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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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From the jump, there's no question about Crow Country’s PlayStation 1 influences, which its creators at SFB Games have been upfront about: it is very intentionally the creepy-cute child of Resident Evil, Silent Hill and Final Fantasy VII. The game, which was released on Steam, PlayStation 5 and Xbox X/S on May 9, just about checks all the boxes for survival horror, but it takes a gentler approach to the genre, making it feel more like a test of mental endurance against some all-consuming bleakness than a constant fight for your life. (A Hard Mode, however, is apparently on the way).




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Well, I didn't know V-Rising was on the way this fast... I haven't been on any of my other systems in a while, but the PS5 version will be out June 6.  I might get that "Complete" edition that has everything.  


Shredder's Revenge-- I haven't played the female ninja character yet but Usagi (the samurai rabbit) so far has been fun to play.  Of all the TMNT games I've played over the years from NES to now, this recent one has been the best, imo.....yes, I enjoy this one even more than the legendary arcade original and Turtles in Time.  It just brings more to the table than anything else I remember.  

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On 5/26/2024 at 10:16 AM, AriesWarlock said:





Easiest way to make Dark Souls 1 players mad is to make any change to Dark Souls 1, no matter how good. Great update.


Also that article against LGBTQ "agendas" is pretty disingenuous. They reference Catholic Catechisms to promote the common good as defined by the Church and JPII. They don't mention at all how much of a postmodern perspective that is by the fact that the assessments that are needed to quantify the "common good" are rooted in philosophies that the assessors themselves identify with. That is the root of evil. Some people think bad things are good, and so they pursue those ends. Working towards the common good is a noble cause and needs a more rigorous framework than the arbitrary selection of morals through which to evaluate different agendas, and Catholicism knows this and adopts God and His teachings as their moral ground. The LGBTQ community doesn't typically align themselves with God (as purported by the article). Their assessment of the common good will therefore necessarily be entirely different to the one presented by Catholicism. It doesn't mean that they're evil, just that they have the free will to choose even the same morals as Catholics by selecting a different path to them.

"The gays" will tell you that lying and stealing is bad just like Catholicism, and while there are a lot of moral conflicts that aren't as simple as what I just mentioned, it doesn't automatically mean that logical reasoning can denote what the right way to develop video games is. Ultimately, a First Cause (and therefore faith) is something that cannot be debated, and so you cannot argue that adding "the gays" is objectively moral or immoral, just that it is immoral to promote or condone homosexuality, for instance, given Catholic fundamentalism philosophies. No more or less. Muslims could say the same thing, by the way.

In summary, who cares? If a story is shit, it's shit. It could be any number of reasons. If you're truly a religious person, then be secure in your faith. This argument makes it seem as if you're being tempted into homosexuality by a game that was developed by the same people that made Ratchet and Clank.

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2 hours ago, Dayaan said:

Easiest way to make Dark Souls 1 players mad is to make any change to Dark Souls 1, no matter how good. Great update.


Also that article against LGBTQ "agendas" is pretty disingenuous. They reference Catholic Catechisms to promote the common good as defined by the Church and JPII. They don't mention at all how much of a postmodern perspective that is by the fact that the assessments that are needed to quantify the "common good" are rooted in philosophies that the assessors themselves identify with. That is the root of evil. Some people think bad things are good, and so they pursue those ends. Working towards the common good is a noble cause and needs a more rigorous framework than the arbitrary selection of morals through which to evaluate different agendas, and Catholicism knows this and adopts God and His teachings as their moral ground. The LGBTQ community doesn't typically align themselves with God (as purported by the article). Their assessment of the common good will therefore necessarily be entirely different to the one presented by Catholicism. It doesn't mean that they're evil, just that they have the free will to choose even the same morals as Catholics by selecting a different path to them.

"The gays" will tell you that lying and stealing is bad just like Catholicism, and while there are a lot of moral conflicts that aren't as simple as what I just mentioned, it doesn't automatically mean that logical reasoning can denote what the right way to develop video games is. Ultimately, a First Cause (and therefore faith) is something that cannot be debated, and so you cannot argue that adding "the gays" is objectively moral or immoral, just that it is immoral to promote or condone homosexuality, for instance, given Catholic fundamentalism philosophies. No more or less. Muslims could say the same thing, by the way.

In summary, who cares? If a story is shit, it's shit. It could be any number of reasons. If you're truly a religious person, then be secure in your faith. This argument makes it seem as if you're being tempted into homosexuality by a game that was developed by the same people that made Ratchet and Clank.

