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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

If the system is solid then it may be a pretty good thing to have to play some 3rd party games on the go.  The only thing it's going to severely lack is exclusives and I still want to know what the battery life on this thing is going to be.

All this hype and you are right, the battery life is one of the key strengths we haven't heard much about.

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  • iStu X changed the title to The Nintendo Switch Thread v. OLED: NEO The World Ends with You 7/26
4 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

The Pretendo is a portable PC. It doesn't need exclusives. Being able to play a game like Control on a portable is more than enough. If the hardware checks out it will definitely be brought. 

Despite my storage concerns, I'm one of those weirdos that doesn't like uninstalling his games, I'll keep an eye on the platform. My laptop, 7700K /w GTX1080, is still holding up. But now that I don't move around any more. I can't justify buying another gaming laptop. My gaming laptop used to be a desktop replacement, but now I have a desktop. This type of product could be a nice solution for me when I need to upgrade. Outside of going home to visit family, I don't use the mobility of my laptop. Mainly, I use it when I want to watch TV and use a PC. Or when I put Twitch on my TV to watch tournaments and game at the same. I think I have ADHD.....

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20 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Wonderful reference. I approve. 

I have a real love/hate relationship with Mass Effect. I wonder how ME3 would have turned out if EA didn't want Bioware to pump out a sequel to ME2 in 18 months. People forget that Bioware had basically beg for more time for the game. It was originally supposed to launch in November 2011 instead March 2012. My main issues with the game likely come from them having to rush it out. I still think the endings would have been ass, but I think the ME2 cast wouldn't have gotten the shaft. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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14 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I have a real love/hate relationship with Mass Effect. I wonder how ME3 would have turned out if EA didn't want Bioware to pump out a sequel to ME2 in 18 months. People forget that Bioware had basically beg for more time for the game. It was originally supposed to launch in November 2011 instead March 2012. My main issues with the game likely come from them having to rush it out. I still the endings would have been ass, but I think the ME2 cast wouldn't have gotten the shaft. 

just do what I do and don’t acknowledge ME3’s existence 

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27 minutes ago, iStu X said:

just do what I do and don’t acknowledge ME3’s existence 

Honestly, I stopped paying attention until recently. The regular, non Legendary Edition, of ME3 on PC can be a substantially better experience. I didn't realize how extensive some of the mods had become. I knew about the ending mod that nuked the "Starchild" out of existence. However, I didn't know about the other mods. In some instances, they added missions and the ability to use ME2 squadmates in some of them. It's nuts.

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51 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I have a real love/hate relationship with Mass Effect. I wonder how ME3 would have turned out if EA didn't want Bioware to pump out a sequel to ME2 in 18 months. People forget that Bioware had basically beg for more time for the game. It was originally supposed to launch in November 2011 instead March 2012. My main issues with the game likely come from them having to rush it out. I still the endings would have been ass, but I think the ME2 cast wouldn't have gotten the shaft. 

Which is hobestly why i give ME3 somewhat of a pass. I had fun with it even if parts of it royally posses me off and I know it's not what the Devs really wanted to deliver. 


And yea the ME PC experience can be really different (better) on PC if you are willing to fight with the mod tools for ME3. That game was tough for people to mod and the tool (least back when I was trying some 6 or so years ago) was pretty tough to use. Was awesome when you got it going tho. 

Edited by RSG3
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26 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Honestly, I stopped paying attention until recently. The regular, non Legendary Edition, of ME3 on PC can be a substantially better experience. I didn't realize how extensive some of the mods had become. I knew about the ending mod that nuked the "Starchild" out of existence. However, I didn't know about the other mods. In some instances, they added missions and the ability to use ME2 squadmates in some of them. It's nuts.

Yeah…I don’t care about ME enough to do anything close to that. I played the trilogy, I got my experiences, I won’t play past 2 cause I don’t find a reason to And I’m cool with that. I honestly don’t even want to replay any of them. 

so who’s picked up skyward sword? I’m still waiting on my amiibo to be delivered 


Edited by iStu X
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38 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Which is hobestly why i give ME3 somewhat of a pass. I had fun with it even if parts of it royally posses me off and I know it's not what the Devs really wanted to deliver. 


