😂


Actually I've had a few times where I felt like I was coming down with something and had a few whiskey drinks and it cleared it right up. Whiskey used to be medicine so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My grandad didn't even really drink, used to home remedy with hot whiskey, honey, and lemon whenever he'd be sick enough.


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17 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Im generally a lucid dreamer but my dreams are usually nonsensical af. I might be flying like Super Mario 64 while a dinosaur is singing in the background. Then randomly meet some celebrity who usually transforms into someone else completely by the end. lmao


But for years upon years there's one dream that seems to recur, I often dream of pulling hair out of my teeth and usually am unable to remove the hair. And there are instances where I swear I actually "feel" the pain from pulling too much hair


I looked it up online, has multiple meanings but none of which really fit my situation. I don't feel hopeless as most of my problems can simply be waited out and I don't have any major issues with anyone. But i suppose the one explanation I saw about me trying to transform my life has some merit. 


As I said most of my dreams make zero sense but when something actually manages to leave an impression I try to decipher it cuz its rare. lmao



In my case it depends, most of the time, I usually don't remember my dreams outside some vague stuff, but there are times at least twice a week that I have lucid dreams.

Like you, those tend to be really weird and out there.


The last one, was one where I was on a post apocalyptic cyberpunk world where my and my wife in the dream (which was a gal I used to date back in highschool) super powers depended on the affection showcases we had to each other.

It became lucid the moment I started wondered why was she my wife since I have not seen her in decades.


After that I started fooling around in the world, which apparently had a lot in common with the world in the last scene on the last Spiderverse movie, just that instead of being in the night, it was during a sunset.


I also changed my wife to cosplayer Hane Ame 🤣


For the looks of it, most of the dreams I tend to remember are always very weird.

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oh yeah, Criminal Minds is one of the best crime shows ever made, imo... it and Chicago PD are my favorites.


The mention of dreams randomly brought to mind this one from years ago--- I was part of the entourage of some celebrity; I forgot who it was... but the thing was he was about to announce a run for the presidency at a press conference/stage area.  One of the other "crew" then gave me a fur coat and said "here, hold on to this...just in case." so I was left there holding the fur coat wondering "...just in case what...?  What's the fur coat about?" as the celeb and some of the crew went on stage to address the crowd and make the announcement.


My latest one wasn't really much though... it was about a Transformer figure I had that would become the Earth's moon as the alternate form.. but sometimes it would transform on its own.... but it also had a connection to the real moon for some reason.


*Dreaming about being a character in a show---that's another cool one I wish would happen more often.  I've had ones where I met up with the GI Joes.... one where I was a character in All My Children, and another where I was a close friend of the Mikaelson family on The Originals. (that one was especially cool; I basically took the place of the "Marcel Gerard" character)

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nah, but I keep hearing from everyone that it's legendary... in fact I've never heard a bad thing about it; I'll check it out some day.  Usually I'm more hyped for the shows that deal with supernatural things, so Criminal Minds and Chicago and a few others like 24 were exceptions to the rule for me.


...from the sci-fi category--- I really hate that the newer version of "V" got canceled so fast.  That show was such a great concept....aliens that show up looking like us... appearing to be harmless at first, but in reality it's all a lie and they have sinister plans (with their "human" appearance also being fake)... I love that.

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23 minutes ago, Reticently said:

Have you seen The Wire?

Not yet, at least not in its totality, when it was on cable, I never had the chance to catch it, outside some random rerun here and there.

The problem is that at times, is kind of difficult to find those series in latin america, due licensing.


At times it can be in Amazon Prime, then is moved to Netflix, then who knows where, lol

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27 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

i gave up on one piece during the big momma arc. i put 20+ years in to see luffy find one piece only to get bombarded by filler arc after filler arc after filler arcs. catching luffy going around in circles.

Time to read the manga, kiddo.


I actually stopped reading One Piece a little way through Egghead in January. For a weekly manga, there were far too many breaks. I get that Oda is old. I don't have any issue with the breaks. I just don't like waiting that long to read something that is "supposed" to come out every week. I'm going to pick it back up next January. I am overwhelmingly excited. I cannot wait to read all of it back. God, I love One Piece.

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1 hour ago, Dayaan said:

Time to read the manga, kiddo.


I actually stopped reading One Piece a little way through Egghead in January. For a weekly manga, there were far too many breaks. I get that Oda is old. I don't have any issue with the breaks. I just don't like waiting that long to read something that is "supposed" to come out every week. I'm going to pick it back up next January. I am overwhelmingly excited. I cannot wait to read all of it back. God, I love One Piece.

Oda was having vision trouble, ended up having LASIK.


There are still a lot of breaks, but now it's just because he's working through his recovery.


It's a pretty good arc so far though.  Worth checking out 

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1 minute ago, Reticently said:

Oda was having vision trouble, ended up having LASIK.


There are still a lot of breaks, but now it's just because he's working through his recovery.


It's a pretty good arc so far though.  Worth checking out 

I'm aware. Still, the decision to not touch the manga or read spoilers is an intentional one. I know the date for when I'll start reading again. All of this is in an effort to enjoy it more when the time comes, and I've heard it's gotten crazy good. Can't wait.

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