Yeah...I think I'm good on hearing what the Catholic Church believes is "the common good".  I had pretty much ignored that article but your post made me go back and read through it and any attempt to make me think this article was anywhere near good faith got lost when it started going into to a 6 paragraph aside on what "the common good" is definied as by the Catholic Church.  If we took what the Catholic church definition of everything as gospel for anything gaming it'd either likely not exist or be EXTREMELY FUCKING STERILE.

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8 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Yeah...I think I'm good on hearing what the Catholic Church believes is "the common good".  I had pretty much ignored that article but your post made me go back and read through it and any attempt to make me think this article was anywhere near good faith got lost when it started going into to a 6 paragraph aside on what "the common good" is definied as by the Catholic Church.  If we took what the Catholic church definition of everything as gospel for anything gaming it'd either likely not exist or be EXTREMELY FUCKING STERILE.

Fair point. I do think it’s way too easy to shit on the Church (or all Abrahamic religions for that matter), and while I don’t think you’re saying that there’s anything wrong with the spirit of those theologies, we can definitely both agree that the twisting of their tenets usually leads to the dumbest of discourse. Notice how in my post I never once crap on Catholicism or Christian Catechisms. I only talk about how lame and out-of-context the arguments made in the article are, and how those terrible arguments lead to such weak conclusions if you follow their logic. 

Blame all this LSAT studying, but I am definitely more in tune with argumentation and reasoning structure than ever before, and while that doesn’t give me the qualifications of a theologian, it doesn’t take a great intellectual to tear down obviously garbage articles. 

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21 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

Fair point. I do think it’s way too easy to shit on the Church (or all Abrahamic religions for that matter), and while I don’t think you’re saying that there’s anything wrong with the spirit of those theologies, we can definitely both agree that the twisting of their tenets usually leads to the dumbest of discourse. Notice how in my post I never once crap on Catholicism or Christian Catechisms. I only talk about how lame and out-of-context the arguments made in the article are, and how those terrible arguments lead to such weak conclusions if you follow their logic. 

Blame all this LSAT studying, but I am definitely more in tune with argumentation and reasoning structure than ever before, and while that doesn’t give me the qualifications of a theologian, it doesn’t take a great intellectual to tear down obviously garbage articles. 

I don't have issues with religion since I consider myself a Christian.  I take issue with people taking their beliefs Christian or not and forcably thrusting it onto others or using their book a s shield to be shitty or do shitty stuff.  It usually leads to deeply hypocritical stuff especially when it's being put into a subject where it shouldn't have any bearing or impact.  It's why when I got to that point in the article where they're trying to refute  "pulling of ever LGBTQ lever"  with "Games should be be promoting the common good" which made me raise an eyebrow immediately.  Art in general can be a variety of things, promoting the common good CAN be one of them but that is not a necessity.

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11 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

The biggest issue I have with Catholicism is the fact that if I don't let a kid raper sprinkle water on my daughter's head underneath a corpse hanging from the wall,  she's going to hell. 

Your biggest issue is with the silver shower and not the fact that it’s done by a PEDOPHILE? So you claim the act is worse than the person. How progressive of you. 🤣

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Well...they actually went and put CoD day 1 on Gamepass.    ActiBlizz is about to lose a shit tone of money.


The Act Man - Why Are AAA Games Getting Worse?!

^Grummz showing up in this video kind of made me roll my eyes but he wasn't in the video to grift for once and he actually says the thing that has confused the hell out of me about the industry for the longest time and that I've been saying before.  Game companies need to do lower budget titles with less risk that could potentially be crazy money makers that can actually bolster their bigger games so the risk is lessened on them.  I wish we knew how much Sonic Mania made for Sega but I can't think of a better comparison at the forefront of mind than Mania vs Superstars at the moment.  The first game was just a cheaper game to make by all fronts with a lower price and was firing on nearly all cylinders and then we got Superstars which was at best just good but was more expensive to make at a $60 price point and lower sales.  Not every game needs to be an all or nothing gamble and I can't for the life of me understand why the game industry just doesn't understand that other than just general corporate greed.  This also kind of leads into this other video interview that resurfaced with Iwata.  The game industry is seemingly strangling itself cause of balooning budgets on games and really doesn't have to be that way.

Desk - Everyone Got New Combos! SF6


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Posted (edited)

*odd choices---- "Until Dawn"?  That's off my radar anyway since it's one of those interactive movies that barely counts as a real game, imo.


I was not aware of "Vampire Dynasty" or "Vampire Clans" (which sadly has no release date so far) so those caught my attention at least.  

Elder Scrolls 6----haha yeah sure----that's probably not due until the year 2235

Edited by MillionX
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