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Retro Gaming Thread (pre PS3/XB360)

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17 hours ago, Lantis said:

My playthrough of the original Legend of Zelda aka the first game I ever beat



Goddamn, you just beating these games for fun as the days go on? lol

  • 3 weeks later...
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I watched a SNES Drunk video of Maui Mallard. 
Man that game was gorgeous, which makes sense as I remember it coming out near the end of the SNES life.

I had no intentions of playing it though lol PS1 was coming out and I wanted to play fighting games instead of this damn Donald Duck game.


I remember walking into a Walmart or something and that was the only SNES game they had for sale, in my head I knew the SNES was on it's final days lol


My last SNES game was actually SFA 2. Wasn't crazy about it like the other SF games on the console, as I knew better versions of the game existed, and it just tided me over till I bought my PS1 (yes, I know the PS version of A2 is still inferior, but LEAGUES better than the SNES version)


The SNES version just felt clunky and slow as shit (not to mention the weirdly placed loading times)


I spent a huge chunk of my 2020 playing through a lot of Musou games I hadn't tried yet.  Dynasty Warriors is my fave non-FG IP ever and it was nice to go back and play some of my fave entries while also going more into Samurai Warriors, which had always been on my to-do list.  


That franchise really peaked during the end of the Ps2 era.  Everything 7th gen and after just wasn't the same.  

On 12/11/2020 at 12:21 PM, Lantis said:

My last SNES game was actually SFA 2. Wasn't crazy about it like the other SF games on the console, as I knew better versions of the game existed, and it just tided me over till I bought my PS1 (yes, I know the PS version of A2 is still inferior, but LEAGUES better than the SNES version)


The SNES version just felt clunky and slow as shit (not to mention the weirdly placed loading times)

Hhahaha Alpha 2 was also my last SNES game. Man I think it cost my parents over a hundred bucks at the time. I didn’t get a new console from SNES till the DC, so I had to wait a while for quality fighting games at home. 

  • 1 month later...

12 years ago a friend of mine told me to open a youtube channel and just stream myself playing older games. I didn't bother.


Now I see today how it's exploded, and I'm honestly stunned. I have no idea how good the money is or not, but it's probably pretty solid and some people seem to be living off it.

On 12/11/2020 at 2:21 PM, Lantis said:

My last SNES game was actually SFA 2. Wasn't crazy about it like the other SF games on the console, as I knew better versions of the game existed, and it just tided me over till I bought my PS1 (yes, I know the PS version of A2 is still inferior, but LEAGUES better than the SNES version)


The SNES version just felt clunky and slow as shit (not to mention the weirdly placed loading times)

I was in the same boat. Was just thrilled to have a port I could play, ideal or not. Didn't buy a PSX until 97, so that A2 SNES port got a lot of play time.

On 10/14/2020 at 10:07 PM, Jurassic said:

Anyone use Chinese handheld emulators?

I have an RG350- it's pretty great. Not perfect, but it's my new favorite way to play non FG retro games. Would upgrade to the 350p or the 351 if I were buying new again. 

Posted (edited)

Anyone here played Cyber Shadow yet? I'm going to hold off a bit for some more opinions after seeing The Messenger so overhyped  (it was good, but not that good- the metroidvania second half was pretty stale).  


EDIT: Derp, I see the release isn't until tomorrow. Read a review today, assumed it was out now. 

Edited by Camacho
35 minutes ago, Camacho said:

Anyone here played Cyber Shadow yet? I'm going to hold off a bit for some more opinions after seeing The Messenger so overhyped  (it was good, but not that good- the metroidvania second half was pretty stale).  


EDIT: Derp, I see the release isn't until tomorrow. Read a review today, assumed it was out now. 

I hadn't heard of that one.

If we're talking pseudo-retro games something like Blazing Chrome is more my speed:




Blazing Chrome is really good. Lots of great pseudo retro releases in recent years- that one, Fight N Rage, Hyper Light Drifter, Axiom Verge, Curse of the Moon (both of them), and Shovel Knight are a few that come to mind. 

  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Lantis said:

May look like I'm jumping on @TheInfernoman's train, but I'm really not...or maybe I am? LOL


My DKC playthrough:



One of my top 5 games of all time.

Mainly cause I got the DKC SNES set, so I played the ever living shit out of it.