And yea the ME PC experience can be really different (better) on PC if you are willing to fight with the mod tools for ME3. That game was tough for people to mod and the tool (least back when I was trying some 6 or so years ago) was pretty tough to use. Was awesome when you got it going tho. 

There is a mod manager that simplifies things. I've glanced over it. It seems modders have two different files in most cases. The standalone version and one that works in concert with the mod manager. It'll tell you if mods conflict. You apply the mods from the within mod manager and you can launch the game from there. I messed around with the one for Andromeda back in the day before my Origin access subscription expired. It was far more basic but the principle was the same.


I didn't buy the standard ME3 for PC. I had the 360 version and damn sure wasn't double dipping on ME3. I could snagged it for pittance back in day and I would have if I would have known how good the mods were. This one modder made an Expanded Universe mod for ME3. It takes a Reaper sized shit on the Legendary Edition. It adds missions, weapons, armor, the ability to use ME2 squadmates in those added mission. It revamps the Galaxy map so that every location visited from ME1 and ME2 is added and in some cases it adds hubs. You can visit Omega in ME3 after you help Aria take it back for example. If I see ME3 on deep deep discount. I'll snag it just to try it out. Bioware added a updated Tali photo in ME3. Modders actually modelled her face.

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5 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Yea the mods for ME3 and ME over all are pretty great. 

Even though they were basic, some of the Andromeda mods were pretty good. They had one that fixed little issues that never got updated. There was a broken quest on Kadara that it fixed. It was one of my favorite quest strings just because how silly the second quest was. The second quest literally had you get a mayday, the people calling are acting like it's a life & death situation, you get there and it's a pair of stoners. The sun lamps were out and they needed you to fix them so they could keep growing their stash 🤣 The broken quest followed it. The plants had medicinal applications. It was clear you need to take a sample to back to an ailing turian but they'd act like you didn't have it even when it was in your inventory.

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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Despite my storage concerns, I'm one of those weirdos that doesn't like uninstalling his games, I'll keep an eye on the platform. My laptop, 7700K /w GTX1080, is still holding up. But now that I don't move around any more. I can't justify buying another gaming laptop. My gaming laptop used to be a desktop replacement, but now I have a desktop. This type of product could be a nice solution for me when I need to upgrade. Outside of going home to visit family, I don't use the mobility of my laptop. Mainly, I use it when I want to watch TV and use a PC. Or when I put Twitch on my TV to watch tournaments and game at the same. I think I have ADHD.....

I'm with you on that. I don't like to uninstall neither. I will always think of buying more and larger storage than deleting anything. Not being able to upgrade the internal storage is a huge bummer. PC games ain't design to run off SD Cards that can be a source of a lot of potential issues. 



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3 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I'm with you on that. I don't like to uninstall neither. I will always think of buying more and larger storage than deleting anything. Not being able to upgrade the internal storage is a huge bummer. PC games ain't design to run off SD Cards that can be a source of a lot of potential issues. 



Yeah I have 4TB of SSD space (two NVME and two SATA) on my laptop and 4TB of SSD space (Two 2TB NVMe) on my desktop. I don't delete anything LOL. 


Side note: Yes my weird ass custom laptop has 4 hard drive bays and a desktop CPU. Yes it also sounds like jet engine underload 🤣

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34 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I tried taking a peak on Amazon and someone's trying to sell this amiibo for $200....and the thing that makes me more pissed is that there's probably a good chance someone may pony up that money for it.

Over the years I’ve learned that Amazon is a not-so-great place to go when it comes to gauging the values of amiibo. It can be but it’s usually not.

The loft wing amiibo is going for “only” about $40-60 right now. Which while is still a lot more than it’s  $25 retail it’s not as bad as I thought it would be. Also as the stock becomes more available in August  the price will slowly lower. 

