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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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10 minutes ago, Wellman said:

You almost feel upset with the casual stereotype of America and guns... but yeah, majority of us are that stereotype if you go by the media and laws we put out for the world to see. 

You don't want it to be but nothing about the sales of this game indicates that hey were wrong this choice.



Zelda and Splatoon are getting concerts in Feb


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3 hours ago, Wellman said:

You almost feel upset with the casual stereotype of America and guns... but yeah, majority of us are that stereotype if you go by the media and laws we put out for the world to see. 


Reminder that when Sugarpunch did a pol for his 1st style select video, the winner were gun wielders 👀





Edited by Hecatom
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Skyrim---ha, I forgot about the decapitations...Serana and I ran into 2 bandits in this Dwemer ruins/cave area.....while Serana used vampiric drain and ice spikes to slow the bitch down, I brought the hammer down and it took her head off 😆....I noticed you could "loot" both the body and the head...would be funny if I could find different items from her severed head.  Yeah, I've put some points into "Two-Hand" attacks with this character.  


...would be great if I could keep the head like it's an item....haha I just did the dragon shout power "Unrelenting Force" to blast her head across the room like a beach ball.


...Interesting; I tried using the "vampire servant" ability to see if I could resurrect her headless body but it didn't work.  I also tried the spell on just the head but no dice there either.

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:


This sounds more like they are saying they will "do" something just to make the idiotic nintendrones seething about palworld stop spamming them.


If there was some ground to do something, they would yave done it already.

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9 hours ago, Hecatom said:

This sounds more like they are saying they will "do" something just to make the idiotic nintendrones seething about palworld stop spamming them.


If there was some ground to do something, they would yave done it already.

I'm sure TPC and NIntendo have been getting hit with messages about it so they felt like they had to say something about it to let people know that they're aware of the game and they're at least looking into it.  When nobodies claim a big company is plagarizing and stealing assets that's pretty much nothing under the bridge but it's a whole different story if an actual company is accusing another company of doing so.  If they're going to do it they gotta come correct and actually investigate and bring real receipts to the table or effectively get counter sued.  It doesn't even say that they are going to "do" anything it's just saying "We're looking into it" and that's about it.  If they actually find anything we'll hear about it and if they don't...we probably won't.

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IGN actually has a pretty good article about Pokemon vs Palworld where they actually talked to some lawyers about it.


Topics include do they have any ground to stand on, if they were to sue how they could go about doing it, also the ramifications of what could happen if they win or don't win.

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Diablo III: Eternal Collection: Maaaaaaaan, I know the Demon Hunter was my first class choice in this game but daaaaang, if it isn't one of the sweetest ones. I'm just throwing my own builds together with the equipment I find to see what I like best and I'm loving it. This character went from a level 1 scrub to a level 63 power house. Dual wielding, arrow rain, freezing and slowing enemies. I racked up a 102 kill streak for the first time ever. Baby numbers to a DIII pro, I'm sure but for a noob like me? GODLIKE. 


I cannot believe I owned DIII for years and didn't sink this much time in it until now. They knew what they were doing when they put this game on Switch. I'm gonna have 1000 plus hours into this game before 2024 is out.

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Skyrim - that Imperial ability "Voice of the Emperor" is definitely the other top-rank racial ability in the game...I looked up the level info on it and it's something crazy... it effects enemies up to level 99 apparently, so obviously that stays relevant for a LONG time...the area of effect is also a generous 75 feet.  Ha, this isn't even close--- the Orc ("Berserker Rage"->double damage + taking half damage) and Imperial racial powers are so far beyond everyone else it's laughable....just yesterday a random bounty hunter showed up trying to collect on me; even if I wanted to pay it off I didn't have enough anyway so of course I had to fight him... the guy was surprisingly tough but once I activated "Voice of the Emperor" that was game over for him... because of that effect.  He could do nothing but stand there calm while I sliced him up with a great sword.  I also pickpocketed the 250 gold he had...then got even more gold off his dead body later.  My imperial character "Lucien" is level 22 or 23 now.


sidenote--- when leveling up the vampire lord form, I remembered as of recently that it's best to dismiss Serana for a while, because she is so relentless in attacking things that she often end up "stealing" your kills.


*Lore stuff--- I don't recall ever seeing her transform, actually... though she should have the ability due to being Harkon's daughter and in that category of "Volkihar clan" vampires. (Lord Harkon, his wife and daughter got their vampirism directly from Molag Bal himself)  I notice she always just sticks to using ice-spike magic, vampiric drain and necromancy spells.... ohhh it just hit me; that actually lines up with family issues in the story as well, since it would make sense for her to be closer to her mother (Mom also specializes in necromancy), and a bit more resentful of her father.

Edited by MillionX
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