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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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22 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Well...didn't the people who actually tried to tell Trump no get replaced?

I think there were things he wanted to do that either the party of maybe his more trusted advisors told him he shouldnt and they were dropped.

22 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:


The Reps basically ran the show for the 80s and most of the 90s. It's easy to have a spine when you have the degree of power they had back then. I think now the party realizes that Trump is more popular than their establishment candidates by a long shot and they're trying to ride that wave to power.



16 hours ago, RSG3 said:


Nobody reasonable believed it because it's equally as ridiculous as believing a guy whose own government tried to get rid of him during his presidency has the sauce to even pull off a dictatorship even if he wanted to.


Plus Trump is the only human being I've ever known that people take 100% literally 100% of the time. Nobody else is able to pull this off.

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24 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Plus Trump is the only human being I've ever known that people take 100% literally 100% of the time. Nobody else is able to pull this off.

I take everyone running for leader of my country seriously, it's why I think Vivek is a buffoon. I take him seriously on the things he says and the things he says are fucking stupid. 


Same for Trump. He really tries to do the things he says he wants to do. Wether he can or not isn't very relevant to how those ideas make me feel about him being the leader of my country. At no point ever should someone wanting to be leader of America ever utter the words "I want to be a Dictator" that's Anti-Ameican as a mother fucker. 


Youre welcome to not take him seriously. I didn't the first time around and we got an absolute shit show of a pandemic handling from him, plus huge tax breaks for those that don't need them and temporary shitty ones for those that really do need them, so I take him seriously when he says he's gonna do dumb fuck shit because when he can he does dumb fuck shit. You can gamble on "Dictator for a day" at your own peril bro. 

Edited by RSG3
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Since my mom retired in June, she decided to make barbecue on her grill instead of us going to a restaurant this year for my birthday. She made chicken,corn,vegetables.


I rarely go to Barbecue restaurants because it seems like their objective is to sell you a meal with more sides than meat. 


I got a key lime pie from a local company instead of a cake just for a change.


My mom got me Like a Dragon Gaiden for PS4 indirectly (got the PSN card). So it was pretty cool bday.



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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

I take everyone running for leader of my country seriously, it's why I think Vivek is a buffoon. I take him seriously on the things he says and the things he says are fucking stupid. 


Same for Trump. He really tries to do the things he says he wants to do. Wether he can or not isn't very relevant to how those ideas make me feel about him being the leader of my country. At no point ever should someone wanting to be leader of America ever utter the words "I want to be a Dictator" that's Anti-Ameican as a mother fucker. 


Youre welcome to not take him seriously. I didn't the first time around and we got an absolute shit show of a pandemic handling from him, plus huge tax breaks for those that don't need them and temporary shitty ones for those that really do need them, so I take him seriously when he says he's gonna do dumb fuck shit because when he can he does dumb fuck shit. You can gamble on "Dictator for a day" at your own peril bro. 

I'm not saying don't take them seriously, I'm saying don't take something that obviously isn't meant in a serious way literally. He says a lot of dumb shit off the cuff and people are still hanging on his every syllable despite knowing this for how long now?


It's tiresome that people are still doing this thing for effect where they suddenly come down with a case of selective Asperger's and pretend like they can't parse an obvious joke or quip before going full Charlie Kelly trying to explain how it's really a "dog whistle" or him "saying the quiet part out loud." 

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3 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

maybe they banned him over that statement. maybe they took it as a diss?

cuz it seems that the judges that ruled against him were mostly republican. 1 independent. no democrats. hmmm.


post is still funny tho.


The judges were all appointed by Democrats, but it was a group of Republicans that brought the suit the judges ruled on.

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So...Rudy filed for Bankruptcy


I'd say "you hate to see it" but....