Edited by iStu X
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33 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I tried taking a peak on Amazon and someone's trying to sell this amiibo for $200....and the thing that makes me more pissed is that there's probably a good chance someone may pony up that money for it.

I mean real talk even in the remaster/enhanced port those birds have never been that detailed. And given the franchise will NEVER be so again outside of art books.

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41 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Over the years I’ve learned that Amazon is a not-so-great place to go when it comes to gauging the values of amiibo. It can be but it’s usually not.

The loft wing amiibo is going for “only” about $40-60 right now. Which while is still a lot more than it’s  $25 retail it’s not as bad as I thought it would be. Also as the stock becomes more available in August  the price will slowly lower. 

I'm hoping the scalpers will fuck off by then so I can get one before they stop making them.

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  • iStu X changed the title to The Nintendo Switch Thread v. OLED: NEO The World Ends with You 7/27

So while searching on ebay to see what kinda priceI can get for a used Switch, I came across "unpatched" Switches and had no clue that was a thing.  Turns out mine is unpatched and they pretty steadily sell for $250+.  


So I'll just keep an OLED one and then sell my unpatched Switch for like $250+ on FB or something.  I thought it couldn't be modded if it was past a certain system update but apparently that's not the case.

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11 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

Older first gen versions of the Switch can be hacked even with firmware updates, later revisions "fixed" the security flaw. 

Yeah I didn't know that until today.


Glad cause I will not have to pay too much out of my pocket to get a better battery and OLED screen.


Now I'm just not sure if the white one is worth $50 more or not cause I got the neon one from Walmart for $299 and also a white one from GS and Target for $349.

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6 hours ago, iStu X said:

Twitter Post: Nintendo really out here picking games like they got to Blockbuster late on a Friday evening and didn't want to go home empty handed...

They aren't even "games" to speak of. These are the shovel ware of the SNES era, and no one back then liked then. 
C'mon Nintendo release some good shit you cowards

Their Online model now is awful, individual studios rather sell their titles via compilations then allow them as a part of Diet Netflix Gaming. 
Nintendo should of stuck with the VC model, as it was actually working well on the Wii, Wii U and 3DS (minus the server lack of cross platform buys/support that Sony and MS has). 


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Yeah honestly aside from a few rare gems the non Nintendo Switch Online catalogue is mostly terrible and makes the case mostly for them to just limit the service to Nintendo only titles. The quarterly releases have not helped either.


That being said instead of wasting time giving out failed software from the NES/SNES eras they should let mofos play some of your GB/GBC, GBA, N64 and NGC era titles.  Shit, I personally would love to be able to play Mischief Makers, Mystical Ninja, Wetrix or many other failed N64 titles again. They may look ugly but frankly so does a lot of the low tier non franchise crap they have put on the NES/SNES online. I mean outside the occasional Splatoon 2  or Tetris 99 itch I get this service is a let down and had I not already brought my nephews into my family account I probably would not be subscribed.

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On 7/21/2021 at 2:00 PM, iStu X said:

I feel like GB/C and GBA games should be no brainers. Their libraries are insanely strong. Especially GBA. 

Oh I agree, the Game Boy/ Game Boy Color catalog alone is pretty strong.

And GB Emulation is one of the easiest to write for in terms of Emulation, that coming from the Dev who ported the original GBC Shante to the Switch. What is Nindy's excuse? 

GBA games are also not hard to run, if Nindy can put GBA games on the 3DS early in it's life for the (infuriating) Ambassador program they can put the same bloody games on the Switch.


Edited by DarkSakul
Put GB/C and GBA titles on the Switch Nintendo you Cowards
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I've been playing Mario Golf this last weekend and I'm pretty far into the Adventure story.  The story is fucking stupid, but playing golf is fun as hell.  As soon as I'm done with Adventure I'm going to take the online for a spin.


Any of you guys got the game and want to play a set let me know.

