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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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The double edged sword of working for a local/small business is that you're constantly walking on a tight rope of being employed or not. If the store isn't making the money they need to afford you than they can't afford you. I was just let go tonight because of said reason. 


The owners weren't really paying attention and have been hemorrhaging money. While that sounds like an excuse from them it's really not. They've both have had really busy year. Which is about how long I've been here. One just had a kid. The other is expecting a kid. The one who's expecting got a new day job that keeps him very busy. So they've had higher priorities. 


Doesn't make it suck less though. I have no ill will towards them. It is what it is. I've worked for small businesses almost my entire life. I've seen tons of them open and close over the years. They're not closing or anything thankfully but it sucks I'll know longer be able to be apart of their growth. Though they did say once they get the store back on track they'll hire me back. So that's very nice of them. Still, doesn't make it suck any less. 


Really sucks being an unemployed 37 year old. Thankfully between my disability check and my girlfriends work/child support checks I'm not going to be struggling for money or be stressed about bills. It's still a really shitty feeling and I feel really defeated as I did do my best to make the store grow. 


I think I'm just gunna take a mental health break from working. Spend some genuine quality time with the gf and her kid, try to put a dent in my video game backlog and just get my head on right. 

Edited by iStu X
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Thankfully between my disability check and my girlfriends work/child support checks I'm not going to be struggling for money or be stressed about bills.


think I'm just gunna take a mental health break from working. Spend some genuine quality time with the gf and her kid, try to put a dent in my video game backlog and just get my head on right

Imagine having to pay child support. And some or even all of that money. Is going towards taking care of your ex's new dude. While he instead of immediately trying to get back to work. Takes a break and catches up on some gaming.....


All this would be fine. Had it not been mentioned it's being done partially on another man's dime.

Edited by BB_Hoody
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5 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Saw this little comic show up in my feed and thought it was funny but was not prepared that it was actually based off an actual video lol

People are wild AF.  I've seen enough about monkey's ripping the face off of people that I def ain't gonna try to give one hands.

That's probably why he was so quick to attack as soon as he saw the slightest bit of aggression.  Didn't want to give it a chance to strike back and do that kind of damage.

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11 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:



How many black people did you see in Germany?

Actually a few. There was a brotha of Kenyan descent who's first generation German that was working at the Hotel I stayed in. Dude speaks German, French and English. Cool dude.


And I saw a decent number of African brothas walking about in Munich. And one who worked at the Grocery store in the train station. Munich is a very diverse international city.


Saw a variety of Asians, Arabic, other Europeans, even met a older New Zealand couple. But I did not see any other black Americans though. Probably would see them in northern Germany where the military bases are by Frankfurt.

Edited by BB_Hoody
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3 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

Imagine having to pay child support. And some or even all of that money. Is going towards taking care of your ex's new dude. While he instead of immediately trying to get back to work. Takes a break and catches up on some gaming.....


All this would be fine. Had it not been mentioned it's being done partially on another man's dime.

No need to imagine because it's none his or your business, you don't know how that money is being spent, your just assuming it's being used to take care of the dude because you immediately jump to "does he provide monetary value" as a way of trying to assess his value as a man himself when men provide value far far beyond money. 


Don't worry about imagining these things because they almost are never like the fantasy you drummed up in your head in the first place. 

Edited by RSG3
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Full warning yes you will see the dude get shot but you won't really "See" anything.  No blood, gore or any of that stuff.


I mean....I'm not sure what he was saying to the delivery driver but it was clear the driver wanted no parts of it...I feel like this is kind of overboard.    That being said though...he def FAFO.




community notes providing more context in a dif post


Edited by Sonichuman
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Yea saw that earlier today. Guy told him to go away like 4 times and was still all up in his face. Was shooting him a proportional response? Probably not. Do you get to control how the people you harass respond to your harassment? No. It's really stupid to fuck with complete strangers you know nothing about, lot of people have no patience for being toyed with. Not to mention that dudes huge, way bigger then the guy he's harassing and he has a camera man with him so little guys technically outnumbered to with 0 real clue of what their true intentions are. 


Saddest part is the "Prankster" is a dumbass and an assshoke because he said he's still gonna keep doing his pranks, like mother fucker how do yoy not get it yet?

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

No need to imagine because it's none his or your business, you don't know how that money is being spent, your just assuming it's being used to take care of the dude because you immediately jump to "does he provide monetary value" as a way of trying to assess his value as a man himself when men provide value far far beyond money. 


Don't worry about imagining these things because they almost are never like the fantasy you drummed up in your head in the first place. 

It's not a fantasy. He legit posted that. The context being that in a real life scenario, a dude wouldn't know without doing some investigating. 


That's why I said imagine this. Because if a dude actually knew for a fact? He'd go off. And I'm not equating his worth with his ability to provide financially. 