I was so proud cause I had a speedrun file of 2 hrs on it haha

Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Lantis said:

May look like I'm jumping on @TheInfernoman's train, but I'm really not...or maybe I am? LOL


My DKC playthrough:



Hope you had fun though! Will be doing Super Merio Sunshine today. I did Merio 64 days ago and...I couldn't finish it. I got too angry remembering how much I hated how mario handled. The movement was like trying to steer on ice. and don't get me started on the camera and how it didn't age well. 


@RSG3Thanks for hanging out for a bit earlier...Sunshine feels so much better than 64 but I think that was obvious. Less frustration!

Edited by TheInfernoman

For the record, I really didn't play ANY DKC game back in the heyday. I think I played a bit of it at a friend's house but really wasn't THAT engaged.


What grinds my gears the most are the "leaps of faith" needed to find some bonus rooms.  Like you REALLY needed to know beforehand there was a barrel in some spots before you jumped into the abyss.


I don't regret playing it through, though. The underwater music really is a thing of beauty.


Best retro console is too hard. Too many of then offer unique experiences. 


I would consider retro to be where the primary style of game making is no longer in fashion. 


"Retro" to me would be something from at least 2 or 3 console generations back...yeah 3 sounds about right...because now 3 generations ago is that Dreamcast, leading into the ps2/GC/Xbox era...most would probably agree that qualifies as "a long time ago" at this point.  Most of my fellow Gen-Xers probably would think of the 8-bit era though when hearing the term "retro".


My favorite from the retro category, if we were to include everything up to the original Xbox would be Dreamcast, Gamecube, the first PlayStation and SNES.  I realize that I'm the odd man out that skipped ps2.


Yeah, that's a pretty damn broad title now. My initial response would be the SNES, but I'm also finding myself playing NES and NES style games more lately. And then there's the PS2, which has an enormous library that covers the whole spectrum of genres (including the high points of several, and lots of weird unique titles), has lots of retro collections that cover 8 and 16 bit classics, and plays ps1 games to boot. I'm glad a lot of the old stuff is getting re-released digitally and I hope the trend continues, it's great not having to dig out old stuff, pay extreme prices,  or having to pirate to play those games. 


As someone who has bent over backwards to make PS2 games look good on an HDTV (It's basically impossible by the way) i say keep up with the PS2 HD releases cuz it's cheaper, easier, and looks nicer then anything I've done after dumping hundreds into it. Now not a total loss for me as the hardware works on multiple other consoles that don't have the video output issues the PS2 has but specifically for PS2 there is no good answer for its combing issues among others. 

Posted (edited)

mannnn, that reminds me that it's a shame that my mom got rid of the old Emerson tv we had... that little ancient tv was apparently immortal.  It served me well for my gaming from way back in 1987 on up to the Gamecube era....even surviving my occasional "gamer rage" moments 😆  


I still have almost all my old stuff, by the way... from my Atari 2600 to the NES, SNES, Genesis (though I think it's back at Mom's house), Dreamcast, Gamecube, etc.  I still have the instruction manuals for a lot of old games as well...even the Atari games... those were always light on content, of course...usually an Atari game manual was just 1 sheet folded over to be 2 pages, and printed in black & white, of course.  

edit--some had a "Notes..." section in the back though, which was usually fun to take note of certain things, like the date I got a new best high score or certain other accomplishments in the game.

Edited by MillionX
Posted (edited)
Just now, Camacho said:

I still have a small CRT I keep the PS2 and Wii hooked up to for that reason. 

I have a CRT but it's in storage, I don't have room for even a small one. I could store a pvm in my closet but I'd have to dignity out every time I want to use it and they are expensive unless you find one near your location. 


When I get a bigger place tho I'll pull out the CRT cuz yea way easier and it looks great. 


Edit: Damn sounds like Million has his "collection" the same way I got mine...kept everything he ever bought. Do you ever trade anything in Million? I almost never do, even when I don't like the game lol. I might give one away I don't like if someone I know likes it or is interested in it or something. But otherwise i keep everything. Onky game i can remeber trying to return was Sonic Riders...that sucked imo. 

Edited by RSG3
22 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Emulation is cheaper in the long run. PC Engine content getting pricy. 

FPGA isn't even emulation and is essentially running games on real hardware. 


I decided to buy the MiSTer since I have too many consoles at home already.


20 hours ago, RSG3 said:

As someone who has bent over backwards to make PS2 games look good on an HDTV (It's basically impossible by the way) i say keep up with the PS2 HD releases cuz it's cheaper, easier, and looks nicer then anything I've done after dumping hundreds into it. Now not a total loss for me as the hardware works on multiple other consoles that don't have the video output issues the PS2 has but specifically for PS2 there is no good answer for its combing issues among others. 