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  • iStu X changed the title to The Nintendo Switch Thread v. SWOLED!: No More Heroes III 8/27
On 7/26/2021 at 1:13 PM, Chadouken said:

I've been playing Mario Golf this last weekend and I'm pretty far into the Adventure story.  The story is fucking stupid, but playing golf is fun as hell.  As soon as I'm done with Adventure I'm going to take the online for a spin.


Any of you guys got the game and want to play a set let me know.

I don't know if I will ever get the urge to beat the adventure mode in that game.  I hate how every round you have to run around chasing your ball.  It's just so much wasted time making it artificially longer.  


I'm glad my son enjoys the game though so I don't feel like I wasted $60.

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I know is part of Nintendo to make a mario sports game every now and then but golf?? Like isnt that a small demographic to target? Afaik only white boomers play it. Dont get me wrong, the game could be fun but is a hard sell at full price imo. I remember playing Mario Tennis on N64 and was really fun (I also played tennis at the time). Havent checked the Switch version yet. Where the hell is Mario Strikers for Switch? Now that was some fun. It would be easy money for them to release it before the World Cup. Instead of golf they could have easily made a Mario (beach)Volleyball with similar mechanics as ace tennis and for a bigger market

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15 minutes ago, locoghoul said:

I know is part of Nintendo to make a mario sports game every now and then but golf?? Like isnt that a small demographic to target? Afaik only white boomers play it. Dont get me wrong, the game could be fun but is a hard sell at full price imo. I remember playing Mario Tennis on N64 and was really fun (I also played tennis at the time). Havent checked the Switch version yet. Where the hell is Mario Strikers for Switch? Now that was some fun. It would be easy money for them to release it before the World Cup. Instead of golf they could have easily made a Mario (beach)Volleyball with similar mechanics as ace tennis and for a bigger market

Well, you are just wrong - it's selling perfectly fine at full price and was the #1 selling Switch game in June.



Edited by purbeast
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1 hour ago, locoghoul said:

I know is part of Nintendo to make a mario sports game every now and then but golf?? Like isnt that a small demographic to target? Afaik only white boomers play it. Dont get me wrong, the game could be fun but is a hard sell at full price imo. I remember playing Mario Tennis on N64 and was really fun (I also played tennis at the time). Havent checked the Switch version yet. Where the hell is Mario Strikers for Switch? Now that was some fun. It would be easy money for them to release it before the World Cup. Instead of golf they could have easily made a Mario (beach)Volleyball with similar mechanics as ace tennis and for a bigger market

Mario Golf has been a staple since N64.   And if we want to go back further they officially made a golf game for the NES though it wasn't under the Mario moniker at that time.  I enjoyed playing Mario Golf on the N64, can't explain exactly what it is but it was a fun relaxing game especially playing with others.  Also doesn't hurt that when you get a ball perfectly in that game you'd set the ball on fire or whatever other gimmick your character would have for the special shots.


Also what purbeast is saying is correct especially since he's showing the receipt.  Mario Sports titles generally do well regardless of the genre.  We're pretty overdue for another Strikers game imo but they got Next Level doing big boy stuff at the moment who knows if someone else will take up the mantle for that or if they'll even let them spend the time to do another one.

Edited by Sonichuman
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3 hours ago, locoghoul said:

Like isnt that a small demographic to target?

Golf is one of the biggest selling sports catagories in gaming so.....No.


3 hours ago, locoghoul said:

Afaik only white boomers play it.

Well what you know is apperantly wrong. Golf games are sold to many demographics, be it wide age range as well as racial range.


Golfs like one of the most popular sports in the world dude...

Edited by RSG3
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I finally started playing Ocotpath Traveler. Maaaaaan, this sprites in this game and the backgrounds look SO GOOOOOOODAAAAAAA!!!!! Screenshots do not do this game justice. And the battle system is loads of fun! Finding out what enemies are vulnerable to, boosting, etc. I also like that I can pursue the the other characters and add them to my part in any order I choose. I started with Olberic, then recruited Primrose.


And the soundtrack to Octopath Traveler?


Happy Antonio Banderas GIF


I mean, I've heard this OST several times already but hearing it in gameplay just reaffirms how awesome it is. 

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