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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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So has anyone read the the patch notes? Capcom wasn't kidding when they said they were minor. Ryu's Hashogeki's did get a glow up. In addition to being able to combo into level 3 for OD Lariat, Zangief's level 1 got it's hit box expanded. I haven't got then through them all. I haven't seen a whole lot so far.  Here is the whole list of changes for anyone that wasn't aware they've been posted.


Edit: Ryu actually got a decent little list of buffs. They shrank the hurtbox on his Hadoken and Shinku Hadoken. Also the changed the type of hit for his OD Shoryuken. If I'm reading that correctly, it seems like it has more juggle potential.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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30 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Edit: Ryu actually got a decent little list of buffs. They shrank the hurtbox on his Hadoken and Shinku Hadoken. Also the changed the type of hit for his OD Shoryuken. If I'm reading that correctly, it seems like it has more juggle potential.

Thanks dude


Btw considering they touched Solar Plexus i wish they made it cool again, with meterless shit 🥲

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Well they aren't the season 2 changes. They are just minor fixes. So we'll see how things turn out after Akuma drops.

My issues are that CCX is over and we have no idea when the real patch is coming. This minor fixes patch has a few legit changes in them.

It feels like they started to make a real patch and we’re just like “actually nah let’s wait”.

Edited by Vhozite
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47 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

This minor fixes patch has a few legit changes in them.

Yeah there's some impactful stuff in there.  Gutting damage and meter gain off of Amnesia as well as worsening his #1 AA is pretty big.



1. Improve characters that could not fully express their individual potential.

Most of these adjustments focused on Jamie and Ryu

How many Lily mains are cursing Hibikis name right now though 😂

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1 hour ago, Sonero said:

Jamie's drink levels reset every round and Manon's don't. You can combo into medals and land command grabs that give medals while getting stronger for doing so.


C'mon man.

Jamie gains entirely new moves and a moveset wide damage buff by leveling up, and he doesn’t actually have to touch the other person to do it. 

I can make bad faith reductionist arguments too. 

Mind you comparing drinks to medals wasn’t even the point. The issue is that for a large portion of the cast they get better reward off normal throw than Manon gets off a scoop because Capcom thinks damage is a substitute for utility/momentum.

Edited by Vhozite
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I don't think Jamie got that much to be honest.  The free drink off the forward throw is nice but every Jamie main just went for oki in that situation - I guess it's nice to have the option.  The SA2 change where he keeps his drinks level after is nice but is more of a bug fix.  And then he just got a minor damage buff and longer more plus after SA1.  Nothing to write home about.  


Ryu's changes are much better, they actually affect his pressure with the hashogeki buffs and solar plexus proximity block change.   


A.K.I got a buffed crouch jab which is already an amazing normal and more active frames on st. medium punch.  


Gief getting the Alex treatment now with those Lariat buffs.  

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53 minutes ago, elliephil said:

Parrying uses less drive meter than using a drive impact back. I think this was a key part of why UMA ended up winning Capcom Cup because you are really gimped when you even start to run low on drive meter. We are talking about 0.5 meter but that can make a difference on the highest level.

Okay now THIS looks to be the valid reason I was looking for and THIS makes total sense instead of creating bad habits (which also doesn't make sense, because sometimes they DO react to DI with DI.)


I didn't even think of this at all but it seems super plausible.  I actually didn't realize JUST how valuable the drive meter is until watching this whole LCQ and Capcom Cup tournament.  Since you know, I'm not even close to that level lol.

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2 hours ago, purbeast said:

(which also doesn't make sense, because sometimes they DO react to DI with DI.)

There were a few matches I saw a counter-DI happen and the person who countered either ended up in a burnout situation or lost the game entirely. EndingWalker did it in one match (I want to say against MenaRD, but I can't remember exactly) and he ended up losing the round because of it.


Idk how far you are in your sf6 journey, but I think if you're able to react to DI consistently with any option, you are doing pretty damn good.

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11 hours ago, elliephil said:

There were a few matches I saw a counter-DI happen and the person who countered either ended up in a burnout situation or lost the game entirely. EndingWalker did it in one match (I want to say against MenaRD, but I can't remember exactly) and he ended up losing the round because of it.


Idk how far you are in your sf6 journey, but I think if you're able to react to DI consistently with any option, you are doing pretty damn good.

I'm definitely not reacting to them consistently, but I also just switched button layout so that has set me back a little bit, but in the end if/when I get used to it, should make my reactions better.

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Rewatching some of Uma's matches, since I've been missing them due to the late hour and I must say the spaced out Drive Reversal bait is such an awesome technique. Literally no one had any response to it and is probably the one plus that gave him an edge against his opponents. Just amazing.


I have no doubt it's going to become a staple of SF6 moving forward, cause I can't imagine anyone watching his matches not wanting it in their arsenal. At least if other characters can pull it off as consistently well as Juri, cause that's probably going to be a big limiting factor.

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18 hours ago, Sonero said:


Can't believe people are mad over this. I miss when anything involving Nazis and Hitler on the internet was instant comedy. We really are in the worst timeline.



Oh my god that is fucking hysterical, Hitler-Steve has to be the funniest thing I've ever seen in fighting games. Once SF allows this level of character customization, you better believe I'll be the first one to create Third Reich-Blanka with the orange comb over and toothbrush moustache. All hail Führer Jimmy!

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I am  most likely in the minority, but I dislike the customization options in Tekken 8.  


I want my characters and the ones I'm facing to LOOK like the character that has been selected.  


I'm glad Capcom allowed us to block outfits online.  I wish they gave us more flexibility in that we could turn off outfits instead of having to always select a default one, but for now it works.  


I have Ken and Blanka set to their default costume because their 3rd outfits are just so dumb and don't look like the character they are.

Edited by purbeast
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36 minutes ago, purbeast said:

I am  most likely in the minority, but I dislike the customization options in Tekken 8.  

The games that established it, i'm fine with. Not sure that its something I'd like to see in an SF game though. Feels like in 2D games where there's projectiles and making things look off is already a strategy it'd be like putting a hat on a hat. Big reason why I never liked the Blanka-Chan costume; makes Blanka weird to fight.



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2 hours ago, purbeast said:

I am  most likely in the minority, but I dislike the customization options in Tekken 8.  


I want my characters and the ones I'm facing to LOOK like the character that has been selected.  


I'm glad Capcom allowed us to block outfits online.  I wish they gave us more flexibility in that we could turn off outfits instead of having to always select a default one, but for now it works.  


I have Ken and Blanka set to their default costume because their 3rd outfits are just so dumb and don't look like the character they are.

You don't want to run sets against Boosie Fade Jin?



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