I thought PS2 running through OSSC was quite nice with the built-in scanline function

Posted (edited)
Just now, misterBee said:

FPGA isn't even emulation and is essentially running games on real hardware. 

Eh...not really but I'm not really into splitting hairs so whatever. 


And OSSC handles a PS2 better then a Framemeister does but it's still has problems, and personally speaking, scanline filters can fuck off, they look terrible imo. 

Edited by RSG3
  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/7/2021 at 9:07 PM, DarkSakul said:

I been too busy playing Akumajō Dracula X: Gekka no Yasōkyoku on the Saturn 

I actually found a copy of this game for $5 in some random used CD store in Atlanta many years ago. Tried to buy a Saturn but it arrived broken and didn't actually get to play the game until a few years ago. 


Finally got AX Cup in F-Zero GX. I've owned this game since a few years after it released, but never played it seriously until a month ago. Unlocked AX Cup by beating all the cups in Master difficulty since Chapter 7 (Very Hard) is pretty damn hard so beating all the cups in Master was easier.




It'd be cool if it was on the Switch, but at the same time if it isn't at a consistent 60fps then I really wouldn't want to play it. I use Rainbow Phoenix most of the time.



I did a full playthrough of The Guardian Legend, on the NES not too long ago.


It wasn't nearly as hard as I remembered its being, nor so long.


Blue Spaghetti is still kinda bullshit.


PS2 being retro is hard for me to deal with. At least the emulation is pretty solid now I guess. Soon enough the XB360/PS3 will probably be considered retro as well. I think for me it would be cutoff at PSX for now, maybe PS2 to stretch in at most.


I've actually been playing PS2 again. Never finished Legendia way back, I'm almost done with the main quest but it's honestly a little boring so I'm not sure I'll finish it. Prior to that I'd played through Suiko III a few times and enjoyed it, and right no switched off to DQ VIII which is going well. I did a run of PSX before that, playing through Suiko I+II, FF7, SO2 primarily. Wasn't feeling it for FFT, Xenogears, SOTN. I don't enjoy gaming as much as I did when I was younger, I know I absolutely loved these games before but now it feels like I just don't enjoy some. The ones I did enjoy, I'm not sure why, but they tended to feel even better than today's newer games, which I'm not necessarily also fond of.


I'm old enough now that nostalgia can really kick in but also old enough that I guess I just don't enjoy a lot of stuff. I think this is the age that you start drinking a lot and probably using recreational drugs. Can't really work out and sleep as well as before so that's out, and it'd be weird to be chasing girls and getting hyped for that, kinda been there and done that. I guess some people still do that though.


I remember Boomers saying we would stop playing games when we got older, but I think gaming still has a draw, just I'm more selective is all.

1 hour ago, Serpent said:

PS2 being retro is hard for me to deal with. At least the emulation is pretty solid now I guess. Soon enough the XB360/PS3 will probably be considered retro as well. I think for me it would be cutoff at PSX for now, maybe PS2 to stretch in at most.


I've actually been playing PS2 again. Never finished Legendia way back, I'm almost done with the main quest but it's honestly a little boring so I'm not sure I'll finish it. Prior to that I'd played through Suiko III a few times and enjoyed it, and right no switched off to DQ VIII which is going well. I did a run of PSX before that, playing through Suiko I+II, FF7, SO2 primarily. Wasn't feeling it for FFT, Xenogears, SOTN. I don't enjoy gaming as much as I did when I was younger, I know I absolutely loved these games before but now it feels like I just don't enjoy some. The ones I did enjoy, I'm not sure why, but they tended to feel even better than today's newer games, which I'm not necessarily also fond of.


I'm old enough now that nostalgia can really kick in but also old enough that I guess I just don't enjoy a lot of stuff. I think this is the age that you start drinking a lot and probably using recreational drugs. Can't really work out and sleep as well as before so that's out, and it'd be weird to be chasing girls and getting hyped for that, kinda been there and done that. I guess some people still do that though.


I remember Boomers saying we would stop playing games when we got older, but I think gaming still has a draw, just I'm more selective is all.

I find it much easier to enjoy gameplay focused stuff these days. Old school RPGs are a massive time sink that just don't have enough payoff per hour as a working adult with other shit going on. If I want to read a book, I'll read an actual book. If I want to watch a movie, I'll watch an actual movie. If I'm going to play a game, I want to spend the bulk of that time in engrossing gameplay. 

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