Also apparently some recordings of Trump just dropped where he was also pretty clearly trying to interfere in Michigan's election process and trying to get them to not certify the votes



Unfortunately I have to take Trump at his word because honestly I can't tell what is a joke and what isn't with him..and that's a big problem.  I'm not going to go to far into this cause I think we're already skirting the line as it is on political talk but we've kept it pretty civil but if I'm about to get on a plane and the pilot greets me at the door saying "I've had some close calls, hopefully we won't crash this time!", I'm going to feel incredibly uneasy.  There are certain things you just can't really joke about when especially when you're in a position of power and you hold people's lives in your hand.  If Biden cracked a "joke" about being a dictator, I would hope that people would shit on him for it as well even if Venn diagram for his personality or his prior actions don't line up.

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

I'm not saying don't take them seriously, I'm saying don't take something that obviously isn't meant in a serious way literally. He says a lot of dumb shit off the cuff and people are still hanging on his every syllable despite knowing this for how long now?


It's tiresome that people are still doing this thing for effect where they suddenly come down with a case of selective Asperger's and pretend like they can't parse an obvious joke or quip before going full Charlie Kelly trying to explain how it's really a "dog whistle" or him "saying the quiet part out loud." 

The only thing tiresome here is Trump and the GOP theatrics that I can't tell what's worth taking seriously or not so I take it all seriously. 


Call it aspergers if you want, I guess. Seems like a weak counter argument to the stupidity and danger that is the GOP to me tho *shrug*

Edited by RSG3
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10 hours ago, RSG3 said:

The only thing tiresome here is Trump and the GOP theatrics that I can't tell what's worth taking seriously or not so I take it all seriously. 


Call it aspergers if you want, I guess. Seems like a weak counter argument to the stupidity and danger that is the GOP to me tho *shrug*

I'm not arguing anything, this stuff is all pretty factual if you're actually paying any sort of attention beyond what corporate media outlets tell you. If you don't want to accept that, that's another story though.


It's not a one sided problem though. Both Republicans and Democrats play for the same team and are trying to take our rights away over time, and it's working.

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2 minutes ago, Reticently said:

Some of it is the little details they get wrong, like if the tubing in an IV system is hooked up wrong.


But a lot of it is just the doctors on that show are constantly doing menial medical things that in the real world get handed off to nurses/mid-levels.  

Interesting. My wife and I had a point system while we were watching the show e.g. if there was a scene of House playing an instrument or drinking, she'd get a point, if someone puked blood or Wilson lent House money, I'd get a point. It was fun lol


Great show though, one of the few I can say was pretty consistently good even towards the end.

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Secret Service Reportedly Opens Investigation Into '80s Icon John Schneider After He Urged a Public Hanging For Biden




The U.S. Secret Service opened an investigation Thursday into ’80s star John Schneider for demanding the public hanging of Joe Biden and son Hunter Biden, even though he has since walked back those statements.

Although the Secret Service and the White House officially remained mum on the subject, Deadline reported, “sources close to events confirm a probe is in the preliminary stage.”

Schneider, who starred as Bo Due in The Dukes of Hazard, had just finished a stint on The Masked Singer when he tweeted:



The post has since been deleted and Schneider, a MAGA Republican, now says his tweet was misconstrued:



“Seriously, folks?” said Schneider to Deadline today in the second of two statements on his Biden remarks. “This is my final comment on this. I neither said nor implied any such thing. Despite headlines claiming otherwise, in my post, I absolutely did not call for an act of violence or threaten a U.S. president as many other celebrities have done in the past. I suggest you re-read my actual post and pay attention to the words before believing this nonsense.”


“It’s my position, which I am entitled to have, that some of our nations leaders in Washington have lost their way, and corruption runs rampant, both on our nation’s borders and abroad,” Schneider went on to say. “Transparency and accountability must happen in order for our constitutional republic to survive. There is no threat implied or otherwise in that statement.”


According to Deadline, “The law ‘prohibits knowing and willful threats to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm against’ the President, the VP, their predecessors, potential successors, and their respective ‘immediate family.’”

Read the Deadline story here.