That's why I specified " All this would be fine if it wasn't partially on another man's dime" And in his own words "Thankfully between my disability check and my girlfriends work/child support checks I'm not going to be struggling for money or be stressed about bills"


Ain't no shame in your woman holding you down during rough times. But if I know she's collecting child support? I'd make it a point for not a single cent of that to be spent on me.

Edited by BB_Hoody
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38 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

It's not a fantasy. He legit posted that.

It is a fantasy because you do not know how the money in their house is spent, you made it up whole cloth out of almost nothing but a small snap shot of the life he chooses to share with you. 


He lives with his girl she gets child support so his not having a job doesn't effect her/their ability to care for the child. You have absolutly made up an entire scenario in your head my dude. He never said her child support was spent on him he said between his disability payments and their her child support they will be fine. As in his lack of employment wont inpact their living siutation.  Where you are getting that she spends her child's money on a dude who gets disability is quie the reach. 

Edited by RSG3
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14 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

It is a fantasy because you do not know how the money in their house is spent, you made it up whole cloth out of almost nothing but a small snap shot of the life he chooses to share with you. 


He lives with his girl she gets child support so his not having a job doesn't effect her/their ability to care for the child. You have absolutly made up an entire scenario in your head my dude. He never said her child support was spent on him he said between his disability payments and their her child support they will be fine. As in his lack of employment wont inpact their living siutation.  Where you are getting that she spends her child's money on a dude who gets disability is quie the reach

Me personally I wouldn't have even mentioned the child support. But fair enough. I'll acknowledge I looked too deep into that.

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8 hours ago, BB_Hoody said:

Me personally I wouldn't have even mentioned the child support. But fair enough. I'll acknowledge I looked too deep into that.

You aren't the only one. Maybe it isn't exactly the way he said it, but based on what he said it sounds an awful lot to me like dude is using the child support money that is meant for the child of the man paying it as part of a pretext to choose to be unemployed. Talk about saying the quiet part out loud.

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6 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:



She clearly thought the cop wasn't going to do anything based on everything in her body language.  Cop shouldn't have hit back but I don't blame him for slapping her back in that momentary lapse of emotional intelligence.  She deserved and likely its probably been an event that has needed to happen to her a long time ago in some form.  Cop should have stopped a moment to collect himself them arrested her for assault.

Edited by Sonichuman
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1 hour ago, iStu X said:

Talk about both of you making stupid as fuck assumptions about several situations you know nothing about. 

So your response isn't the clarify the situation but rather just to say "But you guys just don't understand!" Sounds like we understand plenty and it is what it sounds like.


Disgusted Colin Farrell GIF



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10 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

You didn't ask for clarification you jumped to a conclusion. He doesn't owe you a defense for your assumptions. 

No he doesn't, but I'd think he'd want to set the record straight rather then just tell us we don't understand. But to each their own I guess

7 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Why the fuck are you guys taking shots at Stu like that?  Acting like a bunch of assholes. No need for that shit.

Stu is allegedly mooching child support money meant for his girlfriend's kid to support his lifestyle while choosing not to to work and I'M the asshole? 😂

Edited by DoctaMario
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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I da know...maaaybe you 2 might need to reevaluate ya'lls relationship cause if a cop stops you from running a red light and is like "ayo uhh...look we're just gonna let you go cause this bitch is doing too much" then that might be a red flag.

Why the officer gotta stand directly behind that brotha like that? I'm getting buck breaking vibes

Edited by BB_Hoody
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4 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

I'll be honest.  It's the way he explained things. in combination with my beef with him. But ultimately he didn't start sh1t with me. So I shouldn't have came for him. 



You guys should squash that. No reason to kick a man while he's down. Especially when he's opening up about how much it sucks he lost his job and how defeated he feels. I don't like the way some of y'all treat each other. Makes this place way less fun to be a part of.

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4 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

You guys should squash that. No reason to kick a man while he's down. Especially when he's opening up about how much it sucks he lost his job and how defeated he feels. I don't like the way some of y'all treat each other. Makes this place way less fun to be a part of.

I don't know if it'll ever be squashed. But I'll be civil towards him so as to not kill the vibe here. If this is a safe space for him and others to vent? I won't ruin that again. Unless some truly wild sh1t is said that needs to be called out.

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haha that prankster getting shot... he didn't get the memo that you're supposed to fake the prank vids.  If you do the pranks for real then yeah... there's a good chance of getting beat up, stabbed or shot.


*y'know, for years it greatly disappointed me that I was the only person that was so amused by the very existence of that movie "Leonard, Part 6".  Most people either forgot or never heard of it unless I bring it up, and even then it's just like "....oh."  It's usually one of those times where I just wish I could make a few clones of myself and we'd all have a laugh about certain things like that.

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