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8 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

Secret Service Reportedly Opens Investigation Into '80s Icon John Schneider After He Urged a Public Hanging For Biden




The U.S. Secret Service opened an investigation Thursday into ’80s star John Schneider for demanding the public hanging of Joe Biden and son Hunter Biden, even though he has since walked back those statements.

Although the Secret Service and the White House officially remained mum on the subject, Deadline reported, “sources close to events confirm a probe is in the preliminary stage.”

Schneider, who starred as Bo Due in The Dukes of Hazard, had just finished a stint on The Masked Singer when he tweeted:



The post has since been deleted and Schneider, a MAGA Republican, now says his tweet was misconstrued:



According to Deadline, “The law ‘prohibits knowing and willful threats to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm against’ the President, the VP, their predecessors, potential successors, and their respective ‘immediate family.’”

Read the Deadline story here.



They did this for Eminem when he did a cypher about Trump. This isn't just a Biden thing. 

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5 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I'm not arguing anything

You're arguing that if you take everything Trump says seriously up have Aspergers. That's the actual argument you made lol. I dunno what the rest of that part pf the post was about, I'm talking about the things Trump says, I never brought up the media's reporting habits. 


5 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

It's not a one sided problem though.

I never said it was so I dunno why your both siding the conversation all of a sudden lol. No one said the left aren't a bunch of liars you should be weary as fuck of as well.

Edited by RSG3
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16 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I never said it was so I dunno why your both siding the conversation all of a sudden lol. No one said the left aren't a bunch of liars you should be weary as fuck of as well.

I watched a video of a libtard trying to have a gotcha moment with a Trump supporter about Hunter Biden's gun charges, and how hypocritical Trump supporters are because they're pro 2A and shit. Motherfucker.  Crackheads can't legally own firearms. It was so fucking cringe watching this pussy ass try to talk down to others, while being a complete fucking idiot with his stupid purple hair. 

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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

I watched a video of a libtard trying to have a gotcha moment with a Trump supporter about Hunter Biden's gun charges, and how hypocritical Trump supporters are because they're pro 2A and shit. Motherfucker.  Crackheads can't legally own firearms. It was so fucking cringe watching this pussy ass try to talk down to others, while being a complete fucking idiot with his stupid purple hair. 

LOL that is what I always think whenever they bring Hunter Biden up



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26 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


American comics went woke and are way overpriced. That's why I stopped buying them around three years ago. 


18 minutes ago, Lantis said:

LOL that is what I always think whenever they bring Hunter Biden up



Whenever I hear Hunter Biden come up I just think of him ordering thousands in room service, spreading the food around the hotel room, then plopping his cock down on a plate right in the middle and snapping a pic. That fool documented literally everything he did.  That was with your tax dollars by the way.

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9 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

hmm. i need to see the lesbo tape for..cultural enrichment purposes


Good gawd the ignorance in that comment section. 


I'm not surprised with her at all as many churches throughout the USA have become paganized and homosexuality and sexual promiscuity are way more prevalent than they are willing to admit. We are seeing a repeat of Israel's history where the Jews in the larger city were Hellenized but the Jews in rural areas wanted to stay orthodox. 

She could sleep with a 1,000 other women but it doesn't make her stance any less credible. The topic of sexuality does not belong in schools. The LGBTQ flag denotes sexuality, do I get to parade a flag around that  says I love big honking tits and asses?  Is that acceptable in an elementary school? Why does little Timmy need to know you are a pansexual dragonkin? I've seen gay men say that this does not belong in schools if you disagree you are probably a predator.  I believe what happens in the bedroom is between you, your partner, and your creator. Let's leave the kids out of it. 


Let's teach kids math instead of pronouns. 



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20 hours ago, Hecatom said:


Some fool on Twitter/X tried to tell me that Manga is only selling well because of "Japanese exoticism". There is nothing "exotic" about manga. I've been able to buy Manga since I was 12 years old. I'm 44.  Manga sales took off because they are not trying to appeal to everyone which appeals to no